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Posted by Aloha's Bus Driver on 04-10-2003 at12:11:


Originally posted by Theo

In short, the antiDAmb.

Go to yahoogroups.com to find it, and be sure to leave yr sense of humor at the door....

Well, that doesn't sound like very much fun....


Posted by carl on 04-10-2003 at12:12:

  Don't cry, Theo....

It is because you possess an evenness and inner beauty I can only dream of that you are thus enabled to be all things to all DA fans.... Big Grin .... You are a TRUE cross-poster...

he of the hyperbolic (WHO said histrionic???) sincerity
(who's been clearly reading too much Romans lately)

Posted by tchandler on 04-10-2003 at12:13:


"...be sure to leave yr sense of humor at the door..."

now i'm curious. what exactly happened over there?

Posted by carl on 04-10-2003 at12:14:


Originally posted by Aloha's Bus Driver
Well, that doesn't sound like very much fun....


It wasn't. But I still wish I could've seen a Memo-Muglia showdown.... but one left before the other showed up.... Crying

Posted by carl on 04-10-2003 at12:22:


Originally posted by tchandler
"...be sure to leave yr sense of humor at the door..."

now i'm curious. what exactly happened over there?

No particular incident.... just got tired of the 'tudiness.... let's just say they knew how to make a guy feel unwelcome until he finally took the hint....

Posted by Theo on 04-10-2003 at12:30:


What's with the:

Originally posted by Theo
The Anti-DAmb...

I didn't say any such thing!

By the way, the DADL is also very good at sharing prayer needs and some have suffered loss there recently and would probably beneifit from our prayers here as well.

Posted by Aloha's Bus Driver on 04-10-2003 at12:48:


Okay, so I went and joined the Dadl.

Has anyone ever started singing:

"Dadl be the day when you say goodbye
Ohh Dadl be the day when you make me cry -
oh dadl be the day ay ay that I die"


Just wondering. Big Grin


Posted by joey on 04-10-2003 at12:50:


Originally posted by .backs.
Joey says mean things about the dadlers. i've been too afraid to explore that territory.

it used to be a very interesting list....
used to........ Red Face

Posted by jiminy on 04-10-2003 at13:17:


at this point-
I read to much as it is-
I even need new glasses

I understand you'll get an e mail flood on the dadl-
and for the dolt that I am- can you explain any advantages to "joining?"
and is it a yahoo chat group- or what.?
Am I asking too many Questions?
Do I sound even stupider than I really am?

I have only heard it refered too- and am OBVIOUSLY much in the dark.

Posted by carl on 04-10-2003 at13:20:

  In the words of Michael Stipe....

"oh no, I've said too much.... I haven't said enough...." Big Grin

Posted by joey on 04-10-2003 at13:26:


Originally posted by carl
"oh no, I've said too much.... I haven't said enough...." Big Grin

that should be the dadl motto.... Tongue

Posted by Theo on 04-10-2003 at13:38:

  Yes, Aloha!

And how about :
DAmb this traffic jam!!
Why my modem gotta run so slow?

Posted by joey on 04-10-2003 at13:42:


Originally posted by Aloha's Bus Driver
Okay, so I went and joined the Dadl.

Has anyone ever started singing:

"Dadl be the day when you say goodbye

i think carl sang that to the dadl recently..... Big Grin

Posted by carl on 04-10-2003 at13:48:


Originally posted by joey
Originally posted by carl
"oh no, I've said too much.... I haven't said enough...." Big Grin

that should be the dadl motto.... Tongue

I was referring to myself, but yeah, that too.... Big Grin

Posted by Woggy on 04-10-2003 at22:16:


Originally posted by Theo
It's true. I'm a CROSS-POSTER. I find that I'm attracted both to the DADL and the DAmb. Shocked
I'm so ashamed... Crying

AND WELL you should be................here we thought you were devoted to us...........

**sniff, sniff** that just goes to show ya.........

Posted by Woggy on 04-10-2003 at22:22:


Originally posted by jiminy
I understand you'll get an e mail flood on the dadl-
and for the dolt that I am- can you explain any advantages to "joining?"
and is it a yahoo chat group- or what.?
Am I asking too many Questions?
Do I sound even stupider than I really am?

I have only heard it refered too- and am OBVIOUSLY much in the dark.

don't join the group thing............it's WAY too much........yes, your e-mail will be flooded........I think you can opt out of e-mail notification, but it's just a pain in the buttinski............just my own personal opinion, of course.

but, certainly, you can try it out for a while. I've found that discussion groups basically suck...........

Posted by Woggy on 04-10-2003 at22:24:


You should come to the DA party we're having in Minnesota on May 31st!

FREE pizza for you.

FREE prizes (so says commander cote!)

AND you'd get to meet some of the nicest people in the whole freeekin world!!!!!!!!!!

Now, do you really want to miss that, huh?

You can bring Terry along, too..............or any of the other assorted entourage...............all are welcome Smile Smile

Posted by Captain Pedantic on 04-11-2003 at01:46:


Originally posted by joey
Originally posted by .backs.
Joey says mean things about the dadlers. i've been too afraid to explore that territory.

it used to be a very interesting list....
used to........ Red Face

I've been on the DADL since 1996 and it has lost it recently. It used to be amazing how the discussions of Terrys' lyrics, Ed Drums Tim bass, Greg and Jerrys guitars effected everybody - and the interpretations too.

It was fun and had a great sence of humour too. Unfortunately some excess's spoilt it for everyone.

Posted by tchandler on 04-11-2003 at09:36:

  hey woggy

i'd love to come to that--bit of a drive though

Posted by Woggy on 04-11-2003 at13:04:

  it's worth it

Originally posted by tchandler
i'd love to come to that--bit of a drive though

come ON.........Minnesota in the springtime? What could be better? You could dip your feet in at LEAST 5,000 of the 10,000 lakes!

Hop on the bus, gus!

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