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Thread: anyone else been through this?

Replies: 36
Views: 67,927
09-05-2007 19:51 Forum: General Discussion

Our son was a starting point guard for his high school basketball team as a freshman (JV) and sophomore (varsity). In his junior year, a new coach came in who kept him on the bench for the whole season and often publicly humiliated him during practices. At the year-end tournament, the coach HAD to start our son in one game due to an injury, and he played wonderfully. The coach’s wife commented after the game, “Where’s HE been all season?!” It was all I could do to hold my tongue. Although the whole thing was excruciating for our son, we kept encouraging him to do his best in practices, to pray for his coach, to maintain a humble, respectful attitude at all times, not to complain to his teammates, and to try to find a way to honor his coach at the end of the year. We had many long talks about it to help him cope with his feelings. He did his best to follow our advice, and he wrote a nice card to the coach, saying whatever kind things he could honestly say, and had all the team members sign it. When he gave the coach the card, the coach gave it a quick reading and then tossed it aside with a mumbled “thanks” and turned to talk to someone else. Our son said to us later, “Well, at least I know I did the right thing.” We were never more proud of him!

During his senior year, yet another new coach came in, and this time our son started every game, was chosen as the starting point guard for the league’s all-star team, won MVP of the year-end tournament, and garnered a number of other honors. I told him then, and I truly believe, that God was honoring him in his senior year in part because in his junior year he honored his parents by following their advice even though it was extremely difficult and because he honored and prayed for his coach even though he was treated unfairly. Even if he had not received those honors, we know that God was watching and that He was pleased with his response in a year in which his character and faith were put to the test.
Thread: Please pray for the Dogs

Replies: 5
Views: 12,548
Another update on Mike 07-01-2005 10:32 Forum: General Discussion

“Please pray. Mike's in the ER right now. He's had a fever off and on and now it's back, on top of everything else. Please pray that the doctors can pinpoint the problem and give him something to cure whatever ails him!”

And then:

“Last update for the night.. then bed!

Just spoke with Mike, he's back from the hospital in his hotel room. The church promoting last night's show was extemely gracious and a huge blessing, helping him in every way possible. Praise God for such people!!

He sounded in good spirits and is more or less on his way to feeling better. It was quite a relief to hear his voice sounding peaceful, just tired, and that nothing serious appears to be wrong.

Thank you God, and thanks again for all the prayers.”
Thread: Please pray for the Dogs

Replies: 5
Views: 12,548
OK that was fast-acting prayer 06-30-2005 13:12 Forum: General Discussion

Here's an update:

Just spoke to Mike again -- the storm let up and they are on their way to IN, and there are several possible doctors he can meet up with that people have arranged, so hopefully he'll get to see someone who can diagnose and treat him. Thanks for your prayers!
Thread: Please pray for the Dogs

Replies: 5
Views: 12,548
Please pray for the Dogs 06-30-2005 13:08 Forum: General Discussion

This from the Lost Dogs message board:

I just got off the phone with Mike -- please, everyone pray for him right now. He's not getting better, seems to be getting worse at the moment health-wise, and the guys are trapped in a horrible lightning storm in Livonia, probably unable to get to the show in IN tonight, and Mike is desperately trying to find a doctor. Please please pray for God to heal him, and for the safety of the guys, whether or not they make it to the show tonight. Mike's health and all their safety is much more important. Thank you.

Thread: Terry S. Taylor's Imaginarium

Replies: 156
Views: 453,561
RE: Imaginarium 10-19-2004 19:30 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

Originally posted by audiori
We have the funds ready for Imaginarium thanks to a
couple supporters.

So are they jocks?

Or maybe jerks?

Big Grin
Thread: How did you find DA?

Replies: 245
Views: 417,309
DA and our kids 07-26-2004 11:18 Forum: General Discussion

My kids used to laugh me off as a DA fanatic (which I am). Then I gave my eldest (then 13, now 15) an assignment to do a "literary analysis" of the Alarma Chronicles. Once he really took time to listen, he loved it! Now he laments the "lame lyrics" of the CD's he used to listen to. After we saw the Dogs in concert, the kids bought a CD and had all the guys sign it. So they all love the Dogs now. They also think the Neverhood is very cool. They think Uncle Stonehill's Hat is hilarious and often re-enact the dialog from it at the dinner table. Great music/art transcends generational differences! These guys' work is truly timeless.
Thread: Why women love...

Replies: 4
Views: 12,249
Why women love... 07-25-2004 14:40 Forum: General Discussion

Derri: because of his sweet voice and gorgeous hair

Terry: because of his genuine kindness

Mike: because of his raw passion

Chime in here, ladies...am I right?
Thread: How did you find DA?

Replies: 245
Views: 417,309
07-24-2004 16:42 Forum: General Discussion

In 1977 I was getting ready to graduate high school! Tongue

In 1984 I heard "Distance and Direction" on a late night radio show. I thought it was the coolest thing I had ever heard on "Christian radio." I bought Doppelganger at a Christian bookstore (the clerk informed me Terry's mother-in-law was working there, but I didn't talk to her). I devoured the LP, cover art, Chronicles, and all, and was hooked forever. Several years later a friend told me, "They used to be a country band you know." I replied, "No way!!!" Yes way. I wasn't able to get their first three albums until they were reissued on CD. Then I realized I had heard "Don't Light Your Own Fire" in the 70's, but I thought it was lame. Shocked I lost track of them for several years when I kept asking for DA at the bookstore and they said there was nothing new. When I finally found out they had morphed into the Swirling Eddies, I had a lot of catching up to do. Thank God for the Internet so I don't have to rely on ignorant store personnel any more!
Thread: Mutt Has Arrived In Missouri!!!

Replies: 48
Views: 72,183
RE: shipping is weird... 07-15-2004 18:23 Forum: General Discussion

Listening to my Mutt this afternoon. Ordered it from DA.com Monday night. Thanks for the speedy delivery, boys! Big Grin
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