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Go to the bottom of this page Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule 14 Votes - Average Rating: 10.0014 Votes - Average Rating: 10.0014 Votes - Average Rating: 10.0014 Votes - Average Rating: 10.0014 Votes - Average Rating: 10.00
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 RE: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule Strange Animal 03-28-2008 11:36
 RE: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule Dr Rich 03-28-2008 23:36
 RE: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule Audiori J 03-28-2008 23:38
 RE: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule Dr Rich 03-28-2008 23:49
 RE: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule Strange Animal 03-29-2008 00:24
 RE: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule jyroflux 03-28-2008 23:40
 RE: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule Audiori J 03-28-2008 23:42
 RE: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule jiminy 03-29-2008 00:22
 RE: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule audiori 03-29-2008 00:36
 RE: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule jiminy 03-29-2008 00:40
 RE: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule Audiori J 03-29-2008 13:42
 RE: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule Ron E 03-29-2008 19:51
 RE: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule jiminy 03-30-2008 22:53
 RE: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule Dr Rich 03-31-2008 02:27
 RE: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule Audiori J 03-31-2008 10:22
 RE: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule wayneb 03-30-2008 04:30
 RE: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule Captain Pedantic 03-30-2008 20:42
 RE: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule Dr Rich 03-30-2008 17:12
 RE: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule MarkyMark77 03-30-2008 21:47
 RE: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule jiminy 03-31-2008 12:21
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Strange Animal
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i am also a
bodr! Pleased



03-28-2008 11:36 Strange Animal is offline Search for Posts by Strange Animal Add Strange Animal to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by Strange Animal

i am also a
bodr! Pleased

I am a
bosa! Pleased


This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Dr Rich: 03-28-2008 23:37.

03-28-2008 23:36 Dr Rich is offline Send an Email to Dr Rich Search for Posts by Dr Rich Add Dr Rich to your Buddy List
Audiori J Audiori J is a male


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The CD took longer than was intended, but it wasn't late. There was no release date, ever. It was always pretty much an open ended.. when there is enough money it will be done. Which is exactly what we were announcing the whole time, how close to that goal we were, and it was exactly what eventually happened.

On the BOBD signatures, my original point is not that its some extremely hurtful thing to us or Terry. I frankly see it as a pretty lame attempt at a dig, but it is a dig. My real point is that, since it IS a dig, anyone with that signature cannot tell anyone else to "let it go" or say they have "let it go" without being hypocritical.

As long as some still fling their little darts of hatred in our direction we will know its not over, the day they stop is the day it will be over.

“Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.” Matthew 5:11
03-28-2008 23:38 Audiori J is offline Send an Email to Audiori J Search for Posts by Audiori J Add Audiori J to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by Audiori J
The CD took longer than was intended, but it wasn't late. There was no release date, ever. It was always pretty much an open ended.. when there is enough money it will be done. Which is exactly what we were announcing the whole time, how close to that goal we were, and it was exactly what eventually happened.

That is true.

I have to admit I did not pre-order, because I knew I would not have the patience.

I like the idea of getting a "goody" to hold us over until the CD is done.


03-28-2008 23:49 Dr Rich is offline Send an Email to Dr Rich Search for Posts by Dr Rich Add Dr Rich to your Buddy List
Strange Animal
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Originally posted by Audiori J
The CD took longer than was intended, but it wasn't late. There was no release date, ever. It was always pretty much an open ended.. when there is enough money it will be done. Which is exactly what we were announcing the whole time, how close to that goal we were, and it was exactly what eventually happened.

On the BOBD signatures, my original point is not that its some extremely hurtful thing to us or Terry. I frankly see it as a pretty lame attempt at a dig, but it is a dig. My real point is that, since it IS a dig, anyone with that signature cannot tell anyone else to "let it go" or say they have "let it go" without being hypocritical.

As long as some still fling their little darts of hatred in our direction we will know its not over, the day they stop is the day it will be over.

"i suppose it all depends
on how you look at these things"



03-29-2008 00:24 Strange Animal is offline Search for Posts by Strange Animal Add Strange Animal to your Buddy List
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Will it ever end. Sometimes I feel like just staying away...

03-28-2008 23:40 jyroflux is offline Send an Email to jyroflux Search for Posts by jyroflux Add jyroflux to your Buddy List
Audiori J Audiori J is a male


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Well we've been the targets for a few years now and there is no end in sight.

“Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.” Matthew 5:11
03-28-2008 23:42 Audiori J is offline Send an Email to Audiori J Search for Posts by Audiori J Add Audiori J to your Buddy List
Tallowy Tamale

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I dont know how I'm seen in all this (In that - was I linked to being a "buddy" to the nastiness when it was occuring? Did I join in - I dont really know- my recollection was a few snide comments- you know like the smartass I can be now and then)
I havent taken the time to regurgitate old posts to find out exactly what I said about what.- someone else would have to be that diligent in my stead if so inclined. (though I believe they are wiped off the board)
I recall a lot of discussion - and some of it could easily be construed as nasty- via frustration perhaps-and maybe to the point of being a mite accusatory -
therefore "Quit being so nasty"

but there is also an admonition to those who were promising dates that never occured..
"Might not go on record- with the tags and the dates"

and all the while Cammy feels like a heel for not delivering this "masterpiece" (or other piece) til like..20 times later than the first stated timeline

so (ONE MORE TIME!!!) this song (IMHO) is about everyones foolishness- whether well intended or spurred by frustration.

and Terry had the last word in foolishness-by forever imbedding it in plastic.
I guess theres nothing to apologize for really- His pen put him on top of the heap.

I jumped on the BOBD thing in defense of a friend - was it personal? entirely.
Nothing more really.
I chose to choose a side on it after the fact.
It was a controversial tune to some degree (No?) and its like politics..how do you feel ?
pro or con?

whew- now I'm really tired.........................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


theres nothing to EVER put here that will please everyone-let alone anyone.
03-29-2008 00:22 jiminy is offline Send an Email to jiminy Search for Posts by jiminy Add jiminy to your Buddy List
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No dates were ever promised or announced. After the Warm & Filled years where there were always dates announced that very rarely ever stuck, we've all been determined to keep from making that same mistake again. Thats why release dates have not been given for anything in recent years... Making Buechners, DA30th, Instruction, Midget, etc, etc.

Terry said the "might not want to go on record" line was in reference to him talking to fans at shows and saying things like "we hope to have it done this summer" or whatever, and then it would fall through for one reason or another... like bursting gallbladders and other surprises.

Personally, I see nothing wrong with a statement like that - because it was completely true. Terry wanted to have it done as soon as possible from day one. He often thought he was going to get an opportunity only to have the rug pulled out from under him. I think he felt bad that he kept telling people "its coming," when it just kept getting pushed back. Thats where that line was born.

As a fan, I hold nothing against him for saying that over and over again, even when it didn't happen. It was always true, even if it ended up being delayed. Most of us have been fans long enough to know whats it like. We know of the kinds of struggles they went through to get a contract or to do a tour or to get an album out (think HD...) And,we all knew things generally got worse in that respect as years went on. The band became more and more spread out, and more and more time was taken by families and other careers. So anytime that Terry said he hoped to work on it at a certain time and it fell through - there wasn't an ounce of me that blamed him for that, or was even let down by that. I knew he wanted it more than anyone and I knew he had every intention of doing it as soon as possible. No one wants to make a DA or Eddies record more than he does.

As far as the "who" is included in the line.... when I hear it, I don't think of anyone specifically. If someone was nasty - then they were the target of the "quit bein so nasty." If they weren't nasty, then they don't need to feel like a target.

"Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall enjoy everything" -St. Francis of Assisi

"A strange fanaticism fills our time: the fanatical hatred of morality, especially of Christian morality." - GK Chesterton
03-29-2008 00:36 audiori is offline Send an Email to audiori Homepage of audiori Search for Posts by audiori Add audiori to your Buddy List
Tallowy Tamale

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razor wires and iron bars
or three hots and a cot

is either of those two viewpoints spiritual??
- or fleshly??

where did THAT come from?

the song is about perspective- what things have you latched on to in your life to make you view things the way you do.

any other opinion on the song is wrong.


theres nothing to EVER put here that will please everyone-let alone anyone.
03-29-2008 00:40 jiminy is offline Send an Email to jiminy Search for Posts by jiminy Add jiminy to your Buddy List
Audiori J Audiori J is a male


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When it comes to that particular song, I believe it was inspired by a conversation Terry and I had through email. It is about perspective, but that is what Galations 5 is about. You can choose to look at things from one perspective or another. The patience of Job comes from his Faith, it is living in the spirit, .....wild mood swings, fits of rage, getting angry over things quickly is not having temperance.

Galations 5:17
For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want.

The world glamourizes drunkenness, the elite are connoisseur of fine wines... when actually they are just drunkards... God's word says to not be drunk with whine.

It is about perspective, perspective of the world vs perspective from God.

A dirty Whistle Blower or a conscience coming clean, the world will condemn someone who tells the truth in the midst of criminal activity... while God would bless that person and condemn the others.

Each thing in that song is a reference to a situation where one perspective is greater than the other.

If you find yourself in prison such as Paul was, you can see it as razor wire and iron bars or three hot meals and a cot. You can be content and trust in God and be thankful for what you have or get angry about where you are. Look at things Spiritually or fleshly.

Cubic zirconia or a pretty diamond ring, do you value the object for its beauty or its monetary worth? A person presented with a Cubic zirconia ring can be thankful for the gift or angry the giver didn't spend more.

In this world the wisdom is he who dies with the most toys wins, but according to God its harder for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God than a camel to go through the eye of a needle. The first will be last, and the last will be first.

The song is about Spiritual Perspective vs Fleshly human perspective. Godly perspective vs worldly perspective.

It by no means is an anthem of moral equivalence, things are not relative to our perspectives. There is a right and wrong, a standard by which the world will be Judged by God. And EVERYTHING DEPENDS on how we choose to look at things. To look at things from a Spiritual perspective you have to submit to God.

“Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.” Matthew 5:11
03-29-2008 13:42 Audiori J is offline Send an Email to Audiori J Search for Posts by Audiori J Add Audiori J to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by Audiori J
The world glamourizes drunkenness, the elite are connoisseur of fine wines... when actually they are just drunkards... God's word says to not be drunk with whine.

whine, I like it. Sound like something we should all listen to.

And from Paul's perspective it wasn't a place to sleep, it was a new venue for him to present the good news.

The opinion expressed is that of the participant and does not necessarily reflect that of Mr Dan Amos. But if it doesn't, he would be wrong.
03-29-2008 19:51 Ron E is online Send an Email to Ron E Homepage of Ron E Search for Posts by Ron E Add Ron E to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of Ron E: Nearly as funny as the above! YIM Account Name of Ron E: Ow my ribs
Tallowy Tamale

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Originally posted by Ron E
[quote]Originally posted by Audiori J
The world glamourizes drunkenness, the elite are connoisseur of fine wines... when actually they are just drunkards... God's word says to not be drunk with whine.

I thought God said dont Whine when you're drunk. Big Grin
in my view- there are too many lines and expressions in "It All Depends" that dont corallate (sp) directly with flesh vs spirit.
as I read them- you can poke holes in that tight interpretation.
I didnt have the oppurtunity to ask Terry of course (he never sends me e-mails Cool )..I would have never attached the scripture in Galatians directly to that song.
but then again- everyone else is WRONG..so thats comforting.


theres nothing to EVER put here that will please everyone-let alone anyone.

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by jiminy: 03-30-2008 22:57.

03-30-2008 22:53 jiminy is offline Send an Email to jiminy Search for Posts by jiminy Add jiminy to your Buddy List
Dr Rich Dr Rich is a male
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Originally posted by jiminy
in my view- there are too many lines and expressions in "It All Depends" that dont corallate (sp) directly with flesh vs spirit.
as I read them- you can poke holes in that tight interpretation.
I didnt have the oppurtunity to ask Terry of course (he never sends me e-mails Cool )..I would have never attached the scripture in Galatians directly to that song.

I had an image of Terry at his desk, writing the song, half-moon reading glasses perched on his nose, pencil pressed to his lips, going back and forth between his new song lyrics and his open Bible to Galatians 5, nodding occasionally to himself, and making a correction to help his song be more in line with scripture.


This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Dr Rich: 03-31-2008 02:31.

03-31-2008 02:27 Dr Rich is offline Send an Email to Dr Rich Search for Posts by Dr Rich Add Dr Rich to your Buddy List
Audiori J Audiori J is a male


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Originally posted by jiminy
Originally posted by Ron E
[quote]Originally posted by Audiori J
The world glamourizes drunkenness, the elite are connoisseur of fine wines... when actually they are just drunkards... God's word says to not be drunk with whine.

I thought God said dont Whine when you're drunk. Big Grin
in my view- there are too many lines and expressions in "It All Depends" that dont corallate (sp) directly with flesh vs spirit.
as I read them- you can poke holes in that tight interpretation.

Hmmm lets see...

razor wires and iron bars
or three hots and a cot
the glass half full or empty
desert waste or tourist spot
is this a cubic zirconia
or a pretty diamond ring?

Being thankful for what you are given in any situation (Temperance, faith, patience fruits of the spirit) ... or being angry (flesh) that you are not getting what you think you deserve... are you kind (fruit of the spirit) when you get a gift that you think is not worth enough... you value worth over the gift givers love? Joy or pessimism in things?

faith to move a mountain
or a zealots wishful thinkin’
a connoisseur of the finest wines
or just another drunkard drinkin’
one more dirty whistle blower
or a conscience coming clean

Is it Faith or wishful thinking? The glamorization of what God says is wrong (being a drunkard) , and the demonizing of what God says is right (telling the truth).... The fruits of the spirit such as faith are mocked. The world/flesh is contrary to the spirit.

well they took away dear Jesus
and they hung him on a cross
some say he won in the end
and some say he lost
and the devils love fire
and the angels love wings

The world thinks Christ lost, but Christians know he won - his words "It is finished" meant he accomplished what he intended.... lack of faith vs faith in Christ himself.

one mans old garbage
can be a poor man’s steak
one man’s misfortune
is another man’s break
and some men’s worst nightmares
are anothers best dreams

Again are you thankful for what you get, or do you think you "deserve better"...

some got the patience of job
some moods are pendulum swings

Patience is a virtue it is one of the fruits of the spirit, while fits of rage are of the flesh....

some say more is best
some say less is more
some say death is a doornail
some say death is a door
and that it’s all just beginning
when the fat lady sings

The world is about getting more, more, more because to them this life is all there is... Scripture says you are blessed greater in the after life when you sacrifice more here.... The reason for the difference of flesh and spirit is faith or lack of faith in God, the choice to believe or not to. If you believe this is all there is, you get angry over little things that in the long term don't matter... if you believe this world is temporary and what matters is eternal, then you can have self control when the world 'slaps you hard', because you know your "kingdom is not of this earth."

Galations 5 says the ways of the flesh are contrary to the spirit, and the spirit is contrary to the flesh. They are opposing. The perspective Terry/Camarillo is talking about is looking at things by the spirit and seeing the flesh/world for what it is.

Galations 5 highlights the difference, the contrast between flesh and spirit and the two perspectives. It is mankinds choice in a nutshell, and it all depends on how we choose to look at things.. with love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, kindness, temperance (self control) or if we give in to the flesh and have no faith, no self control, no kindness, no joy, no patience and be full of anger and fits of rage.

No matter the situation we find ourselves in, Terry listed a few, there is always a choice of how we will respond. Do we choose to look at things from the fleshly perspective or the spiritual one?

It by no means is suggesting that '...oh everyone has a perspective and we can't really know...' That is moral relativism, it is how the world views things. There is no higher standards, everyone just lean on your own understanding.

“Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.” Matthew 5:11
03-31-2008 10:22 Audiori J is offline Send an Email to Audiori J Search for Posts by Audiori J Add Audiori J to your Buddy List
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I want my...
I want my...
I want my new CD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pllllllleaassee??? Mr Postman. It's now April. I want to hear for myself what this thread is all about!!

(Yes, I am getting a little impatient...and I have just repented a bit)

"Don't Fight Your Own Liar..."

03-30-2008 04:30 wayneb is online Send an Email to wayneb Homepage of wayneb Search for Posts by wayneb Add wayneb to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by wayneb
I want my...
I want my...
I want my new CD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pllllllleaassee??? Mr Postman. It's now April. I want to hear for myself what this thread is all about!!

(Yes, I am getting a little impatient...and I have just repented a bit)

Mine is also not here but I have been in PM contact the the boys about it. We are trying a different address and maybe a different postal method.

Seek Justice
03-30-2008 20:42 Captain Pedantic is offline Send an Email to Captain Pedantic Search for Posts by Captain Pedantic Add Captain Pedantic to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for Captain Pedantic
Dr Rich Dr Rich is a male
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This post has been edited 5 time(s), it was last edited by Dr Rich: 03-30-2008 17:25.

03-30-2008 17:12 Dr Rich is offline Send an Email to Dr Rich Search for Posts by Dr Rich Add Dr Rich to your Buddy List
Woolly Eggwhisk


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I see how you all are. No one wants to be a bomm77 besides me? Big Grin

Another great artist, much like Terry Taylor, not appreciated in his own time!


03-30-2008 21:47 MarkyMark77 is offline Send an Email to MarkyMark77 Homepage of MarkyMark77 Search for Posts by MarkyMark77 Add MarkyMark77 to your Buddy List
Tallowy Tamale

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hmm. lets see

sorry, you're absolutely and narrowly "right on!". (Again)

please accept my apology for not understanding or having the enlightment necessary to "know" precisely what another person means when writing a song.... Mad

I am learning to listen and not make comments that may be different than the only correct one.

Oh - and sorry my retort isn't as well balanced as yours..and contains no scripture to back it up.

Oh wait!

So and more also do God unto the enemies of David, if I leave of all that pertain to him by the morning light any that ******** against the wall.

I've always ******* for distance..not accuracy.


theres nothing to EVER put here that will please everyone-let alone anyone.

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by jiminy: 03-31-2008 12:24.

03-31-2008 12:21 jiminy is offline Send an Email to jiminy Search for Posts by jiminy Add jiminy to your Buddy List
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