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--- Post your favorite live quotes from Terry & Friends! (http://www.danielamos.com/wbb2/thread.php?threadid=12085)

Posted by James on 11-01-2007 at23:16:

  Post your favorite live quotes from Terry & Friends!

Most of you have seen Terry, The Dogs, etc. at some time or another. There are always classic one-liners flying around at these shows. Post any that come to mind. Here's a few from me:

Phil Madeira (during an impromptu audience clap-along trainwreck): "Okay, white people... I think I can get through this without you." (The funniest part was, he seemed genuinely annoyed)

Mike Roe (while playing my wedding reception with The Dogs): "So, this is what we've been reduced to... playing weddings." (he said this repeatedly throughout the show)

Terry at Cornerstone 2000(?) (After a fan yelled for "Behind the Wall of Sleep") : "I hit the Wall of Sleep an hour ago, pal."

Mike to Gene (Dogs concert, Cornerstone '94?): "Man, that thing is ugly. Why don't you get a REAL guitar?"

Gene to Mike: "At least mine stays in tune."

Mike to Gene: "Talking Heads ripoff."

I know I'm forgetting a ton of other gems, but these were the ones I could think of off the top of my head.

Posted by dennis on 11-02-2007 at07:38:


Terry: "I'm feeling really 'Wang Chung' tonight."

Posted by dennis on 11-02-2007 at07:38:


Phil Maderia: "I had to be a 'Larry Norman' but can we do something about the delay on the vocal?"

Posted by sprinklerhead on 11-02-2007 at07:42:


Terry and Mike at my house
Terry to Mike eating a Twinkie: You know what goes good with Twinkies? Beer
Mike: No, really? Sounds disgusting. (Takes a sip as everyone moans) Ah, a true taste treat!! It's just like college.

Posted by Jimmy Brown on 11-02-2007 at09:00:


The only one of the bands I have ever seen live is the 77s, and it was in an "intimate" space with a 7-foot drop ceiling because noise complaints from the people who lived around the festival ground had, after 3 days, driven the festival indoors for the big headline act (77s). I could barely understand a thing Mike said because the sound was so bad. But I've heard a couple of good quotes from others attributed to Terry.

In the pre-Alarma days, a guy I met in California was with the band at someone's house. One of the band members had taken a nap and emerged from the room still looking very tired. Terry called out "Go back, Lazarus. Go back."

Someone reported more recently a comment Terry made to the audience: "Some of you look like you fell in a tackle box."

Posted by Drtuddle on 11-02-2007 at09:59:


2000 Cornerstone after audience members did their version of "I Love you number 19" And the crowd went crazy. Terry says "What they get a standing ovation?!"

Posted by Kit on 11-03-2007 at12:07:


At a Mike Roe solo show before playing "Shotgun Angel"...

Mike: When it came time to pick a Daniel Amos song to cover, we figured it was best to choose the song that sucked least.......now I don't want to hear this get back to Terry, ok?

*those weren't his exact words but I'm sure you get the gist...

Posted by ladrtrk55 on 11-04-2007 at11:50:


At Cornerstone, Randy Stonehill came up to a few of us filming from the soundboard platform and said,

"I really prefer you guys not film any of my performance".

Posted by DwDunphy on 11-04-2007 at11:58:


Never saw them live, but you have to love Terry's banter on the "Motor Cycle Tracks" interview.

Dr. Shore - Can we touch on some themes on "Motor Cycle"?

Terry - You want me to touch on them?!

Posted by James on 11-04-2007 at23:16:


Originally posted by ladrtrk55
At Cornerstone, Randy Stonehill came up to a few of us filming from the soundboard platform and said,

"I really prefer you guys not film any of my performance".

Hilarious! So, can I get a copy of the show?

Posted by Lur King on 11-05-2007 at11:45:

Thumb Up! a few GooD oNeS HeRe

Favorite BBQ Quote

Posted by ladrtrk55 on 11-05-2007 at12:50:


Originally posted by James
Originally posted by ladrtrk55
At Cornerstone, Randy Stonehill came up to a few of us filming from the soundboard platform and said,

"I really prefer you guys not film any of my performance".

Hilarious! So, can I get a copy of the show?

I was a bit taken a-back, with his tight jeans and cowboy boots. I smiled and said, "no problem Randy, I'm here for DA and the Eddies, I didn't know you wuz gonna be here too and I don't have another tape anyways".

I was accosted by Roger Martinez in the same way, but I had to change my shorts that time.

Posted by James on 11-05-2007 at15:15:


Originally posted by ladrtrk55
Originally posted by James
Originally posted by ladrtrk55
At Cornerstone, Randy Stonehill came up to a few of us filming from the soundboard platform and said,

"I really prefer you guys not film any of my performance".

Hilarious! So, can I get a copy of the show?

I was a bit taken a-back, with his tight jeans and cowboy boots. I smiled and said, "no problem Randy, I'm here for DA and the Eddies, I didn't know you wuz gonna be here too and I don't have another tape anyways".

I was accosted by Roger Martinez in the same way, but I had to change my shorts that time.

Haha! What did Roger say to you?

Posted by ladrtrk55 on 11-06-2007 at08:59:


Originally posted by James
Originally posted by ladrtrk55
Originally posted by James
Originally posted by ladrtrk55
At Cornerstone, Randy Stonehill came up to a few of us filming from the soundboard platform and said,

"I really prefer you guys not film any of my performance".

Hilarious! So, can I get a copy of the show?

I was a bit taken a-back, with his tight jeans and cowboy boots. I smiled and said, "no problem Randy, I'm here for DA and the Eddies, I didn't know you wuz gonna be here too and I don't have another tape anyways".

I was accosted by Roger Martinez in the same way, but I had to change my shorts that time.

Haha! What did Roger say to you?

I'd asked him before the show if I could tape it. He said no, that his label contracts wouldn't allow it.
Anyways, once they started playing, I was completely blown away at their stage presence and when Roger started preaching, I thought that would be OK to record. That and a song or 2. I wasn't a Vengeance fan, but the kids we'd brought were and for sure they had unsaved friends who really needed to see that cool guys preach too.
No sooner had the show ended and the lights came up, Roger made a bee-line off the stage for me.
He proceded to read me the riot act and demanded I surrender the tape. Not a problem, as I felt 2" tall. I had no doubt he would have shoved the tape where sun has never shown had I resisted.
The portion of the preaching was later used, without credit or compensation, in his concert video. Also, he later returned my tape with all but the preaching erased.
Interesting, because not 6 months later, he had no problem with nearly 1/2 the audience at the Cornerstone show taping.

I thank God Terry is much more mellow than Roger Roll Eyes har har

Posted by dennis on 11-06-2007 at10:20:


"You're not gonna understand all the words either, but that's real rock-n-roll."

Terry Taylor

Posted by Mountain Fan on 11-08-2007 at14:39:


I know it's only rock n roll but I like it, love it, yes i do! Pleased

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