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Posted by John Foxe on 08-29-2002 at21:42:

  Speaking of Neverhood

I got the Neverhood game many months ago, and is it cool! Sadly, I had to overbid on Ebay to get it. But even before that, there was a 20MB demo on the web I got my kids hooked on.

The game is incredible. And very twisted. The music as many of us know is phenominal. Very odd that it didn't sell that many copies. But it sounds like it's popular overseas.

The only thing I didn't like about the game was that it was real particular about the operating system - it would install but not run on anything other than Win95/98. (I should try WinXP in compatibility mode.)

Is there any chance this game could be reissued and made to work with other Windows platforms?

BTW, here is the demo web address if you're interested:

Posted by Gamgee on 08-29-2002 at21:44:


Thanks for the link. I'll have to try it out... I love twisted games...

Posted by Gamgee on 08-29-2002 at21:46:


Shoot... can't get it to work. Guess I'll have to try again later...

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