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Thread: Daniel Amos - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary
Phalanges Sandwich

Replies: 653
Views: 1,498,421
11-10-2008 15:00 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Interesting.....seems FYE.com has some samples up already for our 'bumping shoulders with moles'-fi listening pleasure (do the instrumental tracks make anyone else giddy with the possibilities as much as me?). I'll have to check our local FYE (well, our only local music store) in a couple weeks to see if they're actually going to be carrying in-store copies.
Thread: Daniel Amos - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary
Phalanges Sandwich

Replies: 653
Views: 1,498,421
11-07-2008 18:37 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Originally posted by Mountain Fan
let me know if anyone has a normal old DFBB CD they want to sell really cheap after they get their new expanded copy Smile

Well, I'm not sure what constitutes "really cheap" for you, but there's what I would consider a "cheap" copy (considering what I paid a couple years ago on ebay) on amazon marketplace currently (obviously more than $12.94). And if you think that's expensive (sorry for going on a tangent here), take a gander at a couple rare cds I'm considering buying at the moment (Rare Birds and To Jobim with Love). I don't know what's more pathetic, the fact that I'm considering paying $400 for 2 cds, or that this guy is actually charging $400 for 2 cds with a user name like "guitarbassinstructor"......way to pass on the knowledge, scumbag......Hopefully I can talk him down to $100 apiece, unless someone here owns them and is willing to part with them......eh? eh? Anyways...../tangent

To finish, let me just say that I am MELTING WITH ANTICIPATION for this reissue. It's gotten to the point where I've been listening to the original 2 or 3 times a day just soaking in the fantastic music and trying to imagine what it would sound like with a better mastering (as I sing with my eyes closed to the specter between my carefully spaced hands -about 5" apart- the following words: Illuminate my muddled heart......Sweep the shadows from my mind........and so forth). Let's just say this is one meaty birthday (November 9th) and Thanksgiving sandwich that I'm dying to take a BIG BITE out of......dit dit doo........uhhh "badum ching" actually......
Thread: Daniel Amos - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary
Phalanges Sandwich

Replies: 653
Views: 1,498,421
06-10-2008 23:01 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Originally posted by Dr Rich
This was DA's last good album........of the 80's

There, fixed that for her Cool

Now, while I admit that I'm not too big a fan of their mid-90's work (Songs of the Heart/Bibleland.....both kinda left me with an "ehhhhh" feeling after the first listen), I think that Kalhoun and Motorcycle rank right up there with the absolute best of anything they've done (yes, even Beuchner and DFBB), the latter more so even. I pretty much hold Motorcycle and Darn Floor on an even top-rung, at least compositionally; they're both beautifully and impeccably crafted. I swear, not a week goes by that I don't listen to both of those masterpieces at least 4 times apiece. Needless to say, I'm PSYCHED for this remaster.

Also, SotH and Bibleland both made my Zune list cut, so they can't be all THAT bad, now can they? Wink
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