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Thread: DAconomics

Replies: 175
Views: 207,914
Speaking of lo-fidelity . . . 05-17-2003 13:36 Forum: General Discussion

[I]Originally posted by Captain Pedantic

Once fine point details are worked out with JT and we have a way of holding the funds then there will be an annoucement and the ball will start rolling.

Could lo-fidelity/ Jeffrey K. do this?
Thread: DAconomics

Replies: 175
Views: 207,914
Let me clarify 05-17-2003 13:30 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by pistolpete I'm not sure if this is what you meant, but your post makes it seem as if your impression is that with the label all the band made was money for "CD production and distribution". Is that what you meant? That sort of defeats the purpose of a label if thats the case.


When the discussion turned to raising capital for new CD production, I wanted to point out that if all the profits are returned to the investors or reinvested in a new project, this solves the problem of financing a new product but doesn't solve the problem of Terry and company needing money to live on. Perhaps for some people I'm stating the obvious, but others may not have thought of this aspect. Even if a small label like lo-fidelity provides the capital, with a small fan base and limited distribution, it's still difficult to make enough profit for living expenses. Self-produced projects are, of course, even more difficult. A large portion of the profit has to go back to the next project, and if a project actually loses money, you can find yourself out of business very quickly. To top it off, we've been in a recession for several years and spending money for "luxuries" such as music CD's is down. As of today, Lost Dogs has no major label support (having completed their contract with BEC), and neither does DA or Terry. So Terry and company face a daunting task. I just wanted to point out to those that are willing to invest their hard-earned cash in a new project that somewhere in the equation, living expenses must be met as well as production and distribution expenses.

Now that I've rambled on, am I making more sense? Confused
Thread: DAconomics

Replies: 175
Views: 207,914
Great! 05-17-2003 12:31 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Captain Pedantic
Originally posted by dorfsmith
Sounds like this could go somewhere.

Once fine point details are worked out with JT and we have a way of holding the funds then there will be an annoucement and the ball will start rolling.

JT had the idea that the executive producors will have access to a web page with photo's and mp3's etc...

The investment idea is terrific--here's praying that it succeeds with flying colors! You should probably set a minimum investment level, though, or some joker will want to invest 1 cent just to get access to the photos and MP3's . . . Roll Eyes
Thread: DAconomics

Replies: 175
Views: 207,914
05-16-2003 13:03 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by brd2yrmother
good ideas, DAle.

Yessirree! I'd much rather hear some creative solutions than continual harping on the problems. We all know there have been big problems; the question is how can this little ministry/business compete with the Big Boys, stay afloat, and keep Terry and company warm and filled?
Thread: DAconomics

Replies: 175
Views: 207,914
05-16-2003 12:51 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by pistolpete
I've ordered all the recent releases from lo-fidelity. The service is REALLY fast and it supports the band. I realize some people think that the only way you can support the band is from buyng directly from the bands web-stores, but that is really not true. Buying from the label (in this case) also means that they can put more stuff out. Just an added thought to the whole discussion.

Peter Anderson

Good point. I hope everyone will buy from lo-fidelity as well, but somehow Terry and company need to generate enough money to pay costs beyond CD production and distribution, such as rent, food, clothes, medical care, etc. There are production expenses and then there are living expenses. With such a small fan base it's extremely difficult to make enough profit to live on.
Thread: DAconomics

Replies: 175
Views: 207,914
05-16-2003 12:40 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by brd2yrmother
This kind of bugs me. Isn't this idea basically what pre-ordering those last several CDs was really all about? By pre-ordering we were supposed to be executive producers, so to speak. The fact that the money was most likely used for other things (even if they were viable needs of the band) makes me hesitant to lay down more money on the faith that it will be used for what it is supposed to be used for. I don't think I've ever complained about service or anything else from the DA-store. I have enjoyed everything I've received and any problems I've had have been taken care of. I do know that when I owned a store and a customer special ordered a product (prepaying for something that I didn't have on hand), I used that money to get their product even if I still didn't have money to pay rent or food. I think that's the key point here. It wasn't my money until I'd given the customer what it was they had paid for. Until the product was in the customer's hands, it was still their money.

I agree with you. This never should have happened. It should never happen again.
Thread: DAconomics

Replies: 175
Views: 207,914
05-16-2003 11:10 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by dorfsmith
I know one thing for sure, if what is available now was shipped faster there would be many more orders. I hate to say it but I bought Crying Towel on ebay because I didn't want to wait months to get it. If the store shipped faster I would be happy to pay a few extra bucks . . . If sales went up because orders were shipped quickly you might find a little cash to do another project. No guarantee but it is a suggestion.

I appreciate your gracious attitude, but for every person who's willing to pay a little more, there's one or more who are complaining that the prices are already too high, so they buy where it's cheaper. It's the proverbial rock and hard place. Charge more so you can provide better service and people buy elsewhere because it's cheaper. Charge less and compromise service and people buy elsewhere because it's faster. Making the choice to buy elsewhere is the right of every consumer, but unless someone, somewhere, is willing to shoulder the actual costs there won't be any new product to buy. Anywhere.
Thread: DAconomics

Replies: 175
Views: 207,914
05-15-2003 23:39 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Jevon the Tall

Personally, as tempting as it is to offer up cash to produce, I've got other committments family wise that are somewhat prohibitive.

LOL. This is the crux of the problem. Everyone wants bricks without straw. Those involved in this little venture are all in the same scraping-the-bottom-of-the-barrel boat. So who's going to belly up to the bar and pay the bills?

Does that mean I should sit back and not comment?

No. You have every right to voice the negative impact of poor service. You can state your frustration at delays. It's justifiable criticism, but griping won't change the overall situation. What will change it is people investing their time and money. Continuing to beat a dead horse won't get it on its feet.

Thread: DAconomics

Replies: 175
Views: 207,914
05-15-2003 19:02 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Captain Pedantic
Can we help?

I like the idea of those of us with money to spare pooling together to be executive producers on a new album.

If we don't sell enough then consider the loss as a gift to the ministry.

If we sell enough and I get extra on the investement then we all could re-invest into another project.

Who is willing?

Now y'all are heading in the right direction!

And I think those who are not willing to put their bodies on the line and get in the game should refrain from being armchair quarterbacks and critics. Griping won't change anything. Those who invest their time and money DO change things.
Thread: I'm gonna go see the DOGS!!!

Replies: 76
Views: 69,731
05-09-2003 19:13 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by BD
Originally posted by Michelle

...pushy fans . . .

I resemble that! Evil

heh heh, I Michelle! Good times eh? Tongue Wink


Actually, you resemble a very nice guy who never makes trouble for the promoter!! Big Grin

BTW, nice to have you back around here. Now when are you getting your website back online?Evil
Thread: TST concert Quotes

Replies: 32
Views: 30,451
Back on topic 05-09-2003 19:05 Forum: General Discussion

At a songwriting seminar Terry did with Phil a few years back, someone asked how to write a hit song. Terry replied, "I wouldn't know!" Big Grin Crying
Thread: TST concert Quotes

Replies: 32
Views: 30,451
05-09-2003 18:57 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by BD
We tried to recreate the shot, but it was real windy and very overcast on the day we were there. we've been back to Sedonna several more times since then, but we hardly ever bring a camera with us. Frown

some day we want to get a good shot from there.


Hey BD, we tried this too with about as much success as you had. Frown

It's harder to do than it looks!
Thread: I'm gonna go see the DOGS!!!

Replies: 76
Views: 69,731
05-09-2003 14:55 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by jeffrey k.
and yeah, I'm a bit stressed right now...

I hear ya! Late-shipping CD's, scrambled track listings, lost driver's licence at the airport, pushy fans . . . ah, the memories!

Breathe Deep and relax. It'll all turn out fine. Smile
Thread: Hey Tim Chandler, do you know Carman?

Replies: 115
Views: 118,040
Not a legend 03-13-2003 18:06 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by jiminy
It has all the trappings of an Urban Legend.
though Jimmi Hendrix DID open for the Monkees in 1966 in a CA concert

This is his first-hand account. He says he was in the audience and told me the story when he found out I'm a DA fan. He is not a DA fan, but he said he felt bad for the band. So to follow CS Lewis' logic, he's either lying, insane, or it's true.
Thread: Hey Tim Chandler, do you know Carman?

Replies: 115
Views: 118,040
03-13-2003 16:27 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by BobRobertz

I wonder if Keith ever listened to Daniel Amos. I would love to know what he thought (although I'd be crushed if he didn't share my enthusiasm).


A friend of mine says he was at a concert in Dallas (he doesn't remember the year) in which DA opened for Keith. They engaged in their usual onstage antics, and when Keith got up he gave them a severe tongue lashing for it. Anyone out there able to confirm this story?
Thread: First Post

Replies: 169
Views: 217,257
Thanks Tim! 03-12-2003 17:01 Forum: General Discussion

It's been a fun afternoon. See ya around.
Thread: First Post

Replies: 169
Views: 217,257
BTW 03-12-2003 16:53 Forum: General Discussion

Phil Madeira was here one August and got sunburned. Would you like to come play here and get sunburned too? We'd love to have you!
Thread: First Post

Replies: 169
Views: 217,257
Thanks 03-12-2003 16:46 Forum: General Discussion

I'll go read that as soon as you leave.Smile

We have weather here too--summer and almost summer. Just ask Derri, he was here in September. He got sunburned and commented, "In Nashville you don't burn. You just sweat and talk with an accent." Big Grin
Thread: First Post

Replies: 169
Views: 217,257
Tim 03-12-2003 16:26 Forum: General Discussion

How do you like living in Nashville as compared to California? What prompted the move?

Got any Grammy night stories to tell?
Thread: First Post

Replies: 169
Views: 217,257
I would tell you... 03-12-2003 15:56 Forum: General Discussion

but then I would have to kill you.

I'm sure I've told you that before.Tongue
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