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Posted by colorblind on 11-14-2008 at13:09:

  the ultimate "fans" band

I've come to the conclusion that Terry and all of his projects is the ultimate fans band.
There is noone who has been so prolific yet so consistent than Terry.
On top of all the original releases, there is anways an illusive new version of an older album.
Terry is too good to be true.

My only real complaint is that it's too hard to keep up...without going broke.
Trying to figure out which one's aren't as essential is painful...even impossible.

Anyways, I guess this is really a "thanks Terry" thread...and here's hoping that in the next few years I can catch up with the complete Taylor discography.

Posted by servantsteve on 11-14-2008 at13:27:


I used to have the same complaint about the cost to keep up and I think I've used a way to manage it better. My advice is- buy what you can from the DA store when it is available. I say this because that means it has been released or re-released and what you are buying is at as low a price as you will ever see plus the artists will actually profit from it.

Ebay is good for stuff out of print, but auctions can be very pricey for Daniel Amos items. Even for the stuff out of print, you may be able to wait awhile and get it from the DA Store. DFBB is a good example- I have tried to buy it in the past and always get bid out of my price range. Now I can buy it from this site for only $17 plus I'll get bonus material.

The original album, Daniel Amos, was starting on ebay auctions for $50. Then it became available here. Again, I tried to buy it on ebay first but it always got too expensive, then I got a better version right here.

Posted by Audiori J on 11-15-2008 at10:43:


There are also certain things that basically can always be printed by DA, and there are certain things that can't. If something is basically put out by Stunt/DanielAmos.com it will be always available. Something like the Darn Floor reissue might not be reissued again for a very long time.

And I agree, don't pay $100 on ebay.

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