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Posted by Dr Rich on 09-09-2002 at16:28:


I have a hard time with Grease... too silly Big Grin

Posted by brdhsnyrsoul on 09-09-2002 at16:39:


But it is better than Grease II

Posted by Dr Rich on 09-09-2002 at16:45:


Originally posted by brdhsnyrsoul
But it is better than Grease II

yes it is

Posted by brdhsnyrsoul on 09-09-2002 at17:00:


There's not much worse than Grease II.

Posted by Jim Muglia on 09-09-2002 at18:16:


I consider movies like Grease to be almost like child abuse. They brainwash kids how they're supposed to act and teach them its normal to do horrible things. And I don't give a hoot what anyone says, that movie Titanic a few years back was straight out of hell. So there was nice scenery of the ocean, who cares, you can get that anywhere. This creepy guy who stars in the movie and his idiot girlfriend find a car being shipped and slip into the back seat to do their thing. Its so casual and matter of fact. I could care less about all the emotion and all the merits of Titanic. I say it was child abuse; and I hated it. The old titanic movie, A Night To Remeber, was done with so much more dignity, class, and talent. "Oh but Celeine Dion's song is so great." Actually its kinda laughable, really.
So for the record: I think the movie Titanic was horrible; and I think the director oughtta be shot. "But what about the part where the old man chooses to lay down and die next to his wife." Boo hoo HOO. One touching scene while the rest of the movie teaches our kids its cool to fool around in the back seat of acar with some chick you're not married to. First degree child abuse, nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.

Posted by brdhsnyrsoul on 09-09-2002 at18:22:


I agree to a point. The actual titanic stuff was pretty cool. The story line was pretty lame. These kids new each other for a couple of days and did the nasty. Sounds like high schools and junior highs all over the world right now. It's pretty sad............

Posted by Andrew on 09-09-2002 at18:48:


Originally posted by brdhsnyrsoul
I agree to a point. The actual titanic stuff was pretty cool. The story line was pretty lame. These kids new each other for a couple of days and did the nasty. Sounds like high schools and junior highs all over the world right now. It's pretty sad............

Titanic was about the last movie my ex-wife and I watched while we were together.

She slipped and hit her head the next day - got concussion and can't remember the movie.

I'm jealous of her.

Posted by brdhsnyrsoul on 09-09-2002 at18:54:


almost makes a concussion seem like a good thing Big Grin

Posted by Joey T. on 09-09-2002 at18:58:


I liked Titanic... well the first 3 times at least...... My estranged wife and my stepdaughter bought the tape and watched it over, and over, and over, until I didn't... Crying

Posted by Jim Muglia on 09-09-2002 at19:34:


The 40's version, or whatever decade it was called "A Night to Remember" is a very good version, that clearly distinguishes virtue form non-virtue. I found it in the classics section at the video store.

Posted by dorfsmith on 09-09-2002 at20:04:


Our Night To Howl Time To Go Dancing is one of Terry's funniest songs. "The cows come home when I see you in your moo moo" is great!!! "Brush your hair clean your dentures it's time for new adventures..." How could anyone not love that song???

Posted by Jim Muglia on 09-09-2002 at20:08:


Originally posted by dorfsmith
Our Night To Howl Time To Go Dancing is one of Terry's funniest songs. "The cows come home when I see you in your moo moo" is great!!! "Brush your hair clean your dentures it's time for new adventures..." How could anyone not love that song???

"We'll show those young kids just what class is.
Honey you still fog my glasses."

I agree, that's a very funny song!!!

Posted by Mark on 09-09-2002 at20:16:


Originally posted by Jim Muglia
I consider movies like Grease to be almost like child abuse. They brainwash kids how they're supposed to act and teach them its normal to do horrible things. And I don't give a hoot what anyone says, that movie Titanic a few years back was straight out of hell. So there was nice scenery of the ocean, who cares, you can get that anywhere. This creepy guy who stars in the movie and his idiot girlfriend find a car being shipped and slip into the back seat to do their thing. Its so casual and matter of fact. I could care less about all the emotion and all the merits of Titanic. I say it was child abuse; and I hated it. The old titanic movie, A Night To Remeber, was done with so much more dignity, class, and talent. "Oh but Celeine Dion's song is so great." Actually its kinda laughable, really.
So for the record: I think the movie Titanic was horrible; and I think the director oughtta be shot. "But what about the part where the old man chooses to lay down and die next to his wife." Boo hoo HOO. One touching scene while the rest of the movie teaches our kids its cool to fool around in the back seat of acar with some chick you're not married to. First degree child abuse, nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.

We pretty much agree on this one Jim. It also sounds like you may have heard Dr. Laura's talk on this movie. Anyway, I like The Poseidon Adventure far better.

Posted by Jim Muglia on 09-09-2002 at21:38:


Originally posted by Mark
Originally posted by Jim Muglia
I consider movies like Grease to be almost like child abuse. They brainwash kids how they're supposed to act and teach them its normal to do horrible things. And I don't give a hoot what anyone says, that movie Titanic a few years back was straight out of hell. So there was nice scenery of the ocean, who cares, you can get that anywhere. This creepy guy who stars in the movie and his idiot girlfriend find a car being shipped and slip into the back seat to do their thing. Its so casual and matter of fact. I could care less about all the emotion and all the merits of Titanic. I say it was child abuse; and I hated it. The old titanic movie, A Night To Remeber, was done with so much more dignity, class, and talent. "Oh but Celeine Dion's song is so great." Actually its kinda laughable, really.
So for the record: I think the movie Titanic was horrible; and I think the director oughtta be shot. "But what about the part where the old man chooses to lay down and die next to his wife." Boo hoo HOO. One touching scene while the rest of the movie teaches our kids its cool to fool around in the back seat of acar with some chick you're not married to. First degree child abuse, nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.

We pretty much agree on this one Jim. It also sounds like you may have heard Dr. Laura's talk on this movie. Anyway, I like The Poseidon Adventure far better.

I agree, the Poseidon Adventure is great;in fact I own the video. I didn't hear Dr. Laura's take on Titanic; but I'm not surprised that she holds the same view. She has alot of good things to say; I've always liked her.

Posted by Mark on 09-09-2002 at21:41:


Dr. Laura's take on Titanic was pretty much exactly as you described it. It's a terrible movie that promotes promiscuity, live for the moment, etc. Rather than telling the story of the Titanic, the ship was used as a backdrop to promote another agenda. This is the gist of what she said. I liked the Poseidon Adventure so much more. It was so much better.

Posted by Jim Muglia on 09-09-2002 at23:17:


It's a terrible movie that promotes promiscuity, live for the moment, etc. Rather than telling the story of the Titanic, the ship was used as a backdrop to promote another agenda


Posted by Mark on 09-10-2002 at07:11:


You understand then?

Posted by servantsteve on 09-10-2002 at09:16:


I agree with the assessment of Titanic promoting promiscuity. Our youth pastor caught alot of flack from the prepubescent crowd for dissing this cinematic masterpiece. To me, it's about moral relativism as well as promiscuity.
Two movies that anger me more than Titanic are: The Bridges of Madison County and The Horse Whisperer. Both of these portray an affair with a married woman as "love." That makes me want to puke and I walk out of movies that glorify adultery.
I can take teenage promiscuity better than adultery- that's my moral relativism.
I don't have a problem with movies that portray any sin so long as it is not glorified. A murder mystery, for example, is fine so long as the murder is not considered to be right. Even adultery portrayed as the destructive, evil, ugly act that it is - is alright by me.
Another one is The English Patient- but I have watched it through and even have it on DVD. I'm uneasy about it for the reasons outlined above, though. It does have many other themes and plots outside of the adultery which ultimately costs the adulterers their lives.
I've got to go thump my Bible now.

Posted by brdhsnyrsoul on 09-10-2002 at10:35:


Originally posted by servantsteve
Another one is The English Patient- but I have watched it through and even have it on DVD. I'm uneasy about it for the reasons outlined above, though. It does have many other themes and plots outside of the adultery which ultimately costs the adulterers their lives.
I've got to go thump my Bible now.

This is an interesting one - the adultery is very bad in that movie, but it is also the ruin of everyone. They know it is wrong and still do it - so they pay for it. But the characters who truly fall in love seem to have a future........

Posted by Mark on 09-10-2002 at12:36:


Why do movies and TV shows often have story lines of married couples where one of them is having an affair and they make you want the adulterers to be together even though it will break up the marriage? Do you know what I'm talking about?

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