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Showing posts 1 to 13 of 13 results
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Thread: New DA

Replies: 197
Views: 322,182
11-10-2010 16:27 Forum: General Discussion

New songs.

We aren't going to do preorders, but we will need help.

The plan is to set a production budget goal (which will be set by Terry). Fans can pledge money towards that goal. We realize that some won't be able to give much and that is fine... whatever is possible will be helpful. No money will come out of anyones pockets until we reach the goal (or pass it up). If for some reason we don't reach the goal in the specified amount of time.. the whole thing is called off and we start over somehow. Hopefully that won't happen.

Depending on how much you pledge, you will receive some kind of prize or gift. We're still deciding on what all of those items will be but it'll be things like handwritten & autographed lyrics, special CDs or DVDs, a thank you in the liner notes, some kind of producer credit, etc, etc. (If anyone has suggestions for any of these items, send me a PM. Just remember - it needs to be easily fulfilled... while having Terry make you breakfast in bed might be a fun idea, it would be very hard and expensive to pull off.)

One of the most important areas we need help in is spreading the word. We will plaster the website, MySpace, Facebook and all of those sites with the announcement... the more you guys share it or send it to friends that might be interested, the better everything will work out.

Did you guys see what Steve Taylor did for his movie recently? Its the same basic idea, only not nearly as large of a goal. We might even use the same website to do it through because we liked how it updated the "pledged" amount and showed you how far you had to go.

It's about time!

Glad to hear these guys will be recording some new songs.
Thread: What's next?

Replies: 46
Views: 207,057
12-27-2008 05:21 Forum: Upcoming Releases

I'd like to see a Doppelganger reissue.

I think it would be cool to see them "reinterpret" a few of the songs, either by re-mixing them or completely rerecording them (or both), and mix in a few live tracks and -viola!- you've got a companion disc.
Thread: Top 5 Mr. Buechner's Dream Songs

Replies: 26
Views: 76,600
12-13-2008 05:06 Forum: General Discussion

Ordinary Extraordinary Day
Rice Paper Wings
Small Great Things
Easy For You
So Far So Good
Thread: daniel amos VS swirling eddies

Replies: 16
Views: 34,094
10-17-2008 12:40 Forum: General Discussion

I think the difference has more to do with marketing. DA's 1987 album didn't sell well, right? So who comes along in 1988? No other than the Swirling Eddies. And since they kept their identity hidden, they were able to record more controversial songs (another difference). Musically, though, they are more similar than different.
Thread: The Lost Dogs on Route 66

Replies: 230
Views: 483,026
10-09-2008 09:55 Forum: General Discussion

Please be patient while the guys finish writing songs for the CD.

So the Lost Dogs are working on another studio project, then?! Obviously if it were live recordings from the tour they wouldn't be "writing songs for the CD" after the tour completed. Maybe that really cool version of Glory Road will be included....
Thread: The Lost Dogs on Route 66

Replies: 230
Views: 483,026
10-06-2008 15:10 Forum: General Discussion

I love Glory Road, and that's a really cool version of it! Any chance of a Mutt 2 (or two Mutts Pleased )? That would be a great version of the song to have in the collection somewhere.
Thread: Bottom Five MBD songs

Replies: 40
Views: 124,107
09-25-2008 10:44 Forum: General Discussion

Author of the Story is what I should have said

Now most nights I'm in bed
with what I should have said

But every recording has it's favorite and least favorite moments, wouldn't you say?

I'd say yes. There are some songs on this album I trudge thru. With each listen, though, it's usually different songs, if that makes any sense. To put it a different way, some songs I'm tempted to skip, but on another listen those songs may be the ones I turn up the volume for. I guess it depends on my mood. I'd say the last three or four songs on disc one and the first two songs on disc two may be the weakest, but, then again, sometimes those are the ones I like most.

I hope I'm not to confussing. Confused
Thread: The Lost Dogs on Route 66

Replies: 230
Views: 483,026
09-19-2008 16:28 Forum: General Discussion

Didn't Michael W. Smith cover that song?

Is that the Mike you are talking about? Wink
Thread: New DA?

Replies: 207
Views: 386,928
09-13-2008 22:33 Forum: General Discussion

I'd like to see another Daniel Amos album. You'd hate to see "the band that won't go away" go away. Crying
Thread: Illegal Stuff and Downloads

Replies: 138
Views: 320,900
09-13-2008 22:30 Forum: General Discussion

Thanks! Cool
Thread: Daniel Amos - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary

Replies: 653
Views: 1,497,812
09-13-2008 15:13 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Well, I'll have to buy it when it comes out in November.

Anyone know if Kalhoun will be put back in print? I don't have that CD, either.
Thread: Daniel Amos - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary

Replies: 653
Views: 1,497,812
09-13-2008 08:28 Forum: Upcoming Releases

I've never heard this CD. Is it any good? What other Daniel Amos album does it sound most like (I have most of their other CDs).
Thread: The Lost Dogs on Route 66

Replies: 230
Views: 483,026
09-13-2008 08:26 Forum: General Discussion

I wish I lived somewhere even 500 miles of The Mother Road.
Showing posts 1 to 13 of 13 results

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