Michael traversing Cheyenne Bowl.
Part of the group at Corbet's Cabin at the summit.
Roger, Kathy and Chip start out on Sunday Morning. In the background is the Four Seasons Resort.
Stan and Peter
Looking back towards Jackson.
Looking over the top of Casper Lodge towards the mountains north of town.
Roger and Peter - day 2 for them.
The black snow is remnants of the avalanche control dynamite. The powder could be seen all over the mountain after a good snowfall.
The southern section of Jackson Hole Ski Resort. The cables above carry the 55 person tram to the summit.
Michael busts through the Sunday morning powder.
The VP of the "Crack of Noon Club" shows her stuff.
Peter and Kathy.
Kathy, Stan and Diane anxiously awaiting for the rest of the group.
Mountain ranges north of Jackson. The foreground is part of the Ski Resort.
Diane works the powder. The mountain was relentless that first day.
Kathy - Keep those hands forward! Drive the shoulder downhill! By the end of the week, we had all become experts in the bumps. Thanks a lot Peter! (insert sarcasm here)
The photo didn't come out as well as I hoped, but this is a dynamite pot. Holes like this one were scattered across the mounain. Just downhill is the trail of black powder like the one pictured above.
This is another mountain just south of Jackson Hole. To the left of the rock face is a group of backcountry skiers. You'll have to view the full size image to see them. A later photo shows you their route.
Jackson Hole Ski Resort from the bus on the way home. What a place!
This is the tram dock. The tram departs the backside of this building.
Diane and Kathy on bivouac. What's that guys? You want to find more bumps? Just follow Peter...
Look carefully just below this rock face. Notice anything? The two holes toward the left are where skiers landed after jumping off the rock cliff. In the full size image, you can make out their tracks leaving the two holes.
The mountain featured two "gullies" like this one. The picture doesn't do it justice. I can't speak for this trail, but its sibling that I plummeted into was wild! A club contingent blew through this ditch pictured later in the week.
The famous Corbet's Colouir. The black dots on top of the chute are people preparing to leap to their certain death. I would guess about a 20 foot drop on this particular day. One small slip-up puts you into the rocks just below the landing.
Tom Burt on the Summit of Jackson Hole Ski Resort.
Corbet's Cabin, at the summit. Notice the old straight skis mounted to the side of the cabin. That should give you an indication of the snow depth.
Here is the group of insane backcountry skiers seen earlier on the cornice. The earlier photo shows a ridge to the right, out of sight of this photo. The skiers traverse the face right to left, hike up to the ridge and over the summit to the right. They then traverse again on skis. I'll stick to the chair lifts, thank you. You may need to click on the image and open the full size version to see their lines across the face.
Stan Miller on the tram dock at the summit.
Michael and Diane, aka "The Crack of Noon Club," at the summit.
This was the easiest way down from the summit. Elise Veneziano and Tom Peterson work their way down Rendezvous Bowl. In the background is the mountain utilized by the backcountry skiers referred to above.
Diane (top left) and Kathy (center) descending Rendezvous Bowl. The clown on the right isn't part of group. It sure looks like he's about to take a dive, though.
This is Rendezvous Bowl from the bottom. It's as big as it looks. Those black dots way up are people on their way down.
Tom, Peter and Dave O'Reagan await the rest of the group, still on Rendezvous Bowl.
The base area - it's a long way down.
Tom Peterson waits for his wife Phyllis. Oh, wait. That's her on the chair directly above him. Blow up the image and take a look, it's really her!
Peter Regas watches Elise ski down.
Phyllis Peterson. See, Kathy, her hands are out in front!
A close up of Corbet's Colouir. After jumping off the edge, you land somewhere near the rock wall protruding from the left.
Tom Burt skiing under the Gondola in spring conditions.
C'mon, Kathy. Quit goofing around. I'm trying to get a group shot, here.
The tram rises over the cliffs, never to be seen again.
The group... less four. Michael and Diane are on the chair in the background. I was taking the picture and Chip was back at the hotel "resting."
Here's the whole group together, less Chip.
One of the many large cannons used to blow the dynamite up onto the upper mountain cliffs. Check out the full size image and you can see the holes in the snow where the charges land and blow. The black powder trails are evidence of recent explosions.
Diane and Michael pose for some other camera. I see how it is. Nice jacket, Michael.
A stunning photo of Michael and Diane at Casper Lodge.
No mountain would be complete without the "bra tree." This one could be found under the Apres Vous chair. Did any of you ladies contribute?