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 RE: More CDS for sale or trade... Joey T. 02-21-2003 16:48
 RE: More CDS for sale or trade... brdhsnyrsoul 02-21-2003 17:19
 RE: More CDS for sale or trade... Mark 02-21-2003 17:37
 HMMMM pinko 02-25-2003 13:36
 RE: More CDS for sale or trade... DaLe 02-27-2003 10:18
 RE: More CDS for sale or trade... brdhsnyrsoul 02-27-2003 11:21
 RE: More CDS for sale or trade... Mark 02-27-2003 12:53
 RE: More CDS for sale or trade... brdhsnyrsoul 02-27-2003 13:08
 RE: More CDS for sale or trade... dorfsmith 03-23-2003 14:29
 RE: More CDS for sale or trade... joey 03-23-2003 14:59
 RE: More CDS for sale or trade... dorfsmith 03-23-2003 21:54
 RE: More CDS for sale or trade... brd2yrmother 03-24-2003 13:25
 RE: More CDS for sale or trade... joey 03-24-2003 13:30

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Joey T.
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Originally posted by Captain Pedantic
He's given me prices on the 5 I want but I canna afford it just now

Let's Spin
Outdoor Elvis

I don't have backups of them - hey! I only have cassettes Frown

This is where you act sympathetic Smile

I only have "offical" copies of those 4 on cassette too.... Frown

but I have cd-r's of all of them too! Evil


02-21-2003 16:48 Joey T. is offline Send an Email to Joey T. Homepage of Joey T. Search for Posts by Joey T. Add Joey T. to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of Joey T.: beatmenace777 YIM Account Name of Joey T.: joey_t_2005 View the MSN Profile for Joey T.
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bring on the rereleases.


02-21-2003 17:19 brdhsnyrsoul is offline Send an Email to brdhsnyrsoul Search for Posts by brdhsnyrsoul Add brdhsnyrsoul to your Buddy List
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But never, never pin your whole faith on any human being: not if he is the best and wisest in the whole world. - C.S. Lewis

02-21-2003 17:37 Mark is offline Send an Email to Mark Search for Posts by Mark Add Mark to your Buddy List
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Well, I still haven't heard from this guy. I guess he doesn't want to sell me his CD's. That sort of makes me grumpy. I wantedthose CDs
Oh well. I'm off now
02-25-2003 13:36 pinko is offline Send an Email to pinko Search for Posts by pinko Add pinko to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by SleeplessDreamer
[COLOR=red]Cds for sale or trade ...

do you have an up-dated list

02-27-2003 10:18 DaLe is offline Send an Email to DaLe Search for Posts by DaLe Add DaLe to your Buddy List
brdhsnyrsoul brdhsnyrsoul is a male
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bring on the rereleases.


02-27-2003 11:21 brdhsnyrsoul is offline Send an Email to brdhsnyrsoul Search for Posts by brdhsnyrsoul Add brdhsnyrsoul to your Buddy List
Mark Mark is a male


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Deja vu

But never, never pin your whole faith on any human being: not if he is the best and wisest in the whole world. - C.S. Lewis

02-27-2003 12:53 Mark is offline Send an Email to Mark Search for Posts by Mark Add Mark to your Buddy List
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02-27-2003 13:08 brdhsnyrsoul is offline Send an Email to brdhsnyrsoul Search for Posts by brdhsnyrsoul Add brdhsnyrsoul to your Buddy List
dorfsmith dorfsmith is a male
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How could you still be 5151 and send this to the top? What kind of sorcery is this???

03-23-2003 14:29 dorfsmith is offline Send an Email to dorfsmith Search for Posts by dorfsmith Add dorfsmith to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by dorfsmith
How could you still be 5151 and send this to the top? What kind of sorcery is this???

if anywhere in a thread someone edits a post it goes to the top.....


03-23-2003 14:59 joey is offline Send an Email to joey Homepage of joey Search for Posts by joey Add joey to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of joey: beatmenace777 YIM Account Name of joey: joey_t_2005 View the MSN Profile for joey
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I thought the wizard was at it again but alas I have simply proven myself to be an burro Big Grin

03-23-2003 21:54 dorfsmith is offline Send an Email to dorfsmith Search for Posts by dorfsmith Add dorfsmith to your Buddy List
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Hello, burro.

Nice to meet you. Wink
03-24-2003 13:25 brd2yrmother is offline Send an Email to brd2yrmother Search for Posts by brd2yrmother Add brd2yrmother to your Buddy List
joey joey is a male


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Originally posted by brd2yrmother
Hello, burro.

Nice to meet you. Wink

you need to be more specific....
that could apply to several of us here........ Red Face


03-24-2003 13:30 joey is offline Send an Email to joey Homepage of joey Search for Posts by joey Add joey to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of joey: beatmenace777 YIM Account Name of joey: joey_t_2005 View the MSN Profile for joey
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