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Posted by audiori on 07-28-2005 at17:27:


(Video editing & computer brands side discussion moved to the General Off Topic section.... somehow it looks like we lost a couple of posts, but most of it is there).

Posted by dorfsmith on 07-30-2005 at14:29:


You lost all my brilliant video editing "how to" posts Shocked Big Grin

Posted by audiori on 07-30-2005 at15:33:


Don't even remember what they were...

The weird thing is we have a page we can go to to split a thread into two threads... all we do is select the posts we want to move and add a new thread name. I did that for this video discussion and it did everything correctly except it seems to have left a few posts behind - but they're not here either.. so, I don't know what it did with them. Maybe they got moved to some other thread somewhere....

Never had it do that before.

Posted by dorfsmith on 07-30-2005 at15:59:


Originally posted by audiori
Don't even remember what they were...


That's because I know nothing about video editing and kept my mouth shut Tongue Wink Big Grin

Posted by Dr Rich on 07-30-2005 at16:08:


Originally posted by audiori
Don't even remember what they were...

The weird thing is we have a page we can go to to split a thread into two threads... all we do is select the posts we want to move and add a new thread name. I did that for this video discussion and it did everything correctly except it seems to have left a few posts behind - but they're not here either.. so, I don't know what it did with them. Maybe they got moved to some other thread somewhere....

Never had it do that before.

That's Okay! Dorfy can always use a few less posts! Tongue

Posted by dorfsmith on 07-30-2005 at16:33:



Posted by dorfsmith on 07-30-2005 at17:05:


So anyway, just to clear things up and give me another shameless post...I didn't really have any missing posts. I just wanted to sound smart Crying

Posted by Dr Rich on 07-30-2005 at17:47:


Originally posted by dorfsmith
So anyway, just to clear things up and give me another shameless post...I didn't really have any missing posts. I just wanted to sound smart Crying

I didn't really care, but it seems like a good chance to get in a shameless post and make a little fun as well! Pleased

Posted by dorfsmith on 07-30-2005 at18:01:


Well, I still think audiori should add 60 points to my post count for my trouble on this thread Big Grin

Posted by Dr Rich on 07-30-2005 at18:29:

Thumb Up!

Originally posted by dorfsmith
Well, I still think audiori should subtract 60 points from my post count for my trouble on this thread Big Grin

I agree! Pleased

Posted by dorfsmith on 07-30-2005 at18:50:


Evil Big Grin

Posted by Dr Rich on 07-30-2005 at18:55:



Posted by Lur King on 07-31-2005 at16:11:

Thumb Up! CooL

Originally posted by audiori
Don't even remember what they were...

The weird thing is we have a page we can go to to split a thread into two threads... all we do is select the posts we want to move and add a new thread name. I did that for this video discussion and it did everything correctly except it seems to have left a few posts behind - but they're not here either.. so, I don't know what it did with them. Maybe they got moved to some other thread somewhere....

Never had it do that before.

now you are going to have to split this thread again into a spltting thread / shameless posting thread, discussion... Roll Eyes

Posted by dorfsmith on 08-02-2005 at11:31:


Then they might lose more of my posts Crying

OK, back on topic. Which DA member has the most sex appeal on The DVD? Big Grin

Posted by baxter on 08-02-2005 at11:43:


i don't know if i'm qualified to speak to that, but i find men who are as clumsy as Mr. Sellers to be extremely attractive.

Posted by dorfsmith on 08-02-2005 at12:48:



Posted by Theo on 08-02-2005 at15:34:


I really enjoyed watching this DVD. I just thought Chandler was going for the Japanese movie-dialogue-outta-sinc-thingy for laughs. Tongue

It was sweet to see that all the same credits as the album were shared at the end. To share that with my son Ethan who is now six was special--he was only two when the album came out.

Posted by peawinkel on 08-04-2005 at09:29:


I watched it for the 2nd time last night.
Random observances....
Good thing it wasn't Mr. Taylor's Dream ("the head, the head" & partition-shaking farts)
I found it extremely educational - taking us into the studio
I've got the feeling that most studio experiences don't happen like that.. it seemed like they were "on the fly" with alot of the little additions & adjustments along the way. I assume most studio experiences have it all laid out going in.......but I really don't know
Frank Lenz is xxxxx-whipped
Don't get in Terry's face with a camera when he's using his little tape recorder
Tim Chandler smokes
Smoking was allowed in the Green Room
Chandler & Flesch are awesome musicians
What was the deal with Colbert's hands (flippers)?
Greg's acting was the weakest of the 4
These guys put together a musically beautiful album & I feel fortunate to have the CD & the DVD

Posted by tchandler on 08-04-2005 at09:43:


hi peawinkel -- since you mentioned it, i'll go ahead and speak up. actually we never have anything laid out before we go into the studio other than the most basic skeletal structure of a song (and sometimes terry already has lyrics but sometimes those come later too.) we have bits and peices of ideas for guitar parts and bass parts, etc., but most of what we do in the studio is on the fly. in fact, i personally try to leave as much room for improv as i can because i bore myself so easily with my own playing.

also, i quit smoking over two and a half years ago. Smile )

Posted by Audiori J on 08-04-2005 at10:10:


We watched the Lost Dogs record parts for a Phil Madeira song once, and it was very much this sort of thing; Derri would start playing the song through the mixer. Then Mike might jump up at a certain point and say "I got an idea..", and he would run into the vocal booth and procede to sing some background vocal part he just thought the song needed. The other guys would react to that and say it was good or make suggestions. Then Derri would play the song back, and this tme maybe Terry might have an idea...he would go in and record his part, and so on. Usually it would be one or two takes, and usually they kept what they recorded. Occassionally the idea might be a goofy one, like mimicing a certain other performer or ridiculous style..whic would get howls of laughter from the other guys.

To me, as an observer, the buechners footage looked simlilar. The "Hey lets try this.." aproach. It probably does help keep a spontaneity and freshness, it probably does help create a better song in the sense that its more like the song dictating what it needs. With these guys having the experience and sensitivity to hear what the song is 'lacking' at a given point.

I am curious Tim, if it was always like this when you guys record or did things kinda grow to become like this after years of experience?

I also wonder how many bands work this way, or if its something that is not entirely unique but maybe a method used by more experienced session players?

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