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Thread: Jerry Chamberlain kickstarter
Matt K

Replies: 15
Views: 67,820
Jerry Chamberlain kickstarter 11-06-2015 18:35 Forum: General Discussion

Hello all who lurk the DAMB board: A majority of our favorite bands/artists have been taking to kickstarter for some awesome projects, and our favorite DA lead guitarist Jerry Chamberlain (Greg, you're our favorite DA lead guitarist too!) is no exception. I assume most of us are on facebook and have seen the link, but unless i'm missing it, I haven't seen it posted anywhere on the website. So just in case anyone is in the dark, check out this project from Jerry and let's get it funded!!!!

Thread: Aubree Dieckmeyer
Matt K

Replies: 9
Views: 33,596
01-28-2012 22:53 Forum: General Discussion

...Nick Deletchi?
Thread: rUmORs
Matt K

Replies: 60
Views: 150,506
06-09-2011 19:04 Forum: General Discussion

Big Grin

Thread: Terry Scott Taylor - Swine Before Pearl, vol 1
Matt K

Replies: 96
Views: 429,124
12-23-2010 22:55 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Just wanted to say I received my copy today. What a fun disc this is, really reveals a behind the scenes glimpse into the songs new and old. The Crime Horse tune is wild. If you have already ordered you won't be disappointed!!
Thread: New Daniel Amos?
Matt K

Replies: 66
Views: 225,662
10-27-2010 17:48 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Thread: What were your first...
Matt K

Replies: 31
Views: 93,786
08-01-2009 12:33 Forum: General Discussion

LD: Real Men Cry
SE: Berry Vest/Zoom Daddy
77s: Golden Field....
Terry: John Wayne

I should point out that the first time I heard the Choir was on an old Tattoo records sampler that had tracks from "Free Flying Soul". I think the other band/artist on the sampler was Common Children, and Christine Glass.

Also, the very very first Terry Taylor related album I had was (GASP!) The Rap-sures old testament crap. Of course I didn't realize until many many years later the connection. I was quite schocked.
Thread: "Terry Taylor & Friends" Tour -- THE Summer tour of 2009
Matt K

Replies: 79
Views: 224,759
02-11-2009 17:32 Forum: General Discussion

Or somewhere in Michigan. I would travel anywhere in the state to see this show.
Thread: Daniel Amos - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary
Matt K

Replies: 653
Views: 1,497,930
11-22-2008 21:32 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Mine came in today as well. WHEEEE!!!!!!
Thread: Daniel Amos - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary
Matt K

Replies: 653
Views: 1,497,930
09-08-2008 08:19 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Thread: Vox Hunana, Remastered.....???
Matt K

Replies: 51
Views: 156,017
07-19-2008 16:58 Forum: Upcoming Releases

I just gotta say that since I received Vox Humana last week and played it virtually non stop since then, I think it's an AWESOME record. This is my first real venture into 1980's DA.... this is some incredible stuff!

I agree that a remastered Vox Humana would be awesome. The mix, to me, seems a little quiet with the vocals buried in the background. Maybe this was intentional, but sometimes I find myself straining to listen. An acoustic re-recording would be groovy as well.

I can't get enough of Travelogue. What a song... what an album!
Thread: Vox Hunana, Remastered.....???
Matt K

Replies: 51
Views: 156,017
07-12-2008 08:23 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Eagerly anticipating my copy of VH to arrive in the mail.

(That, and Holy Ghost Building!) Smile
Thread: What DA/SE/TST/LD songs are you listening to today?
Matt K

Replies: 74
Views: 103,169
07-12-2008 08:13 Forum: General Discussion

I do believe Terry sings BV on the track "This I Don't Need" (listen for the 3rd run through of the chorus, the lines 'everyone you love, everyone who laughs') and I THINK he sings harmony on the verses for "Your Company." Great album.

Just yesterday I put GRS on my MP3 player and listened to it while mowing the lawn. I hadn't listened to it in a looooooooong time, I forgot how good that record is!
Thread: your own DA best-of
Matt K

Replies: 26
Views: 62,721
07-05-2008 08:19 Forum: General Discussion

Man, it's times like these where I wish I have heard more DA albums than the 6 that I own.... I know i'm missing out on a lot of great music!
Thread: Live Bootleg '82 --- Wow!
Matt K

Replies: 34
Views: 51,960
07-05-2008 08:15 Forum: General Discussion

As would I!
Thread: Daniel Amos - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary
Matt K

Replies: 653
Views: 1,497,930
RE: It's funny you ask 07-03-2008 22:09 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Originally posted by Ritchie_az
Oh, about eight years ago, I wanted some Christian rock that was, well, better than what mt was in most of my collection. I stumbled upon DA's Preachers From Outer Space album in a Christian book store. The first four songs didn't impress me very much, but then track five came Hound of Heaven and track six Horrendous Disc (which I quickly recalled I'd heard on a Deliverence album), and I was hooked. I quickly purchased (over the internet) Horrendous Disc and a few weeks later Alarma. The rest, as they say, is history.
And you?

I have probably told this story elsewhere, but I like to tell it... I first became aware of Terry Taylor in 1997 on an old 7 ball CD sampler (Is 7 ball still in publication?) which had the song "Mr Flutter." I really liked the tune but that was about it until maybe 4 years later... My guitar teacher at the
time, who was also very well educated musically, started teaching me old Daniel Amos tunes on the guitar (Maranatha era DA) At the time I was discovering country rock acts like latter day Byrds, Flying Burrito Bros, Poco, etc so it was pretty much up my alley.

Jump ahead awhile when I ordered MBD and from there I was hooked.

Sorry for the side track....

the Tuxedo Clad Megastar
Resurrection crap
Thread: It's All About YOU....
Matt K

Replies: 195
Views: 957,945
07-03-2008 21:03 Forum: General Discussion

I'll tell you what... i'm trying to be serious and pour out my heart but the silly word editor is making me sound sarcastic! TERRIBLE!
Thread: It's All About YOU....
Matt K

Replies: 195
Views: 957,945
07-03-2008 19:11 Forum: General Discussion

Sir, I just want you to know that many years back, your song "The Resurrection crap" helped me through a very tough time in my life. Word up. It is, in fact, fresh.
Thread: It's All About YOU....
Matt K

Replies: 195
Views: 957,945
07-03-2008 16:24 Forum: General Discussion

the Tuxedo Clad Megastar carman the Tuxedo Clad Megastar carman the Tuxedo Clad Megastar carman the Tuxedo Clad Megastar.

Too funny!
Thread: It's All About YOU....
Matt K

Replies: 195
Views: 957,945
07-03-2008 16:22 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by THX1136
Rich, as far as I'm concerned there is no need to apologize for Petra. I would guess there are far more embarrassing artists to admit to liking - The Poppy Family for one.

Hey, don't knock the Poppy Family.... Which way you goin' Billy is a CLASSIC!

In all seriousness..... The above is correct. One of my favorite artists growing up was the Tuxedo Clad Megastar. Yes. the Tuxedo Clad Megastar. A2J, baby. A2J.

Bad times.
Thread: Daniel Amos - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary
Matt K

Replies: 653
Views: 1,497,930
07-02-2008 22:52 Forum: Upcoming Releases

I am in the same boat as you... The only songs I have heard from the album is the title track, and Strange Animals. I am highly looking forward to this re-issue...

I'll be willing to bet that DA probably won't be touring... Though I could be (and I hope I am) wrong...

Be sure to check out the Lost Dogs on tour though. I wish I could see/be part of the US 66 tour, but living in northern Michigan makes that pretty tough.

BTW, i'm 24 and I too missed the DA boat until about 6-7 years ago. How did you find out about the band?
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