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Thread: DA 30th Anniversary Edition
Stuart Pedasso

Replies: 99
Views: 402,886
07-12-2006 10:56 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

This is released now?
Thread: 77's DVD news update
Stuart Pedasso

Replies: 20
Views: 41,972
07-12-2006 10:48 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Ron E
where else have you heard "oh, btw, costs were lower than expected so we're passing that along to you!"?

Thread: Crazy Fan Letter
Stuart Pedasso

Replies: 42
Views: 103,793
03-27-2006 12:31 Forum: General Discussion

Yup. I like Jerry - he's cute as a button.
Thread: How did you find DA?
Stuart Pedasso

Replies: 245
Views: 417,238
03-08-2006 17:48 Forum: General Discussion

Yes, my uncle has one. It was given to my dad and his brothers when they were kids. He still has a box of old cylinders too. It's an original edison!

Originally posted by Commander Cote
Oooh 78's, we use those for dinner plates. Anyone remember the cylinder shaped records?
Cmon JiMiNy, say yes, I know I'm not the only one here that remembers. Besides all grandpas remember everything, right?
Thread: How did you find DA?
Stuart Pedasso

Replies: 245
Views: 417,238
01-26-2006 11:55 Forum: General Discussion

I think it was 1973 or 1974 when I first heard David Anus. The song that hooked me was "The Toot of the Flute". It had the airy feel of Jethro Tull combined with the jangly elements of "Peace Train". I was hooked. I remember seeing them at the infamous Blue Flame Club in Vancouver. I was underage, but really tall for my age and I was able to sneak in and watched their performance from the side of the stage. Their drummer Ed McBastard, had hair Larry Norman would envy, and after the show he would actually put it up in a bee-hive. Freaking cool. Of course the real meat of the band was Terry Tailor. He had a way with a phrase that was uncanny. His song about "Soup for the Lord" was something I'll never forget.

Soup for the Lord
I drove here in my Ford
I watched a little TV
Until we all got bored
I went into the kitchen
The cupboard they was frenchin
The labels on the cans
Were in someone's trash can
We took a chance and prayed perchance
For soup, soup for the Lord

The solo by Jerry inspired kids all over the Pacific Northwest and parts of British Columbia to proclaim that Jerry was Clapton.

Of course, like most of us, it was the release of Hemorrhoidous Disc that secured their place in rock history, followed closely by Alarming.

Anyway, that's how I came to be a DA fan.
Thread: Cornerstone 2005
Stuart Pedasso

Replies: 120
Views: 139,576
07-05-2005 18:04 Forum: General Discussion

I know you've talked about the Dogs, Choir. I'm curious about Elbel, and Andrewesley? Any comments? I'm curious about them since Andrew freakin rocks, and Jeff was launching a great new album.
Thread: Cornerstone 2005
Stuart Pedasso

Replies: 120
Views: 139,576
06-23-2005 14:15 Forum: General Discussion

Dudes and Dudettes - just got a note from Andrew Carter ... just wanted to remind those of you who are going to not miss this guy.

3:10 PM Andrewesley! His live band will be featuring former members of Aunt Bettys, LSU, Valu-Pac, Silage, and Dakota Motor Co.

His album rocks, he a real gentleman, and he's a great player! I wish I could go.
Thread: Got a Note from Marty ....
Stuart Pedasso

Replies: 24
Views: 120,886
06-19-2005 23:26 Forum: Larry - Lucy I'm In Love

Hey, I bought mine right away too! Heck, I even got that Jevon the Knob to write to your ultra secret hotmail account too ...

So there! And there, and there too.

I like it ... I'm trying to put my finger on Glen's vocals ... totally reminds me of someone, and I can't get it. I'm tempted to say Dave Matthews but that's not it ...

I'm enjoying the pop, and Marty I didn't know you were so accomplished on so many instruments.

Jevo ... er Stu.

Watch for a full review coming to a website near you.
Thread: Theo and AAR a history
Stuart Pedasso

Replies: 5
Views: 15,569
06-09-2005 17:07 Forum: General Discussion

HEY! I porrf read a lot of your stuff. I even had you change some of your answers.

I still think you need another title. Catatonia III Revenge of the Lisp
Thread: Theo and AAR a history
Stuart Pedasso

Replies: 5
Views: 15,569
Theo and AAR a history 06-09-2005 11:35 Forum: General Discussion

Theo and Jevon (that farty wanker) recently got together over a few days and ran through the history of AAR, the Come as a Child Projects and a few things in between.

Most of us know something of Theo's story since he's been a regular here for a long time. Interesting to hear about things, and see a little about how Terry became involved.

It is a long article, but it showcases the history of the AAR projects. It was a great experience.

I 'm beating Theo to the punch by posting the link here for the family. If you find any weird glaring typos or errors PM me and I'll fix them up.

Thread: Cornerstone 2005
Stuart Pedasso

Replies: 120
Views: 139,576
05-05-2005 16:35 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by larryl
Originally posted by Jevon the Tall
Originally posted by larryl
Originally posted by DaLe
Originally posted by audiori
I believe the Lost Dogs will be there, at the very least.


Friday, 7.01.05

Gallery Stage

3:10 PM Andrewesley

andrew carter and chuck cummings (LSU, dakoda motor co, other various bands)

i want to see them Cool

Go see Andrew! He's very cool, and his CD was one of my top ten.

Here's an interview with him Andrew Carter

i read that a while back. big fun. i like your interviews........i should do some like that. i think my readers would wonder more than they already do Big Grin

I thought I recognized your URL, you wrote me a while ago to reprint some of my stuff. Cool that you're here. Andrew is the bomb. We still write once in a while. I still think it's great that I snagged the first signed copy.
Thread: Cinco de Mayo
Stuart Pedasso

Replies: 11
Views: 23,751
05-04-2005 11:47 Forum: General Discussion

Hello Pastor Theo

Pastor Pedasso here. You're there. Funny how we're both in the same place. I heard the new Choir album, and funny how Mister Chandler still hasn't learned to find the right notes at the same time as the other musicians.

I wonder if Berger knows anything about the lack of glockenspiel on the Choir album - it added such a new level to Mutt ...
Thread: berger!
Stuart Pedasso

Replies: 56
Views: 69,023
04-29-2005 10:52 Forum: General Discussion

Sounds like Berger could use some a couple of Pringles.
Thread: Zoom Daddy...
Stuart Pedasso

Replies: 36
Views: 62,353
01-07-2005 15:48 Forum: General Discussion

That was a post. So if you make a wishy washy post that says nothing is that sitting on a fence post?
Thread: Zoom Daddy...
Stuart Pedasso

Replies: 36
Views: 62,353
01-07-2005 12:40 Forum: General Discussion

Oh I see that Friday is now Punday. So that being said, I'll put on my Punday best, and do my Berry Vest to keep in time with the rest of you.
Thread: Zoom Daddy...
Stuart Pedasso

Replies: 36
Views: 62,353
01-07-2005 11:24 Forum: General Discussion

In the words of Shrek, "Really really."

A snippet of my thoughts on Youth "I more or less had my negative bags packed and was ready to not like Youth. To my surprise the first couple of times through I thought it was pretty good, and I found myself warming to the album despite myself. True, it’s missing Ross, but Joel is a good kid, and Youth has the feel of a transition album (I can almost hear the guys “Wait’ll you hear the next one!”). It’ll be interesting to see what Joel’s musical voice sounds like once he’s allowed to cut loose and step out of Ross’ shadow. Musically the guys have mellowed and turned down the crunch, but it’s a natural progression and the music retains the best of what made Collective Soul stand out from the other ubiquitous bands out there. Which was a pleasant surprise."
Thread: Zoom Daddy...
Stuart Pedasso

Replies: 36
Views: 62,353
01-07-2005 11:02 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Mark
Originally posted by dorfsmith
They are all pretty good. I have not heard the new one.

The new Collective Soul is very good.

I was surprised by Youth. I was more or less expecting Blender part Poo
Thread: hey stu!
Stuart Pedasso

Replies: 24
Views: 39,276
12-02-2004 17:17 Forum: General Discussion

oooh check it out, a genuine double post!
Thread: hey stu!
Stuart Pedasso

Replies: 24
Views: 39,276
12-02-2004 17:16 Forum: General Discussion

Bill Cosby is my hero.

MBM, must be an argument dumper guy.
Thread: hey stu!
Stuart Pedasso

Replies: 24
Views: 39,276
12-02-2004 17:16 Forum: General Discussion

Bill Cosby is my hero.

MBM, must be an argument dumper guy.
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