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Thread: Swirling Eddies - Zoom Daddy

Replies: 30
Views: 166,765
20th Anniversary 02-10-2014 22:35 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

Any special plans to honor the 20th anniversary of Zoom Daddy? It is a work that remains atop my all-time list.
Thread: Cornerstone - the end is near

Replies: 84
Views: 442,346
05-26-2012 18:00 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Ritchie_az
Kansas has their annual "Wheathead" fest. It's typically in Kansas, but they've had it elsewhere (like Las Vegas) a couple times. Kansas is obviously the headline act, and Kansas-related artists (such as Steve Walsh solo, Proto~Kaw a couple times, Jake Livgren, tribute bands, etc) open up for them.

How about an annual Lost Dogs fest?

You could have an annual event that features DA, 77s, The Choir, Lost Dogs, Swirling Eddies, 7&7iS, Larry, DAS, and Kerosene Halo, as well as solo stuff from Terry, Jerry, Derri, Mike and Steve. Maybe there are other related artists. Fan bands. Bands that consider the main artists as a major influence (e.g. SF59). Bands that want to pay tribute to the main artists.

I don't know where the best place for something like this would be, but perhaps there are some areas that have a high concentration of fans. It could be in the same place each year, or in a different place each year.

I think it would take help from the fans (both financially and physically) to pull it off. But I'm pretty sure it could be pulled off.

It need be only one day, I would think. If there were a lot of interest (both by fans and artists), it could be two days, but one day seems more practical.

Something like this is something I would be willing to travel across a couple states to experience.

Anyone else with some thoughts?

Yes, Alabaster, AL would be an ideal location for such a fest
Thread: I heard the real life Little Dumbo on the radio!!

Replies: 24
Views: 77,021
09-19-2011 22:38 Forum: General Discussion

Yeah, little Dumbo just doesn't have the vocal skills of his old man. "At least, a $30.00 donation."

Thread: the tour

Replies: 17
Views: 109,811
06-15-2011 15:39 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by MarkyMark77
Paul sounded great, but you are missed!

Yeah, and Paul sings great, but you are missed.
Thread: DA Tour 2011

Replies: 189
Views: 1,193,546
06-14-2011 15:35 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Longstride

Awesome show, and the new guy on bass did a fine job filling Tim's role!

Paul Averitt was fantastic, and his input vocally really helped. This lineup has 3 strong vocalists now & 2 great guitarists. A very formidable roster.
Thread: Roll Call Nashville DA show

Replies: 13
Views: 150,314
06-13-2011 14:19 Forum: General Discussion

I'm heading out, I'll be wearing white shorts & a black Acceptance Loan (the bastards that fired me) tee shirt. I'll be the sexy looking fat guy.
Thread: Roll Call Nashville DA show

Replies: 13
Views: 150,314
06-12-2011 14:59 Forum: General Discussion

It's confirmed.......I'm coming solo.......BTW, there's a free blues show with a later start @ Mercy Lounge (Mike Farris & Dave Perkins among the participants), if anyone's interested in sliding over there afterwards.


This'll be my 1st DA show
Thread: Roll Call Nashville DA show

Replies: 13
Views: 150,314
06-04-2011 23:08 Forum: General Discussion

Still lobbying the Mrs...........my prospects are 50/50
Thread: Loose Ends

Replies: 90
Views: 192,194
03-27-2011 22:46 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by audiori
Things have progressed quite a bit since then, looks like...

- "Bootlegs"... a few showed up on Hodgepodge... others will undoubtedly be showing up on "Swine Before Pearl" CDs. That is what became of the "back room trax" series that was mentioned in this thread. Terry's really into it right now and I think we'll be seeing some more.

-Downloads.. a lot of stuff is showing up on iTunes and other sites right now. We experimented with a service that allowed us to put downloads up directly from the DA site, but it didn't work very well. We had to manually send some people their downloads because of it. We're looking into others options.

- "Nowhere is Someplace".. stay tuned. There is a plan to make it available on CD. It has always been available on the DVD of course.

- Reissues.. obviously Catscratch fell apart and things are a little rougher financially now than they were at that time. We did recently sign a deal with a company to do some deluxe reissues. The first two are being finalized right now... reels are being restored and transfered to digital... the artwork is being finalized. Tom is digging through and cleaning up boxes of old unpublished photos and slides - some of them are really cool... we're tryin to track down some other reels and tapes that we know are out there somewhere. Theres definitely some cool stuff coming pretty soon and its backed by a label. I believe it'll also be destributed into major Christian bookstores in a way we haven't seen in a while.


Do it
Thread: Terry Scott Taylor - Swine Before Pearl, vol 2

Replies: 47
Views: 354,565
03-07-2011 19:24 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Originally posted by audiori
I'll check with them.

Update: I couldn't see anything wrong with the first one, but I went ahead and had them ship a new copy to you.

Wow Shocked

thanx Big Grin
Thread: Terry Scott Taylor - Swine Before Pearl, vol 2

Replies: 47
Views: 354,565
03-03-2011 18:03 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Ordered on 2/14............still waiting.................. Confused
Thread: Pearl Moon

Replies: 9
Views: 68,549
RE: Pearl Moon 08-20-2010 23:59 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

Originally posted by Drtuddle
I just really enjoy this song. I got the download. Who is the operatic voice or is it a sample?

Liesl Dromi is shown in the general credits as Angelic voice.

Googled across this:
Thread: Would Terry ever use the "S" word?

Replies: 98
Views: 247,675
07-22-2010 20:37 Forum: General Discussion

I stand corrected. I should have typed that I've got no use for Webb's liberal political views & his lack of backbone on the homosexual issue. Actually, I like some of his music & listen to it fairly regularly.
Thread: Would Terry ever use the "S" word?

Replies: 98
Views: 247,675
07-19-2010 19:54 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by pegotico
Originally posted by iota
Jesus and Paul used cusswords, so I'll give Terry a hall pass if he ever does.

Paul counts everything skubala that he might gain Christ.

If you think "skubala" is properly translated "poop," you might be homeschooled.

And if you think "brood of vipers" or "raca" were terms of endearment...well...maybe their aimed at you.

Case in point - don't be holier than Jesus and the rightly placed cussword sometimes drives the point home better than a sanitized facsimile.

Just ask Derek Webb...

NO, Jesus NEVER used cusswords!! In cases like this it is good to give proof of this!!!

Funny you brought Derek Webb as an example!! A guy that sings in one of his songs referring to homosexuality and I quote him

"When did Christianity become all about being straight?,"

In the end homosexuality is sinful!!


Right on, Pegotico (even though you're a mind peach)
I've got no use for Webb, as well as that Down The Line magazine homo-issue.
Thread: Would Terry ever use the "S" word?

Replies: 98
Views: 247,675
07-19-2010 19:51 Forum: General Discussion

TST used the f word in Low Crawls And High Times


Thread: The Lost Dogs on Nationwide Tour this Spring and Summer

Replies: 46
Views: 159,545
05-18-2010 21:18 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Doke
Can anyone post a set list from one of the shows? I'd like to make a little compilation CD for my wife before the concert this Friday. Thanks!

Not totally sure...but included A Certain Love, Bullettrain, Devil's Elbow, Pearl Moon, Dead-end Diner, Israelites & Okies, Eleanor,..............uhm
Thread: the DOGS!!!

Replies: 23
Views: 97,420
05-14-2010 21:55 Forum: General Discussion

Yeah, nice seeing you there, too, Tim. Oh right, you only acknowledged Larryl, not Peawinkel Jr & I. Anyway....you split so fast that Doc never even knew you were there until Larryl & I enlightened him. Also in attendance @ Smyrna: Dan Michaels & Jerry Chamberlain. Chamberlain & the Dogs went to eat @ Chili's after the show, but I'm not sure what they ordered.

Thread: Mike Stone.

Replies: 37
Views: 67,154
02-17-2010 14:39 Forum: General Discussion

JDB produced Meltdown by Steve Taylor, too, didn't he?
Thread: New Lost Dogs tunes

Replies: 23
Views: 109,078
02-15-2010 13:09 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Pale Moon is an instant classic

Thread: help with Terry Taylor's solo cds

Replies: 43
Views: 157,323
12-04-2009 00:01 Forum: General Discussion

I gravitate more to the rock/pop of John Wayne
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