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Posted by Shemp on 07-23-2002 at08:37:

  MBD Question

Read these lyrics...

This is the one
It's our big break
Time to have fun
End our heartach

Don't ask if it's hit or it's miss
Don't need to keep wondering 'what if?'
You want guarantees? I insist
There are no more to come
This is the one

This is the time
The closing moments
The end of the line
Carved in stone it's

Time to wipe tears from your eyes
The day to stop questioning why
'Cos every clipped bird's gonna fly
The healing has begun
This is the one

This is the best
We can offer
We've all passed the test
We needn't bother
To ask if the ships coming in
It"s safe in the harbour my friend
At last we have come to the end
And our fears are on the run
'Cos this is the one

Now you tell me... I have been trying to figure out the meaning of this song (the first song on MBD). Do you think that Terry and the guys are saying that they are done as DA? Or is this song about our eventual everlasting life?

Tell me I'm totally wrong about the band being done... someone please...

Posted by Author of the Post on 07-23-2002 at08:50:


I'd say the song is about "us" not DA. But that's my read on it. I had no notion of it meaning the end of DA.

-- TAotP

Posted by Author of the Post on 07-23-2002 at09:00:


Originally posted by Shemp
Read these lyrics...

'Cos every clipped bird's gonna fly

I hope this line isn't true. My little bird's wing is clipped and if she could take free flight, it would be quite dangerous for her.

-- TAotP

Posted by jc on 07-23-2002 at09:04:

  what I got

from the outset-
I took the song to mean that Finding Jesus- is it.
You can try to look over, under, through, beyond, above or below-
but -this is the one
I guess it could be He is the one...
thats how I read it.
the C-life-(for the C-man?)

Posted by jc on 07-23-2002 at09:05:

  what I got

from the outset-
I took the song to mean that Finding Jesus- is it.
You can try to look over, under, through, beyond, above or below-
but -this is the one
I guess it could be He is the one...
thats how I read it.
the C-life-(for the C-man?)

Posted by jc on 07-23-2002 at09:09:

  im a double poster

..eat crumbs from the toaster
ride a roller coaster
hate to be a boaster
but I'm a double poster!

Posted by Author of the Post on 07-23-2002 at11:43:


Originally posted by jc
..eat crumbs from the toaster
ride a roller coaster
hate to be a boaster
but I'm a double poster!

Well that's better than writing a whole string of posts without responding to anyone else. I don't know who would do a thing like that.


-- taotp

Posted by John Foxe on 07-23-2002 at14:19:


... it's about either Heaven or the rapture.

Posted by Author of the Post on 07-23-2002 at14:26:



-- taotp

Posted by Lost Canine on 07-23-2002 at15:59:


I took a different read on this song. I didn't take is as much "spiritually" as I did satire. Seems that Uncle Terry is often using satire concerning DA's "rock star status." Just my read.

Posted by John Foxe on 07-23-2002 at16:23:


Cogito is a Latin word meaning "I think".

It's most often used in the phrase Cogito ergo sum - I think therefore I am (or my rendition of it: God thinks, therefore we are.)

Posted by Author of the Post on 07-23-2002 at18:32:


Originally posted by John Foxe
Cogito is a Latin word meaning "I think".

It's most often used in the phrase Cogito ergo sum - I think therefore I am (or my rendition of it: God thinks, therefore we are.)

Thanks. I've only studied Spanish, French, Catalan, Portugues, Italian, and German--no Latin. So I just didn't know that one.

-- taotp

Posted by arcticsunburn on 07-24-2002 at00:42:


That song kind of occured to me in that way too (what way, you're asking).

That this would be Daniel Amos' final effort. I sure hope not for me and the world's sake. I haven't seen them in concert yet. Crying

Posted by Author of the Post on 07-24-2002 at08:52:


What ever happened to "The Band that Won't Go Away"? I guess that was supposed to be the Eddies, but we can think the same of Daniel Amos.

-- taotp

Posted by arcticsunburn on 07-24-2002 at13:40:


Originally posted by Author of the Post
What ever happened to "The Band that Won't Go Away"? I guess that was supposed to be the Eddies, but we can think the same of Daniel Amos.

-- taotp

I think the song was actually intended for Daniel Amos and not the Swirling Eddies.

But you certainly do have a point.

Posted by jc on 07-24-2002 at14:31:


in the Magnificent Defeat there is reference to the Gospel being the only "real " thing" out there.
I believe the phrase "This is the One" is in one of FBs sermons-or very close phrasology
will have to check on that- but thats where I linked my spin-
not to the band-but to Him (note the Capital)

Posted by arcticsunburn on 07-25-2002 at02:00:


Here's my in-depth take:
Originally posted by Shemp
This is the one
It's our big break
Time to have fun
End our heartach

I think the keyword is "time to have fun" in these particular lines. It may or may not be their big break, but regardless, it's "time to have fun."

Originally posted by Shemp
Don't ask if it's hit or it's miss
Don't need to keep wondering 'what if?'
You want guarantees? I insist
There are no more to come
This is the one

There is no guarantee that Daniel Amos will continue. Not because they wouldn't want to continue, but because the album may flop. Sometimes it takes more than hard work to make an album - like money. I think the attitude however, is more like "who cares, we've come this far."

Originally posted by Shemp
This is the time
The closing moments
The end of the line
Carved in stone it's

What's been done is done. That's it.

Originally posted by Shemp
Time to wipe tears from your eyes
The day to stop questioning why
'Cos every clipped bird's gonna fly
The healing has begun
This is the one

Mistakes have been made, but new days are here.

Originally posted by Shemp
This is the best
We can offer
We've all passed the test
We needn't bother
To ask if the ships coming in
It"s safe in the harbour my friend
At last we have come to the end
And our fears are on the run
'Cos this is the one

"here's a speck on the canvas
of future projections
a drop in the bucket of
tomorrow's successes
if i have the faith and know-how
i might watch our ship come in
my full potential"
from Outdoor Elvis' "Potential"

Maybe Terry's saying that it was arrogant to think that way (as in "Potential")? Or maybe he's saying that now's as good as time as ever to evaluate his "full potential" because it's not getting any better? These last lines do seem to indicate that Daniel Amos does have worries with regards to the album.

Just my take. Wink

Posted by Author of the Post on 07-25-2002 at09:15:


Originally posted by arcticsunburn
There is no guarantee that Daniel Amos will continue. Not because they wouldn't want to continue, but because the album may flop. Sometimes it takes more than hard work to make an album - like money. I think the attitude however, is more like "who cares, we've come this far."

MBD flop? Hardly. Excellent album!

-- taotp

Posted by wes berlin on 07-25-2002 at13:05:


it's interesting to read all of your thought on this. here's mine.....

i have a couple thoughts on the song...

one impression i have is it is the pre-curser for the whole first disc "dream". i imagined it as a persons final thoughts about life or their day right before falling asleep and into "their dream". you know that moment, before you fall asleep, in time when the world slows down enough to allow us to look at everything without the worry of deadlines, mowing the lawn, earning a buck...and we see a little more of the "big picture", a little more clarity in our smoggy sky.

and yet, it still has a dying(to eternal life) kind thing going on.....so i don't know.

np: "don't ask me how i feel"

Posted by Author of the Post on 07-25-2002 at13:36:


Often I find that I don't pay that much attention to the lyrics, and if I do, it's one line. If that line has meaning, that is enough. Trying to decypher a DA song can be like trying to make sense of the book of Revelations. Of course, some songs are more straightforward and less image driven, but I almost prefer the stuff that just sets a mood or puts me in a mood.

Albums like "Doppleganger" and "Fearful Symmetry" really do it for me. I can't quite explain it, but I don't need to explain why I like the album. It's not necessarily the lyrical content (even though "Real Girls," "Mall All over the World," "The Pool," "Neverland Ballroom," and "Instruction Thru Film" have a very literal side) but I guess I just like to feel something different, kind of take me into a different world.

MBD tends to have this retro feel that is so contemporary. I can't explain that. But the album makes me feel good. I tend to use music a lot when I write (I'm a playwright for those of you who didn't know.) I like to put on albums that evoke a mood. Often there is no simple words like "peppy" or "sad" to put to it, it's just a mood.

I don't know if I'm making any sense at all, and I've diverged a lot I know. But oh, well, just my 2 cents.

-- The Author of the Post

(who is capable of meaningful posts, although not always coherent)

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