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Posted by BigDork on 09-02-2002 at12:30:

  Dämb It ∞ Fan Disc

So what do you all think?

Do you have enough time to get your songs done? Or do you have too much time?

I'm ready to get this thing done but can't do much until all the songs are in.

So as a way to keep interest in this thing....

Should we move up the Deadline?


Should we keep the Deadline the same?


Posted by BigDork on 09-02-2002 at12:34:

  Dämb It Fan Disc

not sure what happend with that title?????

oh well.


Posted by Lost Canine on 09-02-2002 at13:05:


From my perspective, it's coming together for me. I could have my song done by 10/01, if that is better. I'm going to be able to pull it off. I am curious to see what the others think though.

Posted by BigDork on 09-02-2002 at13:23:


Originally posted by Lost Canine
From my perspective, it's coming together for me. I could have my song done by 10/01, if that is better. I'm going to be able to pull it off. I am curious to see what the others think though.

yeah, I don't want to rush anyone...

I was just wondering where everyone is at with their song.


Posted by wes berlin on 09-02-2002 at18:59:


patience grasshopper.

actually it's coming along nicely. it wouldn't rock my world if the deadline was moved up to 10/1...

Posted by BigDork on 09-02-2002 at19:00:


Originally posted by wes berlin
patience grasshopper.


Posted by Lost Canine on 09-02-2002 at19:01:


Originally posted by BigDork
Originally posted by wes berlin
patience grasshopper.


Hey grasshopper, you must live in an ugly location. Big Grin

Posted by ™ on 09-02-2002 at19:20:

  ™ reports:

Monday, Labor Day, September 2, 2002

The pre-production session for Bibleland went well, Duane and I got all the samples and clips we needed from DVD's and CD's. I laid down the scratch vocal and guitar against a Girl from Ipemema drum machine track (THAT was interesting!).

The overview of the track is as follows;

Opens with a sample of the noisy guitar from Bibleland "looped" with the Stooges bit, "I'm pure as the driven snow...-but ya drifted! DOINK" overlayed.

matrix frequency sample into my version of Bibleland

closes with Barbara Ann bit only with Bibleland lyrics and finally the Am7, G, D closing harmonies from "Ghost Train To Nowhere".


PS I'd like until the middle of October to make it adequately silly though I may be able to complete by the end of September-

Posted by BigDork on 09-02-2002 at19:57:


Take all the time you need ™!

I'm just trying to keep the momentum going for those who haven't started their song yet. Time will run out soon enough with the original date. (but don't tell anyone) Wink

I can't wait to hear all the various interpretations from the DAmb!

Smile )


Posted by BigDork on 09-02-2002 at20:00:


Originally posted by Lost Canine
Originally posted by BigDork
Originally posted by wes berlin
patience grasshopper.


Hey grasshopper, you must live in an ugly location. Big Grin

mucho uglinesso en mi casa

Posted by ™ on 09-02-2002 at23:18:


the "in Bibleland (woah-woah-woah)" parts're gonna have cool special effects in 'em


there's gonna be riffs and allusions to other songs in it


(oh man! I'm givin' too much away-)

Posted by BigDork on 09-02-2002 at23:38:


Originally posted by ™
the "in Bibleland (woah-woah-woah)" parts're gonna have cool special effects in 'em


there's gonna be riffs and allusions to other songs in it


(oh man! I'm givin' too much away-)

sounds like fun!!!

Big Grin

Posted by Theo on 09-03-2002 at00:11:

  Angels Tuck You

Hey BD!!
I'm going into our studio on Thursday to toss something together for "Angels Tuck You In Tonight". Then it'll go off in the mail to you in a couple of weeks. Can you deal with it on DAT?
theo Big Grin

Posted by arcticsunburn on 09-03-2002 at00:33:


Keep the deadline... My band has practiced "Father Explains" in the past, but recently we haven't had the chance to get together much. This means that if we meet any time soon, our original songs are priority. I also need to know if at least my drummer's in for this project. Otherwise, I get to record it on my own at the very last minute (maybe I should just record one on my own in advance). Wink But if you wait, we might get another one done (maybe "No Spaceship," or "If you Want to").

At any rate, I don't know if our recording(s) will be all that silly, but they should sound different.

Posted by BigDork on 09-03-2002 at08:08:


Originally posted by Theo
Hey BD!!
I'm going into our studio on Thursday to toss something together for "Angels Tuck You In Tonight". Then it'll go off in the mail to you in a couple of weeks. Can you deal with it on DAT?
theo Big Grin

DAT is about the only thing I don't have Frown

I probably should get one someday, but not this year.


Posted by BigDork on 09-03-2002 at08:20:


Originally posted by arcticsunburn
Keep the deadline... My band has practiced "Father Explains" in the past, but recently we haven't had the chance to get together much. This means that if we meet any time soon, our original songs are priority. I also need to know if at least my drummer's in for this project. Otherwise, I get to record it on my own at the very last minute (maybe I should just record one on my own in advance). Wink But if you wait, we might get another one done (maybe "No Spaceship," or "If you Want to").

At any rate, I don't know if our recording(s) will be all that silly, but they should sound different.

we'll keep the original deadline.....

like I said on the other side, I'm only trying to keep the interest in the project alive Big Grin


and if you can do more than one tune it's ok by me!

Posted by Lucy on 09-03-2002 at13:10:

  Did mine arrive

Hey BD-
Just curious if my CD arrived yet in the mail to you? I wasn't sure how long it would take.
I'm feeling a bit daunted by the sound of people going into actual studios and stuff for this. Mine are no where near that kind of quality??@#&%!@#%^!#
Oh well,

Posted by BigDork on 09-03-2002 at15:56:


Originally posted by Lucy
Hey BD-
Just curious if my CD arrived yet in the mail to you? I wasn't sure how long it would take.
I'm feeling a bit daunted by the sound of people going into actual studios and stuff for this. Mine are no where near that kind of quality??@#&%!@#%^!#
Oh well,

I've been on the lookout for it, but it's not here yet.Frown

I'll let you know when I have it in my grubby little hands. Smile )


quality schmality dennis did his in a few hours and it sounds great! I'm sure all of them will be fun!

Posted by ™ on 09-03-2002 at17:00:

  Hey Theo!

Send yer DAT to me! Duane's got DA-88's and we can transfer it to disc and I'll mail it with mine to BD-
Big Grin

Posted by BigDork on 09-03-2002 at17:24:


Originally posted by ™
Send yer DAT to me! Duane's got DA-88's and we can transfer it to disc and I'll mail it with mine to BD-
Big Grin

there you go!

(i thought it was 77s 88 heh heh)

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