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Posted by jeffrey k. on 02-09-2003 at09:37:

  ideola CD

Sorry for the non DA related post...but does anyone on this list have a mint or near mint original copy of Mark Heard's Ideola "Tribal Opera" CD they would be willing to sell me..or know of someone who does? (And not Radrockers...I refuse to pay $250 for one CD....I don't care who recorded it.)

Contact me at lo_fidelity@msn.com. with info or leads!


jeffrey k.

Posted by Jevon the Tall on 02-09-2003 at21:55:


The best I can do is send you the CD I made from my cassette.

For a second there, I was thinking you had snagged the rights for a re-issue.

One can only hope huh? What records died a quick death. I wonder who owns the masters since A&M is officially dead?

Posted by Captain Pedantic on 02-09-2003 at21:58:


Originally posted by Jevon the Tall
For a second there, I was thinking you had snagged the rights for a re-issue.

You would have my $ for that one.

Have cassette.... want more....

Posted by baxter on 02-09-2003 at23:29:


Also have tape...also want more...

Posted by jeffrey k. on 02-10-2003 at06:06:


Originally posted by Jevon the Tall
The best I can do is send you the CD I made from my cassette.

Thanks...but you don't have to do that...I'm really looking for the original CD...that is really kind though.

[For a second there, I was thinking you had snagged the rights for a re-issue.

I wish...at this point I'd just like to have the original CD! Since I posted the original message, I did find a place online selling it for $85 which is a lot...but cheaper than other places I've seen it. It should not cost this much for one cd.


jeffrey k.

Posted by jiminy on 02-10-2003 at08:33:


I DID buy a sealed cassette for 15.00 and felt that was a deal-and now its a CDR.
Radroackers knows there stuff- it IS rare...
The last CD I saw was in a bin (sealed) for about 3.00..of course that was in 1989......and I was broke. Dead broke.
It is a great work- doesnt Fingerprint Records own that material still?

Posted by DaLe on 02-10-2003 at08:45:


Originally posted by jeffrey k. I did find a place online selling it for $85 which is a lot...but cheaper than other places I've seen it. It should not cost this much for one cd.

jeffrey k.

your starting to sound like ME Roll Eyes just kidding, good luck finding it.

Posted by jeffrey k. on 02-10-2003 at09:31:

  radrockers and fingerprint

Originally posted by jiminy
Radroackers knows there stuff- it IS rare...
The last CD I saw was in a bin (sealed) for about 3.00..of course that was in 1989......and I was broke. Dead broke.
It is a great work- doesnt Fingerprint Records own that material still?

Yeah...Radrockers knows it's rare, but I don't think it warrants a $250 price-tag. Rare or not, thats just stupid. Plus, the only people that benefit from that sale (I imagine) is Radrockers...not Janet Heard or the heard estate. I really would love to be able to re-release it at some point, and give a portion of the profit to the Heard family. I really don't think Fingerprint owns the rights to it, or anything pre-dating Ideola...I think they just own the actual Fingerprint releases.

jeffrey k.

Posted by Tyler Durden on 02-10-2003 at10:34:


I have a copy, but I left it in a leaky car and now it doesn't work.

Posted by jiminy on 02-10-2003 at11:18:



Posted by Mark on 02-10-2003 at12:18:


I have the CD. Big Grin

Posted by Mark on 02-10-2003 at12:19:


If you'd asked me two years ago, I could have told you where to get a copy for $20, even when others were selling it for $100.

Posted by Stuart Pedasso on 02-10-2003 at13:38:


Originally posted by Mark
If you'd asked me two years ago, I could have told you where to get a copy for $20, even when others were selling it for $100.

now that's just mean ...

Posted by jiminy on 02-10-2003 at15:08:


this thread does'nt suck
by SOMEONE does
(just kidding...!!)
I got a little Joey in me

Posted by Joey T. on 02-10-2003 at15:14:


I've never heard it........ Crying

mp3? mp3? mp3? Evil

Posted by Dr Rich on 02-10-2003 at16:49:


Originally posted by Jevon the Tall
For a second there, I was thinking you had snagged the rights for a re-issue.

I was all excited and stuff when I read the title of the thread! Crying

Posted by jeffrey k. on 02-10-2003 at17:26:


Sorry...it wasn't meant as a tease! I'd just really like to get the cd is all...for now anyway... Wink

jeffrey k.

Posted by brdhsnyrsoul on 02-12-2003 at13:12:


I do have the CD, but only one copy. I do have a few sealed cassettes of it though, I think. Do you want one of those?

Posted by audiori on 02-12-2003 at17:05:


A few years ago we were in contact with Dan Russell
pretty often. Fingerprint had planned an Ideola CD
reissue with bonus stuff at one time. They also
were working on a CD of unreleased Mark Heard material
from the Ideola-Second Hand time period. Last time
we talked to him, he was mastering it. But that was
like 6? years ago.

Posted by Stuart Pedasso on 02-12-2003 at17:27:


That's a shame. If only Janet and co could snag back the masters from Chris and the HSH label.

Want to talk about a travesty in the re-issue department. My biggest horror show ever was the quality of Mark's re-issues. Absolutely dreadful.

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