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Thread: Curious
Bowling Pin

Replies: 124
Views: 177,806
02-23-2005 14:13 Forum: General Discussion

Wow, the Tuxedo Clad Megastar and Bubba Death Machine on the DAmb on the same day? This is just blessing my socks off!!!Pleased

And we get EVERYTHING in the U.P.! I've never understood why everybody has so much problem finding DA stuff. Oh well.

But Bubba, how come someone would have to die if you and the Tuxedo Clad Megastar were in the same room? Do one of you have leprosy or something like that? I hadn't heard anything about that. Confused
Thread: Curious
Bowling Pin

Replies: 124
Views: 177,806
RE: Hi, Carman! 02-23-2005 14:02 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by the Tuxedo Clad Megastar
Originally posted by Bowling Pin
Long time no see!

When's the next album coming out? I need to hear a good new album!

I mean, I really like the new 7 & 7 CD, but sometimes a guy's just got to get righteoussed-up, you know? Smile

I'm working on a new "heavenly metal" album with the Nelson brothers right now! Smile )

Great! I can't wait!

Maybe you can work with Bubba Death Machine next time! Those guys are great!!!
Thread: Curious
Bowling Pin

Replies: 124
Views: 177,806
Hi, Carman! 02-23-2005 13:55 Forum: General Discussion

Long time no see!

When's the next album coming out? I need to hear a good new album!

I mean, I really like the new 7 & 7 CD, but sometimes a guy's just got to get righteoussed-up, you know? Smile
Thread: Terry S. Taylor's Imaginarium
Bowling Pin

Replies: 156
Views: 453,342
01-05-2005 13:40 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

That's great! Now the rest of the world can finally know what the U.P. has known for YEARS!
Thread: Any word from Terry???
Bowling Pin

Replies: 74
Views: 101,056
Wow! My hero's HERE!!! 02-12-2004 13:53 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by the Tuxedo Clad Megastar
why wasn't bowling pin on the second fan tribute?
i love that guy! Pleased

I can't believe it! This is great! I know a lot of people on this board don't like you, but I think it's a big, big house, with lots and lots of room! Anyway, I love your music! I even have your Pilates Praise CD! Big Grin

By the way, do you know Steve Taylor? I think your music and his have so much in common! I think the way you both use your wit and showmanship to reach people for the Lord is great!

Sorry I didn't have time to contribute to the Fruit album -- I had some tough classes this past semester and really needed to apply myself. Hope you understand. I even had the song written, though, so let me post the words and you can tell me what you think. It's another attempt to get the people on this board to give your music and your ministry a chance. Maybe I'll have to time to record it for the next DAmb CD, but I hope you like it anyway:

the Tuxedo Clad Megastar IS JEHOVAH TO ME

I can tell you're a grouchy old board
But I'm tryin' to see you still love the Lord
But your words are confusin', it seems you're abusin'
God's Anointed, who you’re so mean toward

Now Christians you say you are
So how come you won’t follow this star?
Now I know my words you don’t believe
But the Tuxedo Clad Megastar is Jehovah to me

the Tuxedo Clad Megastar is Jehovah to me
If I give him 30 thousand, he’ll play my town for free
I don’t know why all you smart fellers can’t see
That the Tuxedo Clad Megastar is Jehovah to me

Now we’ve both said that DA, they rock
But that RIOT CD you still knock
Now it seems rather odd, if we’re all children of God
That you’d think “This Blood’s for You” is a crock

Now the Lost Dogs can only depress you
And those Eddies, they can only satirize
But when the Spirit comes in, you’ll know my Cham-pi-in
And sing the Tuxedo Clad Megastar is Jehovah to me

the Tuxedo Clad Megastar is Jehovah to me
If I give him 30 grand, he’ll play my town for free
I just don’t know why you smart fellers can’t see
That the Tuxedo Clad Megastar is Jehovah to me

(everyone sing now….)

the Tuxedo Clad Megastar is Jehovah to me
Even though you hate his guts there on the D-A-m-b
Why can’t you intellectual giants just see
That the Tuxedo Clad Megastar is Jehovah to me

Joey thinks I’m a fake
He can jump in the lake[1]
‘Cause the Tuxedo Clad Megastar is Jehovah to me-e-e-eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

[1] Lake Superior, of course — the cold water might even wake him up! Smile
Thread: Rapsures
Bowling Pin

Replies: 41
Views: 42,130
brd up! 03-24-2003 13:48 Forum: General Discussion

I like to think of it as the fear of God. Smile
Thread: Rapsures
Bowling Pin

Replies: 41
Views: 42,130
Thank you! 03-24-2003 13:32 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by brd2yrmother
There is a Terry/Carman link.

Isn't this what I've been saying all along? Accepting this truth once and for all will help usher in the Peaceable Kingdom, where we all can finally get on the band-wagon and bring Jesus to both the highways and the backroads regardless of our personal tastes!

Of course, I've been saying all along that the Terry/Carman link was Steve Taylor, but hey, this is even better. Smile
Thread: Darn Floor Alert - I found one for sale
Bowling Pin

Replies: 23
Views: 26,174
Hey guys! 02-26-2003 13:18 Forum: General Discussion

Glad someone found a copy, but I don't know what the big deal is all about. The copy around the corner here's got 4 copies right now. Just like they do for pretty much anything DA puts out. Anyone want me to snag one for them? We could even trade straight-up for a the Tuxedo Clad Megastar CD. Now THOSE are hard to find up here. Smile
Thread: DAmb it Reviews
Bowling Pin

Replies: 79
Views: 80,680
Thanks, Buffy! 02-10-2003 11:33 Forum: General Discussion

"1] the Tuxedo Clad Megastar – Bowling Pin:
Excellent tie-in to the message board in changing the lyrics of the Eddies’ “Billy Graham.” Sounds like it was recorded in one take on a cassette; love that hiss/noise. “Pretentious oral goo like months-old SPAM”!! If the recording quality was better it’d fit in just fine on a Lost Dogs CD. Since I love playing with lyrics I give this’n a big thumbs up for Bowling Pin’s strike in creating such fine lyrics (seriously!). "

One correction, though: It's "aural." As in, it's not what comes out of the mouth of the Tuxedo Clad Megastar, it's what goes in your ears. Big Grin
Thread: DAMB IT II - The Sequel
Bowling Pin

Replies: 182
Views: 173,710
Wow, I'm flattered! 02-10-2003 11:21 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by BD
Originally posted by carl
DAmb-y'all Amos!!!

Heck, maybe we can even get ol' BP to open it up with "the Tuxedo Clad Megastar Is Jehovah To Me"....

I like this one too! Big Grin
And yes, BP has to do another Cman tune!!!

Thanks, guys!

You know, that song suggestion's actually a pretty good idea. I think it's important that everyone has someone in their life that they can look at and say, "Yeah, I can really see God in that person's life." The fact that the Tuxedo Clad Megastar annoys most of you guys while exhibiting those charateristics to me just adds some fun to the reality. Big Grin
Thread: Let's Talk dämb it
Bowling Pin

Replies: 274
Views: 249,773
Wow! 12-31-2002 07:18 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by BD
there he sits, on the Fritz Roll Eyes

See? There's Steve Taylor again! That was the point of the song EXACTLY! Big Grin
Thread: What is DA's best opening track?
Bowling Pin

Replies: 53
Views: 74,225
11-22-2002 10:13 Forum: General Discussion

Big Warm Sweet Interior Glowing
Thread: Zoom Daddy reformed
Bowling Pin

Replies: 53
Views: 86,779
11-12-2002 14:49 Forum: General Discussion

Thread: DAmbIT 10/17/02 update
Bowling Pin

Replies: 71
Views: 78,300
Hey BigDork 11-12-2002 14:11 Forum: General Discussion

Good job! Finally got to hear my clip, not to mention all the others! Lots of fun! Can't wait for "the real thing, whoa-oa" to come out!
Thread: A kick to the, um, you know... Krotch area
Bowling Pin

Replies: 8
Views: 15,499
I've seen that one before 10-07-2002 10:30 Forum: General Discussion

But you figure, any website that condemns P.O.D., the Tuxedo Clad Megastar, DA AND Michael W. Smith has at least got to be pretty open-minded about what they listen to.
Thread: Daniel Amos and DA
Bowling Pin

Replies: 12
Views: 16,665
A little off-topic, but not much 07-03-2002 12:00 Forum: General Discussion

It seems like a lot of the Alarma Chronicles (and maybe what makes it so good) has this end-times urgency ("Through the Speakers," etc.) that was obviously there from the Shotgun Angel days (side 2 especially). Like Terry had to say everything NOW. It was almost like when the world didn't end at the end of Fearful Symmetry and now only that but Terry saw it wasn't even close to what HAD to be said, he had to keep reinventing himself (and of course, the bands he was in) to find different ways of saying what was basically the same thing ("There may not ever be / Anything here new to say / But I'm fond of finding words / Say them in a different way," right?).

I know that probably doesn't make a lot of sense, but what can I say? Darn Floor Big Bite. Smile
Thread: Attack of the Pulpit Masters
Bowling Pin

Replies: 48
Views: 55,717
Thanks, Gus! 07-03-2002 10:45 Forum: General Discussion

This actually explains it much better than your first response. I still have some thoughts about that, but I wanted to let you know first that this interpretation seems a lot more consistent with what I would expect from Terry.

Still, you made a comment before, "it's fiction for crying out loud. So shouldn't it be authentic fiction?" as if the fact that it's fiction makes it OK to hold or promote a viewpoint that we couldn't normally support. Like it excuses us from having a higher goal in mind. I don't know if you meant it that way, but that's the way it hit me.

Now that I see your latest post I think maybe I just took all of it the wrong way. But I still think it's a big problem with a lot of what passes for "art" these days. That's not to say that truly awful things can't be put in books or movies or whatever, but if there's no redemptive quality to the art, you've just thrown your reader or viewer into a ditch and left them there. Compare a good Russian novel to what passes for art these days. The subject matter isn't any less awful, just the place you're left at after you're done.
Thread: Curious
Bowling Pin

Replies: 124
Views: 177,806
Hey Steve! 07-02-2002 11:34 Forum: General Discussion

It's funny you should drop by just now. I was just mentioning some of my misgivings about certain lyrics by the band themselves, actually (see the "Attack of the Pulpit Masters" thread). But like Anne said, don't take people here too seriously. It goes down easier that way. Smile

As for where to start with DA, Mr. Buechner's Dream is a very good place. Especially since it's still pretty new. I would recommend some of their earlier stuff, especially The Alarma Chronicles, but it sounds like a lot of people here have troubles finding other DA material. I still don't get that. But if you don't have that problem by you, I'd definitely go pick that bookset up. Or buy the individual CDs (Alarma, Doppelganger, Vox Humana, Fearful Symmetry) if the cost of the whole set is too prohibitive (but it is 4 CDs for the price of 2, if you think about it that way).

The Lost Dogs albums (which feature Terry Taylor, Mike Roe of the 77s, Derri Daugherty of The Choir and until recently "the late, great" Gene Eugene of Adam Again) are very accessible as well, especially the first two (Scenic Routes and Little Red Riding Hood). Best Of is a very good place to start, since it has a lot from both of those CDs.
Thread: Attack of the Pulpit Masters
Bowling Pin

Replies: 48
Views: 55,717
That's sort of what I was hoping 07-01-2002 19:17 Forum: General Discussion

Still, Camarillo lumps being a "porno person" in with being a "swirling eddy" (which he is, after all) and "movie going, rock 'n' rolling beer drinking" which is sort of what's being glorified in "Hide the Beer, the Pastor's Here." I understand from comments elsewhere that that song's about hypocrisy -- like the Scripture Man whose "lust is his brew, but no one sees through, his minty-fresh breath ain't reekin'" -- but it makes it sound like drinking and watching R-rated movies are just everyday things and that anyone who's got a problem with it ought to just shut up and sit down. I kind of have a problem with that kind of thinking, that we have to glorify our imperfections rather than help each other overcome them in Christ, for God's glory.

I know that's not a popular stand, but there I am. And that's why I worry when I come across this kind of stuff, I guess.
Thread: Attack of the Pulpit Masters
Bowling Pin

Replies: 48
Views: 55,717
Attack of the Pulpit Masters 07-01-2002 14:38 Forum: General Discussion

First of all, this is a pretty bizarre song to begin with. Makes me think of all these Godzillas with those old-time 20-foot bibles laying siege on Tokyo. But that's just me.

My real question is: What's deal with the Eddies singing "We're the porno people"? Doesn't make any sense. A godly band who likes pornography? That can't be right. But I don't know what to make of this.

Anyone have any ideas?
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