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 RE: Scenic Routes brdhsnyrsoul 09-06-2002 14:00
 RE: Scenic Routes Dr Rich 09-06-2002 16:16
 RE: Scenic Routes Mark 09-06-2002 19:27

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brdhsnyrsoul brdhsnyrsoul is a male
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Go to alphaville.de if you want to see it done.

This band had 5 official cds and then released an 8 cd boxed set of outtakes, live tracks, etc. One of the coolest collections I've seen.

DA could do a 10 disc boxed set just in time for christmas......

I'd have a very terry christmas then....


09-06-2002 14:00 brdhsnyrsoul is offline Send an Email to brdhsnyrsoul Search for Posts by brdhsnyrsoul Add brdhsnyrsoul to your Buddy List
Dr Rich Dr Rich is a male
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Originally posted by audiori
The way I understand it, HD part II is still happening last we heard.. about 3 weeks ago.

As far as reissues go, the hope is that one day we will be able to have all the old albums available at the same time.
At the moment we can only do one or two at a time, but it
would be real nice for the guys if everything was available.

There are still people out there who don't have Darn Floor or the first DA album or Fearful Symmetry on CD. Would be nice to have them available for them, not that fans that
already have em need to buy it again. I am sure not all the
reissues will have bonus tracks or whatever. Some people want em, some people don't. We wouldn't want to tack something on the end of Darn Floor that didn't belong.
But, on the otherhand if there was a cool unreleased track
from that time period.. it would be cool.

I think it would be much better to stick all the bonus tracks and stuff into a box set or something. That way
all of them would be in one package, so everyone would
be getting something they don't have.

Personally I don't know what exactly is on the Lost Dogs
SR reissue. We were sent an email the other day, where
the CDs have been ordered and we should recieve a certain amount for the store and tour.

I have the Alarma Bookset but FS would be nice on it's own.
as far dfbb Big Grin yeah baby! Big Grin

I bet there is plenty of live stuff floating around to make a nice box set of that! Big Grin


09-06-2002 16:16 Dr Rich is offline Send an Email to Dr Rich Search for Posts by Dr Rich Add Dr Rich to your Buddy List
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We want our DA!

But never, never pin your whole faith on any human being: not if he is the best and wisest in the whole world. - C.S. Lewis

09-06-2002 19:27 Mark is offline Send an Email to Mark Search for Posts by Mark Add Mark to your Buddy List
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