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--- Last night I dreamt, Aloha (http://www.danielamos.com/wbb2/thread.php?threadid=2961)

Posted by zippetydoodaddy on 05-30-2003 at12:57:

  Last night I dreamt, Aloha

I need a break!! This board is effecting my sleep.

Now this is a real dream. It's no put-on.

I was visiting a friends house in a cul-de-sac. I knew it was his house because his email address was posted above his garage in neon light. I noticed as I pulled in that his next door neighbor's sign said "Audiori" in blue.

I went in to my friend's house and we visited around his living-room tree-house (under construction). His son was riding a big-wheel around us. This was odd, because he has only daughters.

My friend complained to me about my lack of involvement in certain church activities, but was more disappointed in the fact that the CD he'd ordered online, at my recommendation, still had yet to arrive. I shrugged and told him I was still waiting for one from September. I bid him farewell and went to leave.

Seeing the blue neon "Audiori" next door though, made me stop. I suddenly knew (as you do in dreams) that this was the actual home of the two brothers we all know and bug. Who knew they actually live in Simi Valley, CA? All this time of waiting and they are right here in my home town! This is GREAT!!

I thought, "I'll just knock on the door and introduce myself. Then they can give me my order (since it's already arrived from the factory). And they can give me my friend's disc too!" I was a little miffed that they had an order from their next door neighbor and hadn't had the courtesy to just walk it over, but oh well! The discs are here now and I'm moments away from having them in my hot sleeping hands.

I knocked on the door and out came a 13-14 year old polynesian kid on a razor scooter eating a popsicle. I asked him if he was one of the Audiori brothers and he said yes! He was totally not what I'd expected. But I was thrilled to meet such an enigmatic celebrity. I said, "I'm so glad to meet you. I'm Zippetydoodaddy!"

His expression went from indifferent-teenage-blah to seething-teenage-bitterness in a fraction of a second (which, in dreams, is really fast!)

I suddenly realized why he wasn't happy to see me. I was the guy that started that whole DAconomics thread that made the very core of the DA sales force turn in on itself! My words had caused deep seeded aggression and veiled disdain to come to the surface and boil the very fabric of their business! I suddenly wished I hadn't knocked on the door! I wished I'd said I was Woggy or Driver 8 or ... I don't know... somebody innocent!

Just then the screen door creaked open and there stood the other brother. He was a tall husky polynesian kid around 18 with a hint of a mustache. He had no shirt on and I could see the beginnings of a dragon tattoo climbing over his back. He was holding and eating a bowl of cereal.

He said, "Hey. This guy bothering you?"

The little one said, "Meet Zippetydoodaddy."

The big one stepped toward me and his cereal disappeared. I started to back away but bumped into their mailbox. I tried to go around it, but a crop of mailboxes had grown in corn-rows behind me. I was fenced in.

As the Audioris closed in on me, I wanted to pee. This usually wakes me up.

I looked around my room and checked to see if my wife was stirring. She wasn't. I debated waiting until morning to visit the potty, but my bladder won the debate.

As I aimed, I began to rethink hassling the DA Webstore. Now that I've seen some of what the Audioris are capable of, I'm inclined to just let it slide. When my CDs get here, I'll be grateful that I had the opportunity to buy from them. In fact I'll welcome the wait.

Thank you, Mahalo, Audioris.

Your apologetic neighbor,


Incidentally, I wore my Lost Dogs shirt to work at Dick Clark Productions (name dropper) for the first time today in hopes of illiciting comments or questions. I'll send them to the Audioris if anyone asks.


Posted by Joey T. on 05-30-2003 at13:07:


yeah, drugs are bad.... Red Face

Posted by EH on 05-30-2003 at13:27:


Wow...I din't know the audiori boyz were a couple of polynesian teenagers! Shocked

I'm gonna look at the boyz in a whole new light now...Big Grin

Posted by Theo on 05-30-2003 at13:32:

  As Wesley said:

"I don't envy you the headache you'll have come morning,
but dream of large women!" Red Face

Posted by Gamgee on 05-30-2003 at17:46:


This thread is... like, wow... crazy, man...

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