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Thread: MR Taylor- Post to acknowlege?
Terry Taylor

Replies: 51
Views: 120,748
Birthday stuff 05-26-2006 16:51 Forum: General Discussion

Hey Kids,
Thanks for all the kind birthday wishes. Loved the pictures of cakes, taquitos, etc. etc
Had a quiet birthday celebration (for me, the best kind of B-day) here with my family Deb, Andrew, and Noelle. Among the gifts were
The Sopranos (2nd season), The Narnia Chronicles (how's that for contrasts?) and my favorites; a Barnes and Noble and Tower Records gift card. I've got to say I'm one happy man. All of your well-wishes certainly helped the celebration. since I originally planned it as a day of deep and prolonged mourning.
By the way, just because I'm 56 years old doesn't mean that some of you need to call me "Mr. Taylor." Taking stock of my physical well being I'd say I've faired pretty well...I've lost weight, I'm thankfully minus one Gall Bladder (which I've turned into a bag pipe for use on CatScratch), got all my teeth and most of my hair (yes, you'll not find a chrome-dome under the various hats), and I retain most of my brain cells. The only thing I'm concerned with is the fact that, much like global warming, my hunch-back has grown a couple of centimeters in size and temperature.
Anyway, again thank you all. I love you dearly.
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