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Posted by colorblind on 03-29-2008 at13:49:

  Motor Cycle

I don't know what to say about this album. I heard it for the first time on Friday. Stunned! Sounds as fresh as a farmer's market. Just amazing...

Posted by wakachiwaka on 03-29-2008 at15:41:

Thumb Up! RE: Motor Cycle

Motor Cycle is da bomb! You're coming into it from a point of disadvantage, though - the disadvantage being that you're receiving it in the midst of a bombardment of material that is new to you (I seem to recall you saying you were getting a bunch of new stuff), but which also has a "history". Those of us who've had the experience of long intervals between new DA "product" eagerly anticipated the new release, were immediately bowled over when we first heard it, then proceeded to spin it SOMETIMES MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY for months to follow, finding new things to appreciate with every fresh listen.

...or at least, that's what I did - didn't everybody? Tongue

Some of the things that put a smile on us old-timers' faces might be lost on the relative newcomer to DA: Hearing Jerry C's guitar and voice on a DA record again; Rob W's keys; the first and only appearance of a Mellotron on a DA record (seems obvious now); a return to the "big production" approach reminiscent of Shotgun Angel or Horrendous Disc, complete with an album-side length "song cycle"; more vocal harmonies than we had been hearing of late from Terry & Company...

Did I miss anything?

Posted by Pfiagra on 03-29-2008 at16:57:

  RE: Motor Cycle

Originally posted by wakachiwaka
Did I miss anything?

Top notch cover art!

Posted by colorblind on 03-30-2008 at02:24:


Yeah...it's kind of been like christmas every day last week, and I still have lots more DA and DA related material enroute.

I totally know what you mean by absorbing so much DA at once...because it can be really hard to absorb and critical elements and moments get overlooked and taken for granted.
That's why this board has been so helpful.

The whole historic, who-played what, and who-left-the-band, and who-reappeared...thing is the part that messes up a real sense of how things came together and evolved for DA...but all of you do a great job pointing it all out for me. There is a weird, cultish(!), and extremely possessive fan club in these parts...and it's cool to see. The only other fan-base I've witnessed so loyal is Starflyer 59's.

Back to Motor Cycle. The production sounds expansive, and melodies are among the best I've heard consistently from Taylor so far...and the overall feeling I get from the record is freedom of expression. They sound like a band conquering the world, or at least their corner of it.

Posted by Dr Rich on 03-30-2008 at03:09:


To my ear Motor Cycle always sounds best while driving on the car.
It's Terry's Abbey Road. Cool

Starflyer 59? Love that band! Cool

Posted by Dr Rich on 03-30-2008 at03:18:


Originally posted by colorblind
They sound like a band conquering the world, or at least their corner of it.

Yes. Yes they do. Cool
The great thing about Motor Cycle, is there is so much stuff on that record, it often takes years to appreciate it all.

For example, I kinda missed out on the brilliance of "My Frontier" as it kinda gets blends into the songs "So Long" and "Grace Is The Smell Of Rain."

Posted by Dr Rich on 03-30-2008 at03:42:


I love way the music and lyrics blend on "Hole in the World."

It's great theological poetry that has mystical and almost liturgical sounding elements.

It gives it a Presbyterian or maybe even Episcopalian formalness on a lush 1960's musical bed with top notch production values.

One of the best examples found at the crossroads of poetry & theology. And the music stands alone without the amazing lyrics, as the intrumental version of this song attests to on MotorCycle Tracks.

In other words, to me, this song just feels like home.

Posted by Dr Rich on 03-30-2008 at03:48:


Originally posted by colorblind
They sound like a band conquering the world, or at least their corner of it.

Kinda like the old days!

Posted by James on 03-30-2008 at10:31:


Live Bootleg has the best version of Hound of Heaven. I love the extra guitar licks.

As for Motorcycle, that album was my introduction to DA (and what an introduction it was!). I actually discovered the Lost Dogs (LRRH) before any of the guys' "real" bands. Motorcycle blew me away then, and it's still my favorite today. "What's Come (Over Me)" was a highlight for me. That song brought me so much joy. I loved it so much, I learned how to play it on the guitar (not that it's a hard song to learn). It's always been a dream of mine to play that song live with Terry. Who knows, it could still happen. Wink

Posted by Audiori J on 03-30-2008 at11:19:

  RE: Motor Cycle

Originally posted by wakachiwaka
Motor Cycle is da bomb! You're coming into it from a point of disadvantage, though - the disadvantage being that you're receiving it in the midst of a bombardment of material that is new to you (I seem to recall you saying you were getting a bunch of new stuff), but which also has a "history". Those of us who've had the experience of long intervals between new DA "product" eagerly anticipated the new release, were immediately bowled over when we first heard it, then proceeded to spin it SOMETIMES MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY for months to follow, finding new things to appreciate with every fresh listen.

...or at least, that's what I did - didn't everybody? Tongue

Some of the things that put a smile on us old-timers' faces might be lost on the relative newcomer to DA: Hearing Jerry C's guitar and voice on a DA record again; Rob W's keys; the first and only appearance of a Mellotron on a DA record (seems obvious now); a return to the "big production" approach reminiscent of Shotgun Angel or Horrendous Disc, complete with an album-side length "song cycle"; more vocal harmonies than we had been hearing of late from Terry & Company...

Did I miss anything?

I agree. Theres also something to getting each album as it came out and hearing the progression as it happened. Little nods back to the earlier albums. The DA fanbase that followed along through the years sort of felt like we were all in on an inside joke that the rest of the world was not privy to. We were 'in on it..' with DA it seemed as though each album was a culmination of what came before. MotorCycle and Mr Buechners especially seemed as though the band wanted to include all the elements that everyone loved. Bits of Shotgun Angel, bits of Alarma, bits of Doppelganger, bits of Horrendous Disc, and so on.

I always thought of Lets Spin as a revised Horrendous Disc in a way; Horrendous Disc came out in the time of weird costumes and Preachers From Outer Space Schtick and there were six members in the band. Lets Spin had the Swirlding Eddies schtick and costumes and again a six member band. Even the albums themselves to me have parallels, I love You #19, I've Got An Idea.... both albums have odd percussion and keyboards, and both are good ald fashioned rock and roll.

MotorCycle also has simularities to Horrendous Disc I believe, but there is so much more there. "Heres to perfect days, its gonna take so long..."

Posted by jiminy on 03-30-2008 at11:41:

  RE: Motor Cycle

Originally posted by colorblind
I don't know what to say about this album. I heard it for the first time on Friday. Stunned! Sounds as fresh as a farmer's market. Just amazing...

ok cb.. is your name realy Rip Van Winkle??
(Not that your an allegorical Drunk who finally woke up after 20 years of trouble)
but it sounds like you somehow inherited someones collection..
you are talkin bout upcoming AC sets..and hearing MC for the first time

or are you independently wealthy?? THis collection you recently acquired dont come cheap for the rest of us (ask me wife!)

anyway , MC is in many ways my favorite DA of all.
its a serious attempt to be what FArm Beetles mocked...(which I stil dont have it in my heart to hear- to close to my lil gods)

so MC is HUGE in this fab 4 lovers chart and heart

Posted by Audiori J on 03-30-2008 at12:09:


As a Beatles fan, farm beetles is hilarious. Berger-Bob's singing is worth the price, the lyrics are alos farmerized in funny way on some of the tracks.

By the way, if you want to find articles on DanielAmos.com about a certain topic, you can use this; http://www.danielamos.com/search.html Be sure to click on the DanielAmos.com dot so it doesn't just search google.

Posted by Dr Rich on 03-30-2008 at13:56:

Thumb Up! RE: Motor Cycle

Originally posted by Audiori J
I always thought of Lets Spin as a revised Horrendous Disc in a way; Horrendous Disc came out in the time of weird costumes and Preachers From Outer Space Schtick and there were six members in the band. Lets Spin had the Swirlding Eddies schtick and costumes and again a six member band. Even the albums themselves to me have parallels, I love You #19, I've Got An Idea.... both albums have odd percussion and keyboards, and both are good old fashioned rock and roll.

I never thought of that, but yes, I can see the connection.

...and I do love the "good old fashioned rock and roll!" Cool

Posted by Dr Rich on 03-30-2008 at13:57:


Originally posted by Audiori J
As a Beatles fan, farm beetles is hilarious. Berger-Bob's singing is worth the price, the lyrics are alos farmerized in funny way on some of the tracks.

Yes, great stuff! Cool

Posted by jiminy on 03-30-2008 at19:41:


OK OK...should my days prevail...I will listen to it..after Ringo breathes his last toke..er breath down here below.
I think they will leave us in the same order we had the chance to "Meet" them.

Fair enough?

Posted by Dr Rich on 03-30-2008 at20:07:

Thumb Up!

Originally posted by jiminy

I have a copy of this record framed and hanging in my apartment. Cool

Posted by Dr Rich on 03-30-2008 at20:09:


At half price books they had a counterfeit copy of the butcher album.
It was less than a hundred dollars I think.

I should have bought it.

Posted by jiminy on 03-30-2008 at21:20:


ok - sorry- I dint mean to derail the thread with all this Beatle talk.... Cool
As far as MC~
one of the most direct Beatleque moments (IMHO) is found in Wise Acres..
those guitar turn arounds sound so reminicent of "The End"-
Terry and Co pick up the great nuances ..and interpret them their own way..
The entire project is slick, clean, full and, well-... just a fine polished work- plus (not to take away from other DA things) its a project where the Music is so in synch with the lyrical content..
I think thats what makes it work so well.
I also think its the only DA work that the boys took pains to capture a sound "from the Past" (so to speak)
Works up to this point were reflecting current trends..here they sought to capture a certain sound instead (if that makes sense)

Posted by colorblind on 03-30-2008 at21:39:


i'm not rich...nor did i inherit someone's collection...
i sold about $400 of my music collection in the past few months...and God whispered in my ear to dig into the treasure that is Terry Taylor...
...and that is the whole truth!

Posted by Dr Rich on 03-31-2008 at02:06:


Wow, that's great! Pleased

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