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Posted by Dr Rich on 09-04-2002 at10:23:


Originally posted by audiori
For me Farm Beetles, and Sacred Cows have the same effect on me as Spittle And Phlegm.
First when my brothers, cousins and friends get together some of our humor is similar.. so when they make
a joke or something that sounds like something we would do
that makes me laugh.
And second, I can apreciate the guys playing the fool
just for the sole purpose of making people laugh.
Kind of like the whole "Happy Wanderer" song in concert,
I like the fact that Terry is willing to be silly..
just to make us all laugh.
Or like in Cornerstone 90, when they did "I am Woman"
in concert. I guess when I listen to the Farm Beetles
or Sacred Cows I feel like I am in on the joke in a way.
I can just see them in the studio making up those words
just to crack each other up.

As far as Doppelganger and Alarma being weird, I can see how
people would see them that way. But, I never really thought of it when they came out. To me maybe certain songs seem a little weird but some of it doesn't.
I grew up with the Beatles music, Revolver, Sgt Pepper,
Magical Mystery Tour, etc and other similar music, so songs that were experimental and like nothing I'd ever heard before was both what I was used to and what I was looking for. The only thing that kept me interested in music was new
sounds. Doppelganger and Alarma was that for me.
I had friends that were not used to any Christian music that
when they heard DA, they didn't think the music was weird
but they thought it was totally odd to have that kind of music with a Christian message.... they REALLY thought that was weird.


I love Terry's sense of humor. I think S&P is like Terry coming over to you house and making fun of the cable access with you. He lets us in on his private jokes. It's great.

I have to agree that if DG and Alarma were secular albums I would not occur to me to think they are weird.

I love 'em both. Thank God for Terry! Big Grin

Posted by Dr Rich on 09-04-2002 at10:24:


Originally posted by Gamgee
Originally posted by Mark
Originally posted by brdhsnyrsoul
I'm afraid that there's no help for enjoying them. They're pretty far out there. I pretty much agree that I have them primarily to complete the collection. Sacred Cows just hurts.

Actually, truth be told, DITTO.

Shame on both of you... Sacred Cows is wonderful... it's a classic...

Amen! Farm Beetles too Wink

Posted by Gamgee on 09-04-2002 at10:27:


I've never actually heard Farm Beetles myself... is it worth looking for?

Posted by Dr Rich on 09-04-2002 at10:32:


it's kinda like wild & drunken hill-billy versions of Beatles songs. I like it... but it's pretty strange.

Posted by Gamgee on 09-04-2002 at10:37:


I'm gonna have to get it, I think...

Posted by Dr Rich on 09-04-2002 at10:43:


Originally posted by Gamgee
I'm gonna have to get it, I think...

you get the swirling mellow as wellWink

Posted by Woggy on 09-04-2002 at11:18:


Originally posted by Dr Rich
Originally posted by Mark
And colorful

and she likes sailboats! Big Grin

haven't been sailing this year........will have to get to my sister's and DO that before the season is done Smile

Posted by Woggy on 09-04-2002 at11:39:


Brother JiminY is going to have to let me sit down and listen to Sacred Cows and Farm Beetles - which I'm sure he has.........I've heard a little of Cows, and thought it hilarious.

that boy's been holdin' out on me!!!

Posted by Dr Rich on 09-05-2002 at16:15:


Originally posted by Woggy
Brother JiminY is going to have to let me sit down and listen to Sacred Cows and Farm Beetles - which I'm sure he has.........I've heard a little of Cows, and thought it hilarious.

that boy's been holdin' out on me!!!

You'll dig it the most Wink

Posted by Lucy on 09-05-2002 at18:05:

  They are great!

I must admit that I skip over Swirling Mellow, but The Farm Beetles is so hillarious. The first time I played it I was rolling on the floor, too funny! I haven't heard Sacred Cows...the whole point is that wacky sense of humor! I love it. That's what impressed me about the Eddies when i first heard Outdoor Elvis, just a bunch of guys out there having a laugh, with good music to boot, sort of, not really, but sort of like Tenacious D(forgive me, but i is sort of the same)
Sort of also reminds me of The classics like Dead Milkmen, and They might be Giants as far as the humor goes as well.

Posted by brdhsnyrsoul on 09-05-2002 at18:25:


Ummmmmm....I don't think so.....TMBG stuff is really silly lyrically, but the music and production are just dang incredible. Farm Beetles and Sacred Cows seem to be a joke all the way.....

Posted by Mark on 09-05-2002 at18:37:


Drink bathtub gin and listen to The Farm Beetles. What an evening!

Posted by brdhsnyrsoul on 09-05-2002 at18:41:


Now that might actually be enjoyable.

Posted by Mark on 09-05-2002 at18:41:


Could be

Posted by brdhsnyrsoul on 09-05-2002 at18:43:


Let me know....

Posted by Mark on 09-05-2002 at18:44:


I'll have to look for that bathtub gin recipe. It's here somewhere...

Posted by arcticsunburn on 09-06-2002 at00:55:


TMBG lyrics may sound silly, and it's certainly not wrong to take them at face value... But each of their songs tells a story... Sometimes it's so intellectual and out there it blows me away.

Posted by anne on 09-06-2002 at08:44:


for truly Xtreme silliness, there's always the bonzo dog doo dah band (or, sometimes, just the bonzo dog band).
has anyone else ever been afflicted w/the bdddb??

Posted by Dr. Sticky on 09-06-2002 at09:36:


Originally posted by anne
for truly Xtreme silliness, there's always the bonzo dog doo dah band (or, sometimes, just the bonzo dog band).
has anyone else ever been afflicted w/the bdddb??

I have. They are great. Neil Innes went on to do The Rutles music.

In keeping with the theme of this thread. Alarma was what REALLY hooked to DA. I'd heard and loved Motorcycle and Zoom Daddy. Didn't really like Bibleland. THen my friend, who had all of DA's albums lent me Alarma and DG. At first it was Alarma all the way and i liked some of DG's song. I'd have to say that DG is my favorite DA album now. I think due to it's extreme weirdness and creativity. Alarma stands up with anything released at the time, in any catagory. DG surpasses everything.

Posted by Mark on 09-06-2002 at12:11:


What about The Shaggs?

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