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Posted by Tyler Durden on 01-26-2003 at13:24:

  Gift to the fans

I feel very fortunate to be an owner of this cd. It is really good.

I also feel like I ripped off Terry by only paying $15 bucks for this collector's item.
Favorites Upon First Listen
Satellite Moon
Welcome to the Real World (to someday be played at my son's graduation)
Don't Do, Maybe (greatest quirky song about indecision)
Goodie Bear (I have never seen the cartoon of this bear, but I think he would freak me out.)

Doug TenNapels comments are hilarious.

Thank you Terry, Doug and Townsends for putting this together. I appriecitate the unique offerings with the Avocado Clubs and this Random Acts & Hodgepodge.

Any fan without this collection will surely knock themselves in the head if they passed it up. I will be signing up for Avocado CLub Year 2

Posted by Mark on 01-26-2003 at15:33:


Speaking of,


Should we be renewing our memberships now? Are you going to continue doing this?

Posted by audiori on 01-26-2003 at16:31:


As far as I know, there are plans to continue.. hopefully with more frequent releases than we've had so far. Anyone that has 2 discs will need to renew if they haven't already.. those of you that already did after your first year was up, will still have a year (or 2 discs) on your subscription.

Before a third disc is released, we'll probably send an email or a postcard or something to anyone who's subscription has expired, as a reminder.

I think disc 3 will be something different musically than the first 2... not sure what it will be just yet.

Posted by BD on 01-26-2003 at16:31:


any news on BIG?

Posted by audiori on 01-26-2003 at16:34:


I haven't heard anything lately. Right now, I think Terry's just getting ready for the Lost Dogs shows coming up in Nashville and Ohio.

Posted by Mark on 01-26-2003 at16:37:


I've renewed.

Posted by Captain Pedantic on 01-26-2003 at16:40:



I said a few times to send my 77's, Dog's, Terry Christmas, Club 2 and hodgepodge together to NZ to save on postage. (and the 77's poster frommid last year)

I was wondering if you knew offhand if you have sent them yet?

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