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Posted by Lost Canine on 05-14-2004 at10:37:


Originally posted by jiminy
I never hardly get anywhere...

Man - I'm a total bore............

You're not a bore Jiminy, I would sleep with you Wink

Posted by tchandler on 05-14-2004 at10:38:


LK -- did you know brian quincy newcomb smith higgenbottom mcfearson in st. louis?

Posted by Lur King on 05-14-2004 at10:39:


Originally posted by tchandler
i have to run downstairs to get some more caffiene!! be right back!!
don't leave me here alone, people, i implore you! that box is ticking now!!

Posted by tchandler on 05-14-2004 at10:39:


that's the box!!

Posted by Lost Canine on 05-14-2004 at10:40:


Originally posted by tchandler
LK -- did you know brian quincy newcomb smith higgenbottom mcfearson in st. louis?

Quincy and I did the "lunch thing" from time to time. I also supported all of the shows he put on. I took many a teenager there. I saw you with the Choir in the basement of Christ's Church. I saw the Dogs rattle his sanctuary. My favorite Q quote over a lunch is, "I wouldn't walk across the road to watch the Tuxedo Clad Megastar shovel grey poop'on."

Posted by tchandler on 05-14-2004 at10:40:


hi jiminy!!!!!!!!

Posted by uvulapie on 05-14-2004 at10:43:

  Franchise Opportunity

No Jack-in-the-Boxes in Fort Wayne either so I'm going to sell the family mule and open one. Although I couldn't have been more than four I still remember visiting a JackBox while visiting my uncle in Arizona...

As for the book... it's about a temp employee who dreams of becoming a real boy, er, employee and thus makes his way through the seven floors of the corporation to the HR consultant who might deign to make him real. Each floor is some kind of garbage I've encounted during my corporate life. One floor has outsourced everything and everyone (including management... it turns out managers from India cost a fraction of American managers and the occupy meeting space just as well), another is where everyone is puffed up with constant meeting attendance and a lone guy does all the work. Then there's the floor where they finally figured out that it doesn't matter what they do, they'll still get laid off or given the same bonus mandated by management who decides these things... so everyone slacks off and runs business out of their offices. For that one there's a character named Terry, a guy who does outsource work for NASA named Greg, a fellow named Ed who does artwork, Gene Eugene, Mark Heard (who went upstairs and never returned), Adrian Belew, and another fellow, named Tim, who acts a lot like Berger.

Posted by tchandler on 05-14-2004 at10:44:


"I wouldn't walk across the road to watch the Tuxedo Clad Megastar shovel grey poop'on."

quincy just completely rocks, doesn't he? it makes sense that the two of you would hang out.

and now i have to ask a really embarrassing question. did i talk to you at that basement choir show? forgive me. it's just old age and senility kicking in.

Posted by Lost Canine on 05-14-2004 at10:47:


We shook hands. It was a crazy show. Everyone was sitting down. Some fan stood up and did a crazy dance. Derri said, "Uh, thanks for the dance." The guy said, "Everyone's dead here, man." You had the "long hair" look going then, as did I. I think that the Throes opened.

Posted by tchandler on 05-14-2004 at10:47:


jason (uvulapie) -- that sounds promising. can we read it when it's done?

Posted by zippetydoodaddy on 05-14-2004 at10:49:


Originally posted by tchandler
zippy! i'm hopped up on caffiene and jet lag! you gotta help talk me down, man! (why is that box *ticking*!)

Eat a banana upside down.

Hold your breath until you pass out. Then you'll relax.

shh shh


Posted by tchandler on 05-14-2004 at10:51:


Eat a banana upside down. Hold your breath until you pass out.

you WANT me to act like berger then?

Posted by zippetydoodaddy on 05-14-2004 at10:54:


No. You are acting like berger now. Hyperventalating and sh#t.

Cool it smalls. Just zip-tie your hands behind your knees and you'll be fine.

Big Sugar Dré says hi.

Posted by tchandler on 05-14-2004 at10:56:


thanks, man! i feel better.

Posted by zippetydoodaddy on 05-14-2004 at10:58:


Originally posted by tchandler
thanks, man! i feel better.

It ain't no thing but a chicken wing!

Posted by DaLe on 05-14-2004 at11:00:

Question tonio k.


I know we have discussed tonio k. here before
but, I have been on a tonio listening frenzy lately...

do you know if he is currently involved in music ?
doy you keep in contact with him ?

any info. would be appreciated. thanks

Posted by uvulapie on 05-14-2004 at11:03:

  Monkies in my shoes

But of course you can read it when it's done... for $9.95 at your local Wal-Mart! heh heh heh

I'm kind of at a loss of how to start shopping this around. I intentionally wrote it brief so that it would be cheap and a quick read. I can't help that the humor is geared towards men and generally men don't read any book longer than 100 pages unless those pages are littered with pictures of scantily clad women hawking alcoholic beverages.

Any ideas? Do the audioris want to get into publishing?

Posted by tchandler on 05-14-2004 at11:06:


hi dale -- yes i see him whenever he comes out to nashville, which is at least once or twice a year. he's still writing songs, although i'm not sure exactly who he's writing for or where he's getting songs placed. his publishing co. sets him up with various writers out here (that's why he comes out here) and he sits in a room with them and they try to come up with a song on the spot. he's one of the only guys i know who can write the strange sort of outside stuff he tipically writes but can also write really top-notch commercial stuff too. i think he's incredibly talented.

Posted by PuP on 05-14-2004 at11:08:

  RE: Monkies in my shoes

So your book is shorter than 100 pages, or it has scantily clad women?

Either way, it sounds like a good read.

Posted by Berger Roy Al on 05-14-2004 at11:11:



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