In Town, Social, Travel, etc.


Dave, Tom, and Bud at Logan

Collette and Linda at Logan.

Roger at Logan, with a lovely parking garage in the background.

Condo #1 - home of Bud, Collette, Roger, Andrea, and Linda.

Their nicely set table.

Bud, Roger, and Tom awaiting the shuttle.

Collette preferred to wait inside the shuttle stop.

Roger and Bud, I believe, were comparing ski length. "I see your schwartz is as big as mine!" Dave looks on.

I'm sure this is a lot of fun, but I'd rather ski thanks.

The town lift at Park City. This lift takes passengers right from Main Street, downtown.

Bud - what else can one say?

Park Ave Condos, our home for the week.

Condo #2, home of Tom, Dave, Bill, and Wade.

Dave watching Casey on KUTV.

This condo was clearly better! (No, there's no rivalry there!)

The Utah 09 gang. From L-R, Tom, Collette, Andrea, Bud, Roger, Bill, Dave, Wade, and Linda.

A fine representation of our new club shirts.

These knuckleheads don't have shirts.

Dave, roger, Bud, and Wade waiting for the shuttle.

On our way to Alta, looking across the valley. The distant mountains are home to active Copper mining.

The Mormon church has established a genealogy database deep in this outcropping. They value their heritage and beginnings and wish to keep it preserved for all time; therefore, it's buried deep and protected by this mountain.

Evidence of the Mormon genealogy lab inside the mountain

A backcountry chute on the way to Alta. Zoom way in and you'll see someone about half way up.

The tram at Snowbird.

Many of the buildings in the canyon were solid concrete. They get so much snow here, the avalanches would destroy a traditionally framed building.

"Honey, it's your turn to shovel out the car!"

They're serious about avalanche danger there. These signs lined the roadway. There's an interesting sticker on this one--zoom way in.

Looking out the canyon toward the valley and distant mountains.

I'm not sure which area this is, but it's one of the big 3 in the Park City area--Deer Valley, The Canyons, and Park City.

The ski jumps from the 2002 Winter Olympics. Those guys had some serious issues...

Looking out our condo window, mid-storm.

Downtown Park City at night.

Sorry, inside joke.

"Polygamy Porter," fresh from the Wasatch Brew Pub

This tiara actually belongs to Andrea, for her accomplishments in the trees. It does look good on Bud though.

Sunrise over the mountains, on our way back to the airport headed home. Way a way to depart!

Some of the mountains that surround downtown Salt Lake City.

The distant mountains are islands in the middle of the Great Salt Lake.

Roger reading a map

Roger reading a map

Roger reading a map

Roger reading a map

Roger reading a map

Cut Throat Pale Ale - the beer of the week! It's also the #1 selling craft beer in Utah.