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Posted by Sgt. Chandler on 06-03-2003 at19:06:

  New Guy

Does anyone know if Daniel Amos plans on recording
anything new? Being new, well, new here anyway. Been a fan since Motorcycle and lovin every thing. I'm just fascinated by all the posting, I think I died and went to
Daniel Amos Land.

Posted by .GORT. on 06-03-2003 at19:14:


I don't think we are aware of any new projects, but we are all hoping to hear such news any day. There is a special order project from Rev. Taylor that is to arrive any day.
W E L C O M E !!

Are you the guy in the bomp, bomp, bomp song?
You need to treat your wife better...

Posted by BD on 06-03-2003 at19:18:


I believe the other Chandler (Tim that is) said that they aren't planning anything but that they have said that they would like to do another album. Of course I could be wrong, and I don't feel like looking up the actual quote or anything...

Ok, fine

I’ll see what I can dig up from the Bass Man (he does show up here from time to time you know Cool )


Posted by BD on 06-03-2003 at19:18:


OH yeah, Welcome New Guy!

Posted by BD on 06-03-2003 at19:25:


OK, found a quote from Tim:

Originally posted by tchandler
i really don't know why da isn't playing at cornerstone--the only thing i've heard (true or not?) is that they're only inviting bands with new records? beats me

and i've talked with terry about a new da project as recently as a couple of weeks ago, but nothing set up yet--we'll see

and so we shall see,

(and hope and pray and bug and pester and plead and send emails and question and send money and buy cds and make tribute discs and keep asking them to make more please!)

Posted by EdHead on 06-03-2003 at19:48:


Hey Sgt. Chandler!...Welcome. Pleased

(Some of us here are still waiting for an Eddies Reunion Tour!...ya know, the "Band That Won't Go Away"...went away!) Crying


Hey, has anybody seen Berger lately?...

Posted by Gamgee on 06-03-2003 at19:58:


Originally posted by Sgt. Chandler
Does anyone know if Daniel Amos plans on recording
anything new? Being new, well, new here anyway. Been a fan since Motorcycle and lovin every thing. I'm just fascinated by all the posting, I think I died and went to
Daniel Amos Land.

Welcome to the insanity...

Posted by Sgt. Chandler on 06-03-2003 at20:02:


Even though they sang the song on the Swirling Eddies
record, was it speaking of them or Daniel Amos?

Posted by BD on 06-03-2003 at20:11:



Posted by Sgt. Chandler on 06-03-2003 at20:40:


I think that Daniel Amos should be scheduled to play Cornerstone whether they have a new record or not, it seems like they're no playing anywhere else these days, and it gives new people who go to Cornerstone a place to see them and The Lost Dogs, 77's, and usually the Choir since most of the members are usually there anyway.

Posted by Squidzit on 06-03-2003 at22:36:


Please come back Eddies, please.

Posted by .backs. on 06-03-2003 at22:41:


Please, please, please do.

Posted by John Foxe on 06-04-2003 at08:25:


Sadly, the Eddies were lost in '93, the year of the cow. '03 is the year of the goat: charming, witty, wise, but also stingy.

If there's anything to the Chinese year, the Eddies will be stingy this year.


Posted by Dr Rich on 06-04-2003 at09:03:


When Tim called the Fellowship, we asked him about that, and he said that they wanted to make a new record, but with not really making money and the cost, etc...

Posted by Mark on 06-04-2003 at20:42:


What a shame

Posted by Gamgee on 06-04-2003 at22:50:


Originally posted by Dr Rich
When Tim called the Fellowship, we asked him about that, and he said that they wanted to make a new record, but with not really making money and the cost, etc...

That sucks...


Posted by Woggy on 06-05-2003 at19:53:


shall we take up a collection?

Have a bake sale?

raffle off .Gort.??


WELCOME SGT CHANDLER..........do we have to salute you or anything????

Posted by JR88 on 06-05-2003 at22:31:


Originally posted by Sgt. Chandler
Does anyone know if Daniel Amos plans on recording
anything new? Being new, well, new here anyway. Been a fan since Motorcycle and lovin every thing. I'm just fascinated by all the posting, I think I died and went to
Daniel Amos Land.

Welcome Sgt.!
Report to General Woggy at once for your place in her world.

This place is so cool Big Grin

Posted by Woggy on 06-05-2003 at23:32:


it IS kinda the best, ain't it?

Oh, and that's "Queen Woggy"!!

Posted by .backs. on 06-06-2003 at00:58:


i'm afraid that gort is going to be further displeased with the mini sodas.

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