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Thread: People conspicuously absent from the DAmbit....

Replies: 49
Views: 70,148
12-18-2002 15:00 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by carl
Alright, we can give DorkBoy a pass, since he kicked some serious man-behind-the-scenes butt and all that.... and baxter & EdHead, because of their relative newness....
but what about :


a) Musical ineptitude.

b) a singing voice that would clear a church faster than Rosanne doing a strip tease

d) what ever happend to c) ?

e) No access to sound eqiupment to put something together that could counter a and b

c) oh there it goes..
Thread: Terry Christmas EP update....

Replies: 97
Views: 115,406
12-18-2002 14:56 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Author of the Post
Am I the only person who ordered from the webstore who still hasn't received the new TST EP? I could have walked to Wentzville and gotten it faster. Frown I want my new CD.

-- aotp

I haven't yet.

But then I said to save on freight to send it with club disk 2, hodgepodge, Dr Ed 2 and a recent order from Dogs and 77's

Also I'm over seas and so it would take longer anyway.

I'm going to get a major new years pressie once it all gets here.
Thread: Terry Christmas EP update....

Replies: 97
Views: 115,406
12-16-2002 18:59 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by audiori

they are appreciated.

To quote St Thomas Aquinas

sorry... I just had to say it Smile
Thread: Terry Christmas EP update....

Replies: 97
Views: 115,406
12-13-2002 20:18 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Joey T.
please tell me they are Christmas gifts and you will not be ripping off poor suckers on e-bay..... Big Grin

someone already is...
Thread: New Update on the Fan Discs - damb it 12-13-02

Replies: 40
Views: 40,448
12-13-2002 20:16 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by BigDork
I know it wont be there by Christmas, but it should be there (unless you are Andrew Frown ) by New Years!



Seriously though I'm resigned that I won't be getting any chrissy pressies form the states this year.

I did get myself Creature Tech sent over but don't tell me I got it for myself and it's a surprise.
Thread: Terry Christmas EP update....

Replies: 97
Views: 115,406
12-12-2002 14:05 Forum: General Discussion

Townsends - glad to hear your Dad's OK.

As mine is international - if not already all my stuff can be sent together. Please make sure though it is to my new address.

Thread: Daniel Amos & Terry Taylor rarities on eBay

Replies: 12
Views: 18,472
12-11-2002 16:29 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Dr Rich
Originally posted by highfiguy
They are both cassettes, which I realize no one really wants.

Tapes are so last century man! Cool

Last century - man they are last Millennium! Cool
Thread: Biting off more than they can chew

Replies: 18
Views: 22,806
12-04-2002 14:04 Forum: General Discussion

Ditto allthe apreciation above.

Without you it would be nigh impossable for me to have any of what I have of Terry.

I'm am glad you do what you do - which is why whenever an obvious question on releases etc comes up on the DADL I'm glad to answer it - one less for you...
Thread: What is DA's best closing track?

Replies: 23
Views: 38,384
12-02-2002 13:44 Forum: General Discussion

Skeptic Song - I'm from Dallas and don't mind that country sound

OK for real it's Beautiful one


Replies: 36
Views: 48,074
11-25-2002 22:00 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by B Diddy
Yeah, this looks like it may be a fun CD! Big Grin

The last two (King and Bethlehem) look like it may be serious and Plastic Baby Jesus could be pointed as well.

But it will be fun - I'ma gonna like it

(this coming from the guy who bought the CD with blow off noises on it - of course I'm gonna like it) Big Grin

Yee ha!

Replies: 36
Views: 48,074
11-25-2002 21:45 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by B Diddy
i will have to get this too!

I can't wait to read the lyrics to Fruitcake from Hell and Plastic Baby Jesus.

I just noticed the base to the Christmas tree is a cross

Replies: 36
Views: 48,074
11-25-2002 19:53 Forum: General Discussion

Terry Taylor
Songs for the Day after Christmas

This is a "surprise" release recorded by Terry during a short break from the most recent Lost Dogs tour. This 5 song EP features all original Terry Taylor Christmas songs and is sure to please even the most casual Terry Taylor fan.
Rob Watson assisted Terry in the recording of the EP, (as he did on "Little, big") and the EP has a remarkable continuity with Terry's Little, big, and Avocado Faultline.

Supplies are limited to 500 hand-numbered copies, packaged in recycled, brown, heavy Kraft paper packaging. (Similar to the packaging used on VOL's, "Cross The Big Pond" CD.) In other words, there are only 500 to go around, and these are NOT, we repeat, NOT, cd-r's with cheap packaging!

www.danielamos.com will have only 100 units of this fully produced and professionally manufactured album for sale. We at lo-fidelity records will have the remaining 400 for sale! Orders will not begin shipping on this EP until at earliest December 6, 2002. We will not be taking pre-orders on this item, so please don't ask. Please join the lo-fidelity NEWS list for updates and ordering alerts on this and other lo-fidelity releases.

Track List:

The Day After Christmas
Plastic Baby Jesus
Fruitcake from Hell
From the king to the King
May I Be Your Bethlehem"
Price: $12.00 plus shipping.


Replies: 36
Views: 48,074
11-25-2002 19:02 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Theo
I can tell you all: You gonna enjoy. But you gonna crack up too! Jus' wait! Red Face

One of the songs is called "Fruitcake from Hell" so I guessed it might be a funny one or making some point.

Replies: 36
Views: 48,074
11-25-2002 16:57 Forum: General Discussion

Woo Hoo!

I love Christmas music and I've wanted Terry Christmas music since I first heard him.

Yee Ha!

I'll be buying this one
Thread: damb it ~ 11-24-02 update

Replies: 30
Views: 35,525
11-24-2002 18:58 Forum: General Discussion

Paid for mine. I noticed the page said $12 for the disk yet Paypal was $12.50?

What about freight - especially to the overseas weirdos?

And I just remebered I'll be shifting house between Christmas and New Years - I'll have to get you the new address.
Thread: What is DA's best opening track?

Replies: 53
Views: 77,478
11-24-2002 16:33 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Phoebe Cates
Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You

Gee thank you I'm flattered
Thread: Latest DAmb Fan Disc Update 9/8/02

Replies: 164
Views: 155,705
11-24-2002 15:12 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Mark

When are you going to put the order form up? Also, I may order more than I originally said. Should I e-mail of my intentions?

Just depends - are your intentions honourable?
Thread: Preachers

Replies: 32
Views: 44,061
11-24-2002 15:10 Forum: General Discussion

Hey! Maybe that's the extra track for Hodge podge!

Audioris - is it too late to get Terry Reading his grocery list onto Hodge podge?
Thread: Preachers

Replies: 32
Views: 44,061
11-24-2002 14:03 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by dennis
Originally posted by Andrew
Originally posted by dorfsmith
No sarcasm my friends. I really love them. I'm one of the guys who would by a tape of terry singing in the shower.

Neverhood - Terry singing Kumbiya backwards inthe shower and Terry Gargling hitting a tin pot.

Have two copies - Orginal and Imaginarium - want the game for the third version.

Also for the fan who wants to hear Terry making fart noises! Big Grin

Now all we need is Terry reading out his grocery list.

Thread: What is DA's best opening track?

Replies: 53
Views: 77,478
11-24-2002 14:00 Forum: General Discussion

Jesus is Jehovah to me.

I'm from Dallas and I don't mind that country sound.

Actually "A sigh for you" was the first DA song I ever heard so I'll have to go with that one - it sold me on them totally.
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