MINUTES Northeast Section - AIPG
Executive Committee Meeting
Monday, August 6, 2001
Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
White Plains, New York

I. Call to Order
Attendees: Dennis McGrath, Bob Stewart, Dan St. Germain, Arnie Schiffman, Craig Werle, John Gavras, Tim Stone (via phone). Minutes by Dennis McGrath.

II. Secretary's Report
Minutes of May 16, 2001 meeting were accepted as amended.

III. Treasurer's Report
July 16, 2001 Treasurer's Report was presented and approved by an Executive Committee vote. · A discussion followed on transferring the balance of Section funds in the equity account into the money market fund. Arnie Schiffman made a motion to do the transfer, it was seconded by Craig Werle and approved by an ExCom vote. The distribution of funds in the Angelo Fund will be discussed at the next ExCom meeting on September 10, 2001. Arnie will research other potential Janus funds before the next ExCom meeting.

IV. Correspondence
A letter was received from National requesting a response on increasing, decreasing or maintaining the Section dues for 2002. After polling several of the ExCom members by phone, Dennis McGrath responded within the requested time frame that the dues for the Northeast Section should remain unchanged. · A letter was received from National soliciting attendance at the National Meeting in St. Louis. Dennis McGrath indicated his intention to attend the meeting and represent the Section. · An acknowledgement letter was received from the Missouri Section thanking the NE Section for their generous support of the annual meeting. The NE Section is a contributor to the Ice Breaker and will be specifically recognized during the meeting.

V. National Meeting
Bob Stewart presented an update on the 2004 National Meeting planning. Past national meetings that made money included Baton Rouge and Milwaukee; Anchorage broke even. A discussion of possible locations for the 2004 National Meeting focused on Newport, RI and Saratoga, NY. Based on input from Bob's discussions with Jeff Lefferts, we could expect room rates of approximately $140-150/night in Saratoga and $200/night in Newport. Although the general preference of the members in attendance was for Newport, its two main drawbacks (higher cost and greater distance from the majority of NE Section members) resulted in a general agreement on Saratoga as a more suitable location. Bob will arrange to visit both cities with Jeff Lefferts in the fall before recommending a final selection.

VI. Old Business
NE Section Fall Meeting: John Gavras reported he has completed arrangements to have the Fall Meeting at Caumsett State Park in Lloyd Neck, Town of Huntington, NY. Dr. Gilbert Hanson of SUNY, Stony Brook has agreed to lead a field trip to observe and discuss the geology of the beach and cliffs at the park. Dinner will follow at Tello in Huntington. A flyer has been prepared in time for insertion into the Indian Summer Newsletter, scheduled for mailing in late August.

NYSCPG Update: A mid-July message from Sam Gowan to Dennis McGrath was relayed. The bill was not approved by the Higher Education Committee. It is now unlikely that the bill will get through the Assembly this year. It is expected that the bill will be approved quickly in 2002.

NHCPG Update: Tim Stone provided a brief update on the status of the New Hampshire licensing program. The rules were passed and signed into law on July 1, 2001. Completed applications are being received. Current discussions are exploring the possibility of merging NHCPG and the New Hampshire Geological Society (NHGS).

VII. New Business
None reported.

VII. Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 1810.