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Posted by Ron E on 03-12-2003 at12:04:


And by the way, what do you work at? Sorry I don't know all the details of what every body does. I'm not that smart. I guess we can't all be rocket scientists Frown Wink

Posted by jiminy on 03-12-2003 at12:16:


actually Ron- I work for Boeing
I AM a rocket scientist (nahh, jk!)

Please Mr C- give us some juicy gossip about de boys and that Derri Fellow w/ the Hindenberg duo.

Posted by tchandler on 03-12-2003 at12:19:


five favorite cds....man, i just couldn't pick five. i still love "nevermind the bollocks," the replacements ("all for nothing, nothing for all ((compilation)) i recently got miles davis' "kind of blue" which i love and i currently can't stop listening to the new radicals only release

books? i'm a big fan of MR. B of course, but since i've been so involved in this new fangled computer thing it seems like all i have time for a stupid computer manuals. so my current favorite book is "windows 2000 security handbook" (just kidding, believe me)

da/choir tour/recording plans?

i hate to say this, but there's just nothing going on. steve and darri keep threatening and i'm ready anytime for a new choir project.

terry stayed at my house a couple of weeks ago (he helped me and my wife put up an absurdly complicated basketball hoop for my son. it was 30 degrees outside. it took us about five hours, we nearly completely screwed the thing up and i'm sure it looked like a three-stooges routine to anyone who would've seen it. i have to start taking footage of THAT kind of stuff. it's much funnier than spittle and phlem.) but we talked about doing another da record and i know he wants to do it, it's just having the time and being able to pull it together logistically.

Posted by John Foxe on 03-12-2003 at12:26:

  ooo, ooo, ooo!

Mr. Chandler, greetings and felicitation! Since you're in the question/answer mood...

- I haven't seen DA on the fest rosters this year...
- I know it'll be very hard to top MBD, but...

Any insider information you care to share, sir?


John (not my real name) Foxe

Big Grin

Posted by jiminy on 03-12-2003 at12:32:


can you tell me (cuz I'm selfish and want to know)
any plans for Lifest in WI?
I know the Eddies had a bit of a "grrrrrr" last year- but it makes a nice post Cornerstone hangover perhaps?

Posted by tchandler on 03-12-2003 at12:34:

  hey, ron

i do computer geek network stuff for a company that makes computer security software.

Posted by tchandler on 03-12-2003 at12:38:

  hey, jimminy and john

i haven't heard anything at all about lifest--but it was real last minute last year. so, i suppose it could happen. i realize i'm not a fount of news here, but there just isn't much going on right now.

believe me, i keep trying to talk da and the choirboys into starting new projects

Posted by jiminy on 03-12-2003 at12:40:



Posted by John Foxe on 03-12-2003 at12:50:

  Thanks, and...

May I be so bold as to ask another question, sir?

Will Mr. Chandler and/or Mr. Taylor be doing any projects with Mr. Madeira soon? Didn't see Phil with the gang last Summer, and I really enjoyed having him for the fests, Elvis tour, and Dogs tours.

(I seem to recall Phil lives in your neck of the woods, so I thought maybe...)

Danke schon!

-John (also has a geek profession) Foxe

Posted by tchandler on 03-12-2003 at12:57:

  hey, john

yes, i see phil all the time. my family goes to the church that he and steve hindalong and their families go to.

phil's been really busy producing, and i'm pretty sure the dogs are going to be mostly doing their 3-piece thing.

Posted by tchandler on 03-12-2003 at13:00:


i'm going to take my son to lunch, but if anyone wants to talk some more, i'll be back in an hour and a half

Posted by John Foxe on 03-12-2003 at14:16:

  Three's a charm?

...or three X you're out?

Mr. Tim, you've been so gracious today, we allr eally appreciate it.

One more from me: lately during my work day I've gotten into Tom Howard; it's just the right combo of beauty and peace that facilitates my work. My boss is a jazz musician and likes it too. (Btw, you did some nice work with Greg and Dave on Beyond The Barriers.)

I've tracked down and bought everything of Tom's that's available. Any idea what he's doing these days, and if he's releasing any new stuff?

Thanks again, kind sir.

-John (enjoying your company today and hoping to be blessed with your presence this year some time) Foxe

Posted by Mark on 03-12-2003 at14:24:


Hi Tim, glad to see you're here. Thanks for all the info. I'm still trying to catch up on the posts. I've been gone for a few days.

Posted by tchandler on 03-12-2003 at14:30:


tom just did a new piano album of hymns called "Music for Sleepless Nights, VOL 3. I'm not sure where you can find it--it's sort of a custom album. I'll ask him next time I see him. He's also recently done some instrumental music that is supposed to be available at Target, although i never seem to be able to find it.

but yeah, i agree--i love tom's stuff!

Posted by tchandler on 03-12-2003 at14:49:


and by the way folks, don't be bashful. i don't mind spending time and answering questions at all--and like i said, today's a good day for it. nextweek everything will be 90 mph again and i may not be able to come back for awhile.

Posted by One Weigh Street on 03-12-2003 at14:54:


Are there any plans for a Surfonic Water Revival II? Were you part of the house band on that one?

Posted by jiminy on 03-12-2003 at14:57:


we've all been dyin to know...
Boxers or Briefs?

Posted by tchandler on 03-12-2003 at15:00:


jason from fort wayne asked me that in an interview and my answer's still the same--both, but only if worn simultaneously

Posted by John Foxe on 03-12-2003 at15:05:

  Speaking of KMG...

Mr. Tim,

I bought DFBB on CD 15 years ago, and sadly, it's not in great shape today. I also made the hideous, hideous Big Grin mistake of not getting the Eddies stuff when I saw it...

I heard a while back that Bud Killen is still hanging on to the old Frontline catalogs, including a lotta DA/SE stuff many of us would like to see re-released.

Do you think there's any real possibility these great works will see the light of day again? Do you have personal favorites from the Frontline era you'd especially like to see?

Again, thank you for your graciousness, sir.

-John (no shortage of questions today) Foxe

Posted by jiminy on 03-12-2003 at15:10:


thanks for clearing up the underwear dilemma
Would be nice to see Frontline stuff available.

Have you played a fretless bass?
I also see on SOTH you play Trombone.
Is that you doing the grand ending on Pulpit masters?

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