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 The Lost Dogs Live From Some Guy's Basement Captain Pedantic 06-27-2005 04:16
 continued Captain Pedantic 06-27-2005 04:18
 RE: continued Captain Pedantic 06-27-2005 04:19
 RE: The Lost Dogs Live From Some Guy's Basement Audiori J 06-27-2005 09:52
 RE: The Lost Dogs Live From Some Guy's Basement mike 06-27-2005 10:00
 RE: The Lost Dogs Live From Some Guy's Basement luthien1121 06-27-2005 11:58
 RE: The Lost Dogs Live From Some Guy's Basement freak 06-27-2005 14:36
 RE: The Lost Dogs Live From Some Guy's Basement Pfiagra 06-27-2005 15:25
 RE: The Lost Dogs Live From Some Guy's Basement bereal 06-28-2005 00:29
 RE: The Lost Dogs Live From Some Guy's Basement Captain Pedantic 06-28-2005 00:35
 RE: The Lost Dogs Live From Some Guy's Basement bereal 06-28-2005 01:04
 RE: The Lost Dogs Live From Some Guy's Basement Captain Pedantic 06-28-2005 01:28
 RE: The Lost Dogs Live From Some Guy's Basement bereal 06-28-2005 01:53
 RE: The Lost Dogs Live From Some Guy's Basement Audiori J 06-28-2005 02:25
 RE: The Lost Dogs Live From Some Guy's Basement Dr Rich 06-28-2005 06:25
 RE: The Lost Dogs Live From Some Guy's Basement Mountain Fan 06-28-2005 21:42
 RE: The Lost Dogs Live From Some Guy's Basement Captain Pedantic 06-29-2005 01:05
 RE: The Lost Dogs Live From Some Guy's Basement luthien1121 06-29-2005 01:44
 RE: The Lost Dogs Live From Some Guy's Basement jiminy 06-29-2005 09:17
 RE: The Lost Dogs Live From Some Guy's Basement Mountain Fan 06-29-2005 19:45

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Captain Pedantic Captain Pedantic is a male
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Location: "This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence." - Vyvian - The Young Ones

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...or, as I like to think of it, "sweatin' with the oldies". More about that later.

It started a couple of weeks ago when I received an IM message from my long-time music and pc gaming buddy, Kevin Shafer, while I was AFK: "I don't suppose you're anywhere near East Troy". He linked to a concert announcement about a Lost Dogs show that was going to be coming through there, a reservation-only show that was going to be taped and recorded for a possible upcoming DVD.

My jaw dropped.

I've been a fan of all things DA, 77s, and Choir since the beginning, but have never had the chance to see my musical heroes like this live, and East Troy turned out to be something like 45 mins from my home, practically next door!

I called up Kevin at home to thank him for the heads-up, which astonished Kevin, who was gracious enough all things considered, espeically as hadn't actually given me his phone number). We had a nice conversation after I indentified myself as Phy, and then I thanked him profusely and went off to e-mail Jeffrey Kotthoff. That started an e-mail exchange that I greatly enjoyed, especially as it ended with my gaining one of 25 coveted reservations for the show. I liked Jeff right away and discovered we had a number of things in common, including summers spent at Timber-Lee, a very cool wooded christian camp near there.

That brings us to today and the night of the concert.

Wisconsin in June is typically mid-70s and sunny with occasional rain showers to keep farmers' crops growing nicely.

Not this year. It was 96 and as windy as a blast furnace on Friday, and a couple of nights of vigorous lightning storms have left us in the mid 80s with high humidity.

Oh, joy.

It was 88 degrees and sultry when I left the house this afternoon. The concert was located in some guys basement a few miles outside the small town of East Troy. We're talking remote.

It was perfect. I arrived around 6:15 pm and parked on the grass in the shade under the trees with fifteen other cars. This being the country, there was room for another twenty cars, easy.

I walked up to the door of a nice, if unremarkable house. People were walking inside the front door, so I followed them.

I saw a landscape-sized chalkboard in the living room leaned up against the wall. It said "Welcome to The Lost Dogs!" in a nice, feminine hand. Underneath, a child had written "& Mr. Hindalong" and had drawn little flowers where you'd normally dot the I's". I thought that was a nice touch. It was around then that Steve Hindalong cruised past me and I had to control the sudden fanboi in me.

Our hostess met us in the kitchen and offered water and soda and snacks. I greeted her and asked her if she'd had other legendary Christian supergroups in her basement lately. She smiled and said, "No, this is the first." After just a couple of minutes, I looked over at the front door where some more people were coming in, and saw someone I recognized, my Bible Study buddy TJ, from Janesville. I hadn't known he was coming, much less that he was a DA / Lost Dogs fan. Small world.

Jeff Kotthoff came upstairs ten minutes later with three cardboard boxes of CDs and I lost track of the conversation that I was having with TJ.
It was at this time that picked up some CDs I'd been waiting to buy (including "Seven and Seven Is: Fun With Sound", TST's "Avocado Faultine", the latest from The Choir, "O, How the Mighty Have Fallen", and a Lost Dogs CD that I didn't recognize, "Island Dreams". The subtitle was "Terry & Derri ditch Mike and go to the islands". I hadn't seen or heard about it, but I haven't really kept up lately. It looked cool, so I picked that up, too.

Then another Jeff stopped by in the kitchen, saying that he needed to go change, and I gathered it was Jeff Elbel of Jeff Elbel and Ping fame.
Another brush with fame!

I escaped the kitchen and met a fellow wearing a white DA shirt. I struck up a conversation with him. His name was Steve, he was from Milwaukee, and he was cool. As it turned out, he and I were the same age and had similar experiences trying to track down good Christian music. He'd been a DA fan since '79 (I discovered them in '82) and we spent some time talking about DA, Norman, Stonehill, Keaggy, Mark Heard, and others from that era.

The concert started at 6:30, so Steve and I made our way downstairs.

I should tell you something about the setup. We reached the bottom of the stairs and entered the Control Room. A smiling fellow was there with a bowl of ear plugs, so I snagged a pair on general principle and went through into the other room. There were three rows of folding chairs back against the Control Room wall, some speakers and stands and mics in front of that, along with some guitars and the most humble set of drum kit that I've ever seen. The back wall was painted black and contained a white Lost Dogs logo, and somebody had provided a cool howling coyote-looking dog for atmosphere.

It was small, no frills, and right up close front-and-center.

I loved it.

Steve sat in the right front and I took a chair next to him in the front row. I took a couple pictures of the setup before the show along with a couple after the show in the kitchen with the band. I've uploaded those to my FlickR account here:

Seek Justice
06-27-2005 04:16 Captain Pedantic is offline Send an Email to Captain Pedantic Search for Posts by Captain Pedantic Add Captain Pedantic to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for Captain Pedantic
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Jeff Kotthoff of Lo-Fi Records came out and welcomed us and explained that we were going to be part of an experiment to record and film the concert for a possible DVD next year. He pointed out the cameras all over the place, told us about all the legal requirements for the show, and lastly pointed to the four lights in the back. Jeff was already beginning to sweat up there behind the mic and that's when I noticed that it was maybe a little warm in the room.

It would be a theme that would recur and grow throughout the evening.

Jeff got right down to business, thanking us for being there, thanking our host family for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and then he introduced Jeff Elbel.

I'd never seen Ping before recognized Jeff Elbel from his contribution to the DA tribute project. He was wearing a bowling shirt and did a solo acoustic set of five songs. He was great. He played three songs off the new upcoming Ping disc. I knew I was going to like this guy when he introduced one of the songs as a tribute to the love of his life, the apple of his eye, his three year old daughter, and gave us the
title of the song, "Engine of Destruction". He was a bit like Rick
Altizer right down to the Adrian Belew influence (which is a compliment to all three of those guys from where I sit). He was smart and self-effacing and I quite enjoyed his set.

Jeff thanked us and walked back to the control room (I gathered that he would be engineering the show), and before you know it, a side door that I hadn't noticed before opened to my right and the legends of my Christian rock odyssey walked by right in front of me and took the area in front of a small stage where the drum kit stuff was (more on that in a moment). Derri was right in front of me on bass, Steve was on the stage, Terry was in front of him in the center with an electric acoustic six-string, and Mike was over there on the left playing one of Derri's electric guitars.

Let me talk about Steve's kit for a moment. It was unique. He sat perched on one of those small bass drums they play in a High School marching band. He had a small snare sitting on case to his left, a bongo-looking drum mounted to a silver metal stand in front of him, and had a deep drum made out of what appeared to be a steel can to his right. He also had a fine collection of other noise makers back there (including a tamborine and small xylophone) but no cymbals (or chair, for that matter). He played most of the night with a number of different permutations of wrapped twigs. I'm sure there's a professional name for them, but they had a very rustic, softened sound to them, and yet he could wail with them if need-be. He was brilliant with his collection of bits and pieces and parts, ever the craftsman.

Mike Roe was over over there in a grey 77s t-shirt, jeans, and sandals.
He wore small dark sunglasses and his hair looked rumpled. Terry was dressed all in black, with black shoes, black jeans, and black t-shirt.
He had on a blue knit cap and big black sunglasses. He couldn't have
had a more profound impact on me if he were that other man in black who has recently passed on. Derri was wearing a blue shirt, sandals, and jeans with ripped knees. Steve looked like he was dressed for church in brown pants and white print shirt. He was the only one with a short
haircut. It was as if these three guys were the rock stars and he was
just the hired help. He seemed genuine, self-effacing, and humble.
However, after his playing during the evening, if there was ever a place for a fourth dog again, this was it - he was marvelous and added so much to the show. And yet, he doesn't sing and seems content to do his thing in the background. Whatever. Skinny was brilliant and rocked the house.

It was starting to get more than a little warm by the time the guys started to play, and it only got more pronounced as they went along.

I couldn't believe that I was finally witnessing a Lost Dogs show, and it was everything I'd hoped for. I'd made a comment to Steve when we got in that it looked like this might be a mostly acoustic show, sort of an unplugged deal.

I couldn't have been more wrong. Those guys rocked the house (and it was a literal house, in this case). I meant to write down the setlist and neglected to take in my notebook.

They guys had a great time, bantering between themselves between songs, and yakking with the audience. At one time, Terry mentioned that they'd wondered what their names would be like if they used books of the bible, and he introduced Mike Romans, Terry Testament, Derri Deuteronomy (at which time Derri protested that he didn't like Old Testament books anymore), and finally, Steve WhoreofBabylon. (I'm not sure where that came from but I blame the heat, which had managed to rise past "oppressive" and was skirting with "historic". At one point about halfway through the set, a guy from the control room snuck in and opened a vent in the ceiling over Steve's head.

You'd have thought it was the rivers of life itself flowing down over them. They did another song and then Terry got a whiff of that nice, cold air. Before you know it, all four of the guys had crowded around underneath the vent. You know that historic picture of the US Marines raising Old Glory on the mount there at Iwo Jima? This was like that, with Terry leaning over Derri, and Mike reaching up over his back as if entreating the heavens. That image will stick with me forever. I wished I could have shot with my digital camera, but Jeff had asked us not to take flash pictures. You get the idea. It was something.

Terry mentioned during the show that his upcoming project, Catscratch, is due to play on Nickelodean on July 9th. He apparently did the soundtrack for it. Another time Mike Roe mentioned The Lost Dogs'
newest disc _Island Dreams_. He said that we should pick up a copy as
soon as it came out and a thought crossed my mind. I said "You mean, like this?" and held up my copy, still wrapped. He seemed stunned.
"Where did you find that?" "Upstairs in the kitchen," I said, with a big sappy grin (although, to be fair, I had that big, sappy grin on my face most of the evening, I was having that much fun, so that was nothing notably new, there).

One of my favorite moments was a crossover movie tie-in where Mike was doing a crazy solo that ended up with just him scatting around at the extreme upper end of the guitar. He trailed off and stopped and realized that everybody was looking at him. "I guess you're not ready for that, yet" he said, in his best Marty McFly imitation.

That was pretty good, but not as good as the song at the end of the first set when he broke Derri's guitar.

He'd done another wacky solo and noticed that his plug was laying down there on the floor.

Terry asked "You ready to finish this thing? We've only got, like, one thing left."

Mike said, "I think I broke the guitar."

Derri said, "You broke my guitar?"

Mike said, "Yeah, the nut fell out onto the floor and I can't keep the jack in the guitar. It's broken but good."

Terry suggested that Derri lend up his blue guitar (a classic gresh?).
Derri handed it over, but you'd have thought it was his firstborne child. I don't think he thought much of giving it over to Mike. Mike started fumbling around with a capo on the neck, maybe a little flustered. Terry was like, "we have to finish this song - we're waiting on you." Since Derri was standing just a couple of feet in front of me, I said, "So, Derri, you're giving Mike a second guitar to break?" Derri was like "He better not break that guitar." Mike's like "I like this guitar - it'd be very cool except for this stupid capo."

This went on for, like, five minutes, which was an eternity when we were basically all waiting for the big finish and the end of the first set.

It was pretty funny, a real moment in history (for me, at least - I don't get out much anymore, apparently).

So they finally got the errant capo squared away and Mike tuned the new guitar a little (to finish his solo) and they wrapped up the song and headed off into the much cooler A/C in the room next to me. I was sure that once they'd vanished into there, they wouldn't reappear. Still, we clapped and hollared and did all that stuff that you're supposed to do to warrant an encore.

Here's the thing - you know how much more work you have to perform when your audience is only 25 people? Everybody has to clap and hollar and
yell weird things like "whoo" and "yeah" and "yeehaw". Jeff Elbel came
out and checked on the band. He came back and tried to whip us up into a little bigger frenzy, but there's only so much "wahooing" you're going to get out of 25 people, so the band finally took pity on us and came
back out for an absolutely smoking encore. The song I remember best
from that set was "Bullet Train", one of my favorites. It was loud, spirited, and rockin off the rails.

We'd made our way downstairs around 6:30 and didn't reappear until after 9. It went too fast, but was a really great show from where I sat. We applauded the band and thanked Jeff Kotthof for putting it all together and we filed back up to the kitchen looking for soda and water and some cooler air.

I hosts couldn't have been more gracious and helpful, and I appreciate all the hard work they went through to get everything all ready. I grabbed a bottle of water and hung out by the kitchen table talking with some of the other fans when I saw Mike Roe pull up to the kitchen island and start hawking the CDs for sale. He was moving and shaking and it was great to see him so animated.

Seek Justice
06-27-2005 04:18 Captain Pedantic is offline Send an Email to Captain Pedantic Search for Posts by Captain Pedantic Add Captain Pedantic to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for Captain Pedantic
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In a lull I mentioned that it was cool to see him at the show after being at death's door. I mentioned that the word had gone out earlier in the week to "pray for Dr. Love" and that we'd done so. He proceeded to tell the story. Apparently he'd gone out for an extended bike ride with his daughter a weekened or so ago. It was a five hour ride and he was well away from civilization when the weather turned. It went from hot to cold and back again and rained on them and so forth. He mentioned that he woke up on Sunday with a bunch of needles stabbing him in his chest. He went to the emergency room and so the story went from there. I don't know what Pleurisy is, but it doesn't sound like fun:

And so it was a great thing to see him there and apparently doing well enough to travel and sing and so forth. I get the feeling that the ER visit wasn't cheap, and I get the feeling that he can still use our prayers and support. Then Terry and the others showed up, and I found myself next to Steve Hindalong. I took the opportunity to tell him that he was my favorite drummer, a real craftsman, and a joy to listen to and watch. He couldn't have been more humble or nicer. I noticed that Terry and the guys were signing CDs and doing the picture thing, so I got mine taken (after a fashion) with the guys from the band. Steve was so humble that he stepped back out of the picture. I would have had him in there if I'd been thinking quicker, but I didn't expect him to be so self-effacing. Ah well, I enouraged him to get in on some of the other pictures.

Terry was there at the counter by himself for a moment, so I asked him to autograph my new copy of Island Dreams (which he did) and I related how I'd kind of grown up with their music, and still had an 8-track somewhere of DA's Horrendous Disc, which Terry found amusing. It was kind of surreal to be standing there yakking with one of my heroes in the kitchen of this simple house out in the trees in southern Wisconsin. I'd meant to ask him about his Flannery O'Connor quote (Piety kills the creative mind), about the latest Eddies project, about Gene maybe, about so many things. Instead I found myself talking with him about 8-track tapes and where the section breaks were and so forth.
Ah, well - it was my moment to be an awestruck fan, I guess. I should be happy that I wasn't drooling or something equally as elegant.

I walked out to my car (most of the others had already left, apparently) and called my wife from my cellphone. It was 9:20 pm. She was astonished that the concert was over "so soon". I said "well, honey, the older you get, the earlier the shows start", and we shared a laugh.

The concert was so good that I decided that if I never see another show, I'll die a content man - it was that cool for me to see these guys, to hang around with them in the kitchen.

I cracked open _Island Dreams_ and played it on the way home. It's an instrumental disc and first struck me as the musical counterpart to
_Surfonic Water Revival_ for some of it. It was smooth, fun, and hit
me as the soundtrack of my age. If you havne't heard it yet, allow me to just say that I really like it and very much recommend it.

Thanks to Kevin for telling me about the show, to Jeffrey for putting it on, to the host family for opening up their home, to my fellow fans for a great, low-key night, and to Jeff Elbel, Derri, Steve, Mike, and Terry for a night I'll never forget (and I mean that in the best possible way). If this does make it into being as a DVD next year, I'll be first in line to pick it up - the energy and vigor of the live show was so much fun.

Regards from Wisconsin,
johne cook - wisconsin, usa
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Seek Justice
06-27-2005 04:19 Captain Pedantic is offline Send an Email to Captain Pedantic Search for Posts by Captain Pedantic Add Captain Pedantic to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for Captain Pedantic
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Great review! Wish we could of been there, even with the heat.

“Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.” Matthew 5:11
06-27-2005 09:52 Audiori J is offline Send an Email to Audiori J Search for Posts by Audiori J Add Audiori J to your Buddy List
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WOW - thanks for the details.


06-27-2005 10:00 mike is offline Send an Email to mike Homepage of mike Search for Posts by mike Add mike to your Buddy List
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Sounds really fun! I can just hear them ragging each other back and forth. I've had the immense privilege of seeing the guys in concert several times in the last 10 years or so whenever they've come to the Portland/Vancouver area as well as once in Seattle, and in '02 at Cornerstone (where I also heard Ping). Every time has felt the same to me. I can't write about it as fantastically as you just did, and I appreciate your review. There's always so much I wish I could express, particularly to Terry, about how they have become a part of my life through their music and never am able to. I always seem to come off as a starry-eyed teeny-bopper... :-/ at least in my own mind. I can never come up with anything intelligent to say, and end up hanging around with that goofy grin on my face that you mentioned Wink saying nothing at all!

Thanks again for your eloquent review; you really brought the night to life for me! Pleased

All mankinde is of one Author, and is one volume; when one Man dies, one chapter is not torne out of the booke, but translated into a better language....--John Donne
06-27-2005 11:58 luthien1121 is offline Send an Email to luthien1121 Homepage of luthien1121 Search for Posts by luthien1121 Add luthien1121 to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of luthien1121: luthien1013
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Originally posted by luthien1121
I can never come up with anything intelligent to say, and end up hanging around with that goofy grin on my face that you mentioned Wink saying nothing at all!

been there done that... bought a t-shirt and a couple of cds on more than one occassion...

then driving home feeling like an idiot... i come up with what I should have said.



dit, dit, doo
06-27-2005 14:36 freak is offline Send an Email to freak Homepage of freak Search for Posts by freak Add freak to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by freak

been there done that... bought a t-shirt and a couple of cds on more than one occassion...

then driving home feeling like an idiot... i come up with what I should have said.


Big Grin

With What I Should Have Said

from the album "Avocado Faultline"
Words & Music by Terry Scott Taylor
©2000 Zoom Daddy Music (BMI)

When I'm by myself
I'm quite the magician
with the turn of the phrase
and the juxtaposition
But give me a crowd
and watch me go fishin'
Turn up the heat
and I'm out of the kitchen

Bob got in a good one
at my expense
He had 'em all laughin'
at my weak-kneed defense
On the bus goin' home
I could only resort
to imagine a comeback
some snappy retort

But my chance is over,
it's a play in my head
where I really nail him
with what I should have said

Friday night at the party,
Sue was quite the wit
She got in some zingers
'bout my politics
Like a frog on a hot rock
my brain squrimed around
for the perfect rejoinder
which I never found

Now my chance is over,
it's a play in my head
where I turn the tables
with what I should have said

With what I should have said
I would know in advance
I'm the master of banter
the King of Romance
the guy in the center
whose leading the dance,
not the kid in the corner
with the big pair of pants

And now I'm in bed
with what I should have said

Today at the bus stop
a man read the news
shook his head and he asked me
my religious views
But the answers he needed
somehow wouldn't come
from the back of my brain
to the tip of my tongue

Well now that that's over
It's a play in my head
'bout how I convinced him
with what I should have said

Now most nights I'm in bed
with what I should have said

"Lord, beer me strength"
06-27-2005 15:25 Pfiagra is offline Send an Email to Pfiagra Search for Posts by Pfiagra Add Pfiagra to your Buddy List
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Big Grin

I think most of us have all experienced this feeling. We get the opportunity to talk to them and we say something stupid or have this goofy grin and don't say anything at all. Red Face

Even Uncle Terry knows the feeling! Tongue


Holy God break me, Holy Lord take me
Lay your crushing hand, Your mighty hand, On me gently
Your crushing hand, Your mighty hand, On me gently

06-28-2005 00:29 bereal is offline Homepage of bereal Search for Posts by bereal Add bereal to your Buddy List
Captain Pedantic Captain Pedantic is a male
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Location: "This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence." - Vyvian - The Young Ones

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The only way I'm ever going to have that goofy feeling is if they come to New Zealand or I spend $US4000 and go on holiday in the USA during a tour.


Seek Justice
06-28-2005 00:35 Captain Pedantic is offline Send an Email to Captain Pedantic Search for Posts by Captain Pedantic Add Captain Pedantic to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for Captain Pedantic
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You'll have to get the DVD when it comes out. Then you can get that goofy look and the guys won't see you looking goofy, unless you send them a picture. Wink Tongue


Holy God break me, Holy Lord take me
Lay your crushing hand, Your mighty hand, On me gently
Your crushing hand, Your mighty hand, On me gently

06-28-2005 01:04 bereal is offline Homepage of bereal Search for Posts by bereal Add bereal to your Buddy List
Captain Pedantic Captain Pedantic is a male
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Originally posted by bereal
You'll have to get the DVD when it comes out. Then you can get that goofy look and the guys won't see you looking goofy, unless you send them a picture. Wink Tongue

Hmmm would that make me an uber-fan or uber-stalker....?

I'll do it anyway Smile

Seek Justice
06-28-2005 01:28 Captain Pedantic is offline Send an Email to Captain Pedantic Search for Posts by Captain Pedantic Add Captain Pedantic to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for Captain Pedantic
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Smile Big Grin


Holy God break me, Holy Lord take me
Lay your crushing hand, Your mighty hand, On me gently
Your crushing hand, Your mighty hand, On me gently

06-28-2005 01:53 bereal is offline Homepage of bereal Search for Posts by bereal Add bereal to your Buddy List
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Yes send them a goofy picture. Smile Smile )

“Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.” Matthew 5:11
06-28-2005 02:25 Audiori J is offline Send an Email to Audiori J Search for Posts by Audiori J Add Audiori J to your Buddy List
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Steve looked like he was dressed for church in brown pants and white print frippery. He was the only one with a short
haircut. It was as if these three guys were the rock stars and he was
just the hired help. He seemed genuine, self-effacing, and humble.
However, after his playing during the evening, if there was ever a place for a fourth dog again, this was it - he was marvelous and added so much to the show. And yet, he doesn't sing and seems content to do his thing in the background. Whatever. Skinny was brilliant and rocked the house.

Yes, Steve's playing brought the show's music up to "the next level" as the young people's say. Pleased


06-28-2005 06:25 Dr Rich is offline Send an Email to Dr Rich Search for Posts by Dr Rich Add Dr Rich to your Buddy List
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Thanks for the awesome review! Well try to return the favor later after the show here. Smile )


Got a few miles left ...

Make sure you have heard a Kind Word! Happy
06-28-2005 21:42 Mountain Fan is offline Send an Email to Mountain Fan Search for Posts by Mountain Fan Add Mountain Fan to your Buddy List
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In case there is confusion - it was not me at the show I'm, posting something a DADL'er posted on the list

Seek Justice
06-29-2005 01:05 Captain Pedantic is offline Send an Email to Captain Pedantic Search for Posts by Captain Pedantic Add Captain Pedantic to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for Captain Pedantic
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Originally posted by Captain Pedantic
In case there is confusion - it was not me at the show I'm, posting something a DADL'er posted on the list

You should tell him to come see what we had to say about his review!

All mankinde is of one Author, and is one volume; when one Man dies, one chapter is not torne out of the booke, but translated into a better language....--John Donne
06-29-2005 01:44 luthien1121 is offline Send an Email to luthien1121 Homepage of luthien1121 Search for Posts by luthien1121 Add luthien1121 to your Buddy List AIM Screen Name of luthien1121: luthien1013
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that was a good tale..and one I hope to have (though probably wont say as well) after THIS FRIDAYYYY
at C- Stone!!!
Whoo Whoo!


theres nothing to EVER put here that will please everyone-let alone anyone.
06-29-2005 09:17 jiminy is offline Send an Email to jiminy Search for Posts by jiminy Add jiminy to your Buddy List
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Go for it cricket!


Got a few miles left ...

Make sure you have heard a Kind Word! Happy
06-29-2005 19:45 Mountain Fan is offline Send an Email to Mountain Fan Search for Posts by Mountain Fan Add Mountain Fan to your Buddy List
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