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Home of the Certified Professional Geologist




1.1.1 Name
The name of this organization shall be the Northeast Section of the American Institute of Professional Geologists.

1.1.2 Status
This Section is established in 1975 and is the successor to the New York Section, established on July 7, 1966, in accordance with the Bylaws of the Institute. It is a self-governing component of the American Institute of Professional Geologists, a not-for-profit membership corporation organized under the laws of the State of Colorado.

1.1.3 Territory
The territory within which this Section is authorized to represent and act for and on behalf of the Institute, within the Bylaws and policies of the Institute, is prescribed by the Institute and consists of the states of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Maine. The territory of the Section may be expanded or decreased by action of the Institute.

The purpose of this Section shall be to further the purposes of the Institute within the territory as-signed to it. In furtherance of its purpose as a component of the Institute, this Section shall have the following additional purposes not inconsistent with those of the Institute:

1. to represent the members of the Institute assigned to this Section through the Section's delegate on the Advisory Board of the Institute;

2. to encourage nonmember geologists within the territory of this Section to obtain the qualifications for and to apply for membership in, or affiliation with, the Institute;

3. to assist in the screening and selection of applicants for membership or affiliation in accordance with the Bylaws, policies, procedures and directives of the Institute;

4. to monitor and influence legislation and regulation affecting the professional activities of geologists within the territory of this Section, in accordance with the legislative and regulatory goals and objectives of the Institute and the Institute's Policy on Advocacy;

5. to promote the professional awareness and technical skills of geologists, the interchange of ideas and the cohesion and fellowship of the profession through professional and educational meetings;

6. to provide liaison between the members of this Section and the local geological community, the states comprising its territory, and the public;

7. to enhance the image, reputation and awareness of the profession and the Institute through the dissemination of information to governments, schools, civic organizations and the general public; and

8. to assist and support the work of the Institute.


1.3.1 Powers Granted.
Within the territory assigned to it by the Institute, and in furtherance of the purposes of the Institute and this Section, this Section shall have all the powers and authority necessary to carry out its functions, within the limitations established by the Institute. In particular, this Section shall have the following powers:

1. subject to the approval of the Institute, to adopt and amend these bylaws to govern its organization and affairs;

2. to propose dues for the members and affiliates assigned to it by the Institute;

3. to determine its governance and organizational structure, and to elect the officers and appoint the committees and others necessary to carry out the purposes of this Sec-tion;

4. to raise funds and make expenditures within the budgets and fiscal criteria approved and established by the Institute, which funds shall at all times, however, remain the property of the Institute under the management of this Section; and

5. to establish subsidiary districts and chapters to operate within the territory and under the supervision of this Section.

1.3.2 Limitations
This Section shall take no action which shall contravene any Bylaw, policy, procedure or directive of the Institute. In particular, this Section shall have no power to do any of the following:

1. to bind or make statements on behalf of the Institute;

2. to incur any liability or financial obligation in excess of the assets in the custody of the Section;

3. to own any real property;

4. to approve or deny admission to membership in the Institute, or to impose any form of discipline upon a member of the Institute; or

5. to establish or maintain any category or class of membership or affiliation other than those permitted by the Institute.


This Section shall be comprised of all Members and Affiliates of the Institute, in such categories or classes as have been established by the Institute, who maintain residency or their principal places of business within the territory of this Section.

Members and Affiliates shall have all the rights and privileges in this Section as are afforded to them by the Bylaws of the Institute.



3.1.1 Notice
This Section shall hold an annual membership meeting during the month of October in each year at a location determined by the Section Executive Committee. The date of the annual meeting or any other meeting of this Section shall not conflict with the published date of the Annual Meeting of the Institute. Written notice of the date, time and location of such meeting shall be provided to each Member and Affiliate of this Section not less than 60 days in advance of the meeting. Such notice may be contained in a regular or special publication of this Section.

3.1.2 Business
The business at the annual meeting shall include the announcement of the election of Section officers as provided in these Bylaws; the delivery of this Section's annual report; and any other business which may properly come before the meeting.

Other meetings of this Section may be called at any time by the President or by the Section Executive Committee, upon 15 days notice. Notice may be provided by publication of a schedule of meeting dates in a regular publication of this Section.


3.3.1 Quorum
A quorum at any meeting of this Section shall be ten percent of the Members, but in no event shall a quorum be less than ten Members.

3.3.2 Voting and Decisions
Unless otherwise provided in these Bylaws, all questions, elections and decisions shall be decided by a majority of those voting. No voting by proxy shall be permitted.

3.3.3 Mail Ballot
Any election or question that may be decided at a meeting of this Section may, at the discretion of the Section Executive Committee, be decided by a mail ballot.

3.3.4 Parliamentary Authority
Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the most recent edition or revision of "Robert's Rules of Order," to the extent that such rules are practicable and are not superseded by these Bylaws or by other rules or procedures of the Institute or adopted by the Section Executive Committee.



4.1.1 Section Executive Committee
The business and affairs of this Section shall be managed and operated by or under the direction of the Section Executive Committee composed of the following: the President, the Vice President (President-elect), the Secretary, the Treasurer, the immediate past president, and six Executive Committee Members.

4.1.2 Meetings
The Section Executive Committee shall meet at least six times a year, at a time and location determined by it. Meetings may be held by conference telephone call. Decisions may be made by unanimous written consent where a meeting is impractical. Minutes of meetings and decisions of the Executive Committee shall be kept, and all actions shall be reported to the membership in a regular publication of this Section.


4.2.1 Officers
The Officers of this Section shall consist of the following and such additional officers as may be designated by the Section Executive Committee. 1. the President; 2. the Vice President (President-Elect); 3. the Secretary; 4. the Treasurer; [and] 5. the immediate past president.

4.2.2 Terms of Office
Terms of office of the officers shall be two years. All terms shall begin on January 1.

4.2.3 Limitations on Terms
No person shall hold the same office for more than four consecutive years.

4.2.4 Removal of Officers
Any officer may be removed by a vote of a three-quarters majority of the members of the Section Executive Committee for failure to perform with such diligence as is required by the office, or by action of the Institute in accordance with Institute Bylaws.

4.2.5 Vacancies
A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the Vice President (President-Elect), who shall serve out that term and thereafter serve a full term as President. Other vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment by the Section Executive Committee, except where the Institute has appointed an officer or director to succeed one who has been removed by the Institute.


The Executive Committee
Members are elected officials who, with the Officers of the Section, constitute the voting segment of the Executive Committee. In the event that the Section Executive Committee subdivides its territory into two or more districts, as provide din Article 6 of these Bylaws, there shall be at least one Executive Committee Member from each district.

4.3.1 Terms of Office
All Executive Committee Members shall serve overlapping two-year terms, with three (3) Members to be elected each year.


4.4.1 Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee shall consist of the immediate past president and two other members appointed by the President.

4.4.2 Report of the Nominating Committee
No later than July 20, the Nominating Committee shall submit to the Section President the names of one or more candidates, who are qualified and willing to serve, for each office.

4.4.3 Write-In Candidates
Provision shall be made on the ballots for additional candidates for each office.

4.4.4 Election of Officers
Election shall be by a mail ballot. The ballot shall be mailed to all Members no later than August 20. Election shall be by a plurality of all qualified ballots cast. In order to be counted, ballots must be received by the Section Secretary no later than the date of the Annual Fall Meeting of the Section.


4.5.1 President
The President shall preside at all meetings of this Section and of its Executive Committee, and shall perform the duties customary to the office. The President shall be the official spokesperson for this Section and shall execute all documents and official correspondence of this Section as are appropriate. The President shall appoint the members of all committees of this Section. The President shall be responsible for carrying out all of the policies and direc-tives of the Section Executive Committee, except where such responsibility is specifically assigned to another officer.

4.5.2 Secretary
The Secretary shall perform the duties customary to the office, those assigned by these Bylaws or by the Section Executive Committee, and those required of a Section Secretary by the Institute. The Secretary shall keep, maintain and have custody of the Bylaws, official documents and correspondence of this Section and the minutes and records of the meetings and decisions of this Section and of the Section Executive Committee. The Secretary shall be responsible for giving all notices required by these Bylaws.

4.5.3 Treasurer
The Treasurer shall perform the duties customary to the office, those assigned by these Bylaws or by the Section Executive Committee, and those required of a Section Treasurer by the Institute. All Section financial resources are the property of the Institute, which are placed in the custody and under the management of the Section Treasurer under the ultimate authority of the Institute Treasurer. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate accounting of all Section financial transactions and account balances, and shall insure that all funds received are properly deposited and disbursements properly made from the Section's accounts. The Treasurer shall be responsible for preparing and submitting the annual financial statements and reports of this Section, and such other financial reports as may be required by the Executive Committee or the Institute.

4.5.4 Immediate Past President
The immediate Past President shall be the Delegate representing the Section on the Advisory Board of the Institute.

4.5.5 Vice President/President-Elect
In the event of the absence, resignation, death, or disability of the President, the Vice President shall have and assume the powers and duties of the President. The Vice President shall also be the President-Elect.



5.1.1 Institute-Required Standing Committees
The Section Executive Committee shall establish the following standing committees as required by the Institute:
1. Screening Committee
2. Nominating Committee
3. Regulation and Legislation
4. Membership

5.1.2 Appointments
Unless otherwise provided in these Bylaws or in the resolution of the Section Executive Committee establishing a committee, the President shall appoint, and shall have the power to remove, the Chairman and members of all Section committees.

5.1.3 Extent and Limitations of Authority
All committees shall be subject to the directions and instructions of the Section Executive Committee. No committee, nor the chairman or any member of any committee, shall have any authority to make or set policy, to issue any official statements on behalf of this Section, or to act for or bind this Section in any other way, without the express authorization of the Section Executive Committee.

5.1.4 Reports
Each and every committee of this Section shall file a written report with the Section Executive Committee not less than once each year, a copy of which shall be kept with the minutes of the Section Executive Committee.


5.2.1 Composition
The Section Screening Committee shall consist of a Chairman, appointed annually by the Section President, and at least two other assigned members selected by the Chairman with the consent of the Section President. The number and qualifications of the members of the Screening Committee shall be generally representative of the membership of this Section.

5.2.2 Duties and Responsibilities
The Section Screening Committee's function is to assist the Institute in evaluating the qualifications and credentials of applicants for membership or affiliation in the Institute.

5.2.3 Confidentiality
The Chairman and each member of the Screening Committee shall preserve all applications, references, and inquiry material in strict confidence, and shall not disclose such information except as authorized by the Institute. Files relating to the investigation of an applicant shall be kept by the Chairman until the final recommendation of the Screening Committee has been made, whereupon the application and all of the inquiry material and supporting data shall be forwarded to Institute Headquarters, and shall not be retained by the Screening Committee or this Section. Applications upon which action has not been completed by the end of the term of office of the Chairman will be transmitted to the succeeding Chairman.


5.3.1 Purpose
In 1986, the Section established the Angelo Tagliacozzo Memorial Geological Scholarship fund to recognize the dedicated leadership and service of Angelo Tagliacozzo following his untimely passing in October 11, 1986. The Scholarship provides annual grants to deserving undergraduate geology students at colleges and universities within the Section's territory selected by the committee.

5.3.2 Composition and Duties
The Angelo Tagliacozzo Memorial Geological Scholarship Committee shall be comprised of a Chairman and members designated by the Section President. In close coordination with the Section Executive Committee, the Scholarship Committee shall solicit applications for scholarship grants, shall evaluate said applications and recommend scholarship grants awards to the Section Executive Committee in sufficient time before the Fall academic semester.

5.3.3 Scholarship Funding
The Angelo Tagliacozzo Memorial Geological Scholarship shall be funded by contributions from individuals and corporations, which shall be solicited from time to time, by special events and by contributions from the Northeast Section, in furtherance of Article 1.2 of these Bylaws. All fundraising and scholarship award activities for the Scholarship shall be conducted in accordance with applicable sections of the Internal Revenue Code.


5.4.1 Establishment
The Section Executive Committee shall establish committees of this Section, as may be appropriate, to perform functions comparable to those of committees of the Institute, to maintain liaison with such Institute committees, and to assist in carrying out the purposes and objectives of the Institute and this Section. The name, size, duration, and responsibilities of each Section committee shall be determined by the Section Executive Committee; shall be recorded in the minutes of its proceedings and the records of this Section; and shall be reviewed and kept current by the Section Executive Committee on an annual basis.

5.4.2 Term of Existence
The Section Executive Committee may discharge and dissolve any committee at any time, except those committees required by the Institute. Every committee, other than the standing committees specified herein, shall automatically be discharged following completion of its work and the submission of its report, recommendations or findings. The Secretary shall record such discharge in the minutes of the Section Executive Committee and remove the committee from the list of Section Committees.

5.4.3 Special Committees
The President may establish and appoint any ad hoc or special committee as may be needed for special projects and functions of the Section. Such action shall be reported to the Section Executive Committee and recorded in the minutes thereof. Unless extended or renewed by affirmative action of the Section Executive Committee, each such committee shall complete its work within, and shall automatically be discharged at the conclusion of, the term of office of the President.


The Section Executive Committee may subdivide its territory into two or more districts. The Section Executive Committee may establish, alter or dissolve subsidiary chapters.

Districts and chapters shall be organized by the Section Executive Committee in accordance with the Institute Bylaws and policies. This Section shall remain responsible to the Institute for the conduct of all of the activities and affairs of such districts and chapters, and for all reports and other responsibilities required by the Institute.


The fiscal year of this Section shall coincide with the Institute's fiscal year.


7.2.1 Property of Institute
The Institute is a single, unified organization, and all property and funds held by a Sec-tion are the property and funds of the Institute, entrusted to the Section for its use and benefit in accordance with the purposes of the Institute. Upon dissolution of this Section, or otherwise upon the demand of the Institute, this Section shall transfer all funds and property held by it to the Institute, or as directed by the Institute. This Section shall not permit any lien or encumbrance to be placed on any of the funds or property held by this Section, without the express prior approval of the Institute Executive Committee.

7.2.2 Section Accounts
All funds of this Section shall be deposited and maintained in accounts in financial institutions designated by the Section Executive Committee and approved by or meeting standards established by the Institute Treasurer, and shall bear the name "American Institute of Professional Geologists -Northeast Section." The Section Treasurer and the Section President shall all be authorized signatories on all such accounts. As a safeguard against emergencies, the National Treasurer shall also be a signatory on all Section accounts. It shall be the responsibility of the Section Treasurer to obtain all necessary signatures and authorizations required to open and maintain such accounts, and to provide the depository with the Institute tax identification numbers and other data.

7.2.3 Section Property
This Section shall hold no real property of any nature, nor any interest in any real property. All personal property of this Section, other than expendables and inventories such as office supplies, shall be held in the name of the American Institute of Professional Geologists -Northeast Section. This Section shall not acquire any property which would create a financial burden upon the Institute. Any expenditure for property in ex-cess of $200 shall be subject to the approval of the Section Executive Committee.

7.2.4 Expenditures
Funds of this Section shall be disbursed by the Treasurer by check written on this Section's accounts. Unless specifically approved by the Institute Executive Committee, no expenditure may be made or debt or obligation incurred which exceeds the assets held by this Section. Unless specifically approved by the Section Executive Committee, no expenditure may be made or debt or obligation incurred which is in excess of the amounts budgeted therefor.

7.2.5 Institute Tax Exemption
This Section shall comply with all requirements necessary to maintain the Institute's tax exemption as a professional organization under Section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code and any similar state or local tax exemptions; shall maintain and produce all records required for the proper reporting by the Institute; and shall not engage in any activity, or collect or disburse any funds which would threaten the tax exempt status of the Institute or subject the Institute to any fines, penalties, or levies by taxing authorities.

7.2.6 Reporting
All financial transactions, including receipts, expenditures, and fund balances, shall be reported to the Institute at such times and in the form and manner required by the Institute.


7.3.1 Annual Dues
The annual dues of this Section for each category of its membership shall be proposed by the Section Executive Committee. This Section shall notify the Institute of the proposed amount of this Section's annual dues before October 1. Dues rates must be approved by the Institute Executive Committee.

7.3.2 Collection of Dues
Section dues shall be collected and remitted to this Section as provided in the Institute Bylaws, in accordance with Institute procedures.

7.3.3 Fundraising Activities
All fundraising activities of this Section are subject to the prior approval of the Institute Executive Committee.


These Bylaws are subject to the initial approval of the In-stitute Executive Committee, as evidenced by the signature of an authorized Institute officer appearing hereon. These Bylaws may not be amended or altered in any manner that will bring them into conflict with the Bylaws, policies, procedures or directives of the Institute. Any amendment of these Bylaws shall be subject to the approval of the Institute Executive Committee. The date of each such amendment, and the Institute Executive Committee's approval thereof, shall be recorded herein.


8.2.1 Amendments at Meetings of the Members
Subject to the subsequent approval of the Institute Executive Committee, these Bylaws may be amended by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Members of this Section present and eligible to vote thereon at any meeting of this Section.

8.2.2 Amendments by Mail Ballot
Subject to the subsequent approval of the Institute Executive Committee, these Bylaws may be amended by majority vote of the Members by mail ballot.

8.2.3 Submission, Approval and Notice of Amendments
All amendments submitted for approval by the Members of this Section: 1. shall have been approved by the Section Executive Committee, or set forth in a written petition signed by at least a quorum of the Members of this Section; or 2. shall have been the subject of not less than 60 days notice to the membership containing the proposed amendment or description thereof.

8.2.4 Amendments by Executive Committee
These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the entire Section Executive Committee where (1) the amendments do not substantially affect the rights, privileges and obligations of the membership of this Section, or (2) such amendments have been recommended (but not required) by the Institute, upon 30 days notice to the membership describing the proposed amendments. All amendments are subject to approval by the Institute Executive Committee.

8.2.5 Amendments Required by the Institute
These Bylaws shall be amended by the Section Executive Committee as necessary to comply with (1) changes in Institute Bylaws, policies or procedures, (2) a directive from the Institute requiring such amendment, or (3) any laws, regulations, or legal decisions affecting the Institute. Notice of the amendment or amendments shall be given to the membership of this Section as soon as practicable after they have been approved by the Institute Executive Committee. Any directive of the Institute requiring amend-ment of these Bylaws shall have the same force and effect as an amendment, and shall supersede and take precedence over any provisions of these Bylaws which are in conflict or are inconsistent therewith.


1.This Section was originally established on July 7, 1966, under the name New York Section of the American Institute of Professional Geologists.
2. The formation of this Section was formally approved by the Institute in 1975.
3. These Bylaws were initially adopted on December 16, 1991, pursuant to action by the Executive Committee and a mail ballot of the members of the Northeast Section of the American Institute of Professional Geologists.
4. These Bylaws were approved by the Institute for conformity and consistency with Institute Bylaws,