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 buttons don't work... Kaf-N-8ed 04-16-2004 12:56
 RE: buttons don't work... JR88 04-16-2004 13:12
 RE: buttons don't work... Mountain Fan 04-16-2004 13:12
 RE: buttons don't work... Kaf-N-8ed 04-16-2004 13:15
 RE: buttons don't work... JR88 04-16-2004 13:17
 RE: buttons don't work... Kaf-N-8ed 04-16-2004 13:23
 RE: buttons don't work... JR88 04-16-2004 13:25
 RE: buttons don't work... dennis 04-16-2004 15:24
 RE: buttons don't work... audiori 04-16-2004 15:33
 RE: buttons don't work... PuP 04-17-2004 00:51
 RE: buttons don't work... baxter 04-17-2004 00:56
 RE: buttons don't work... PuP 04-17-2004 00:58
 RE: buttons don't work... Mountain Fan 04-19-2004 08:45

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Kaf-N-8ed Kaf-N-8ed is a male
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Angry buttons don't work... Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

Okay, gang...

so, again, it has been a while since I participated in this little thing here...

I want to participate... but I want to be able to put images and links in my darn posts...

I can't get any of them buttons up there to work. I tried them now both with internet explorer and netscape. I click... nothing happens.

I'd use HTML, but it says it isn't allowed. I'd be happy to use BBCode, but I don't know the syntax. Can anybody point me to a site that has the syntax for the BBCode thing?

Anyway, why don't the darn buttons work? (But I've got pop-ups allowed for this site, just in case that was the problem.)

I've got a google tool bar - could that interfere? I've got the latest Internet Explorer 6.0.2800.yada-yada-yada-sp-yada-yada... I've tried with Netscape 4.7 and same thing. Doesn't work.

Any ideas here?



My beard is parted into three,
For the Holy Trinity!

~ Gustav BenJava

04-16-2004 12:56 Kaf-N-8ed is offline Send an Email to Kaf-N-8ed Homepage of Kaf-N-8ed Search for Posts by Kaf-N-8ed Add Kaf-N-8ed to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of Kaf-N-8ed: gusbenjava YIM Account Name of Kaf-N-8ed: gusbenjava
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Originally posted by Kaf-N-8ed
Okay, gang...

so, again, it has been a while since I participated in this little thing here...

I want to participate... but I want to be able to put images and links in my darn posts...

I can't get any of them buttons up there to work. I tried them now both with internet explorer and netscape. I click... nothing happens.

I'd use HTML, but it says it isn't allowed. I'd be happy to use BBCode, but I don't know the syntax. Can anybody point me to a site that has the syntax for the BBCode thing?

Anyway, why don't the darn buttons work? (But I've got pop-ups allowed for this site, just in case that was the problem.)

I've got a google tool bar - could that interfere? I've got the latest Internet Explorer 6.0.2800.yada-yada-yada-sp-yada-yada... I've tried with Netscape 4.7 and same thing. Doesn't work.

Any ideas here?


when you signed up.....did you activate your account from the email they sent you? if you sign up and start posting and don't activate your account through that email.......it screws you up somehow. I had that happen to one of my aliases, I couldn't PM or post pics or do a lot of things. Just an idea Cool


04-16-2004 13:12 JR88 is offline Send an Email to JR88 Homepage of JR88 Search for Posts by JR88 Add JR88 to your Buddy List YIM Account Name of JR88: lostdog742003@yahoo.com View the MSN Profile for JR88
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I wish I could help but I don't know much specifics.

There was a "Picture" thread recently in General Off Topic Discussion about Mark having trouble posting pictures.

There was another thread about Mark having trouble with being able to see properties of pictures that turned out to be related to his yahoo browser window (I think?).

But I don't think either of those 2 threads would necessarily have your solution.


Got a few miles left ...

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04-16-2004 13:12 Mountain Fan is offline Send an Email to Mountain Fan Search for Posts by Mountain Fan Add Mountain Fan to your Buddy List
Kaf-N-8ed Kaf-N-8ed is a male
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Hmmm... well I used to use the buttons, so it shouldn't be my account.

But that was several computers, several operating systems, and numerous browsers ago.



My beard is parted into three,
For the Holy Trinity!

~ Gustav BenJava

04-16-2004 13:15 Kaf-N-8ed is offline Send an Email to Kaf-N-8ed Homepage of Kaf-N-8ed Search for Posts by Kaf-N-8ed Add Kaf-N-8ed to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of Kaf-N-8ed: gusbenjava YIM Account Name of Kaf-N-8ed: gusbenjava
JR88 JR88 is a male
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Originally posted by Kaf-N-8ed
Hmmm... well I used to use the buttons, so it shouldn't be my account.

But that was several computers, several operating systems, and numerous browsers ago.


try re-regeistering <did I spell that right Confused

under a different name Cool


04-16-2004 13:17 JR88 is offline Send an Email to JR88 Homepage of JR88 Search for Posts by JR88 Add JR88 to your Buddy List YIM Account Name of JR88: lostdog742003@yahoo.com View the MSN Profile for JR88
Kaf-N-8ed Kaf-N-8ed is a male
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Well, as you can see (hee hee) I found a web site on BBCode:


And was able to add my sig. What's cool is that my sig pops itself into all the posts I've posted so far. Wow... didn't expect that.



My beard is parted into three,
For the Holy Trinity!

~ Gustav BenJava

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Kaf-N-8ed: 04-16-2004 13:23.

04-16-2004 13:23 Kaf-N-8ed is offline Send an Email to Kaf-N-8ed Homepage of Kaf-N-8ed Search for Posts by Kaf-N-8ed Add Kaf-N-8ed to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of Kaf-N-8ed: gusbenjava YIM Account Name of Kaf-N-8ed: gusbenjava
JR88 JR88 is a male
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Originally posted by Kaf-N-8ed
Well, as you can see (hee hee) I found a web site on BBCode:


And was able to add my sig. What's cool is that my sig pops itself into all the posts I've posted so far. Wow... didn't expect that.



BBcode = [img] [/img]

I knew what that was but didn't know it was called BBcode Roll Eyes


04-16-2004 13:25 JR88 is offline Send an Email to JR88 Homepage of JR88 Search for Posts by JR88 Add JR88 to your Buddy List YIM Account Name of JR88: lostdog742003@yahoo.com View the MSN Profile for JR88
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Kaf! Is that you in the pic?

I'm talkin' bout the Vinyl , the Holy Vinyl.
04-16-2004 15:24 dennis is offline Send an Email to dennis Homepage of dennis Search for Posts by dennis Add dennis to your Buddy List
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One thing to look into...

when you click on the "add image" button... a pop-up
window opens up where you can type in the link to the
image. If you have something blocking pop-up windows
on your browser - that might be a problem.

In some cases, its also possible just to have so much
stuff running on your computer at one time that your
browser refuses to open a new window.

These may not have anything to do with it, but I just
thought I'd throw them out.

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04-16-2004 15:33 audiori is offline Send an Email to audiori Homepage of audiori Search for Posts by audiori Add audiori to your Buddy List


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BBCode Guide

"At times this board is a place of thought provoking discussions, but most often it resembles a not quite done Mexican taco." - Jevon the Tall
04-17-2004 00:51 PuP is offline Send an Email to PuP Homepage of PuP Search for Posts by PuP Add PuP to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for PuP
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Do your buttons work, pup?
04-17-2004 00:56 baxter is offline Send an Email to baxter Homepage of baxter Search for Posts by baxter Add baxter to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of baxter: NA YIM Account Name of baxter: NA


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I press 'em and I they pop-up, otherwise they'd PO PuP.

"At times this board is a place of thought provoking discussions, but most often it resembles a not quite done Mexican taco." - Jevon the Tall
04-17-2004 00:58 PuP is offline Send an Email to PuP Homepage of PuP Search for Posts by PuP Add PuP to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for PuP
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I don't know Kaf that well, so I hope he is not offended...

But I have to say that that cool beard pick and caption really reminded me of another trinity instead - ZZ Top! Cool


Got a few miles left ...

Make sure you have heard a Kind Word! Happy
04-19-2004 08:45 Mountain Fan is offline Send an Email to Mountain Fan Search for Posts by Mountain Fan Add Mountain Fan to your Buddy List
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