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--- Doppleganger for only .50¢ (http://www.danielamos.com/wbb2/thread.php?threadid=13124)

Posted by DrDanAmos on 05-15-2009 at18:04:

  Doppleganger for only .50¢

Not a dream, not an imaginary story, not a what if... I found Daniel Amos' Doppleganger online for only 50¢.

It is a Russian download site, and I realize that they are quite controversial. All I know is that they seem to be endorsed by the Russian version of their RIAA (and that's good enough for me!) and that there was some controversy surrounding allofmp3.com years ago but any charges the RIAA were trying to bring up against them were dropped.

I HONESTLY do not believe this is a pirate music site. I am convinced that this site is just as legal as I-Tunes, but the prices are dramatically lower because the royalties paid for music in Russia is considerably lower.

Usually the prices for downloads from this site run at .20¢ per song and about $2.00 per CD so this may be a sale price.

If posting this is a problem, please understand I meant no harm! I figured most people here have physical copies of this CD but it's a good deal if you don't.

I wanted to add that I've purchased music from this site for several years now, and I rarely had a problem but they are fast to respond to the occasional problem I might have (such as not getting to download a song in time.)

Posted by audiori on 05-15-2009 at18:25:


For it to be legit, someone connected to the album would have to be making money off o fit.

Posted by Ritchie_az on 05-15-2009 at19:43:


So did you find it on-line for 50¢???

Or are we talking hypothetical?


While we are talking Doppelganger, any chance on a reissue any time soon?

Posted by DrDanAmos on 05-15-2009 at20:14:


It was a site selling the album for download. A Russian site that, at least according to their legal page, claims "Authors, Artists and other Copyright holders including major labels are paid their fair dues."

I guess not so much with DA, at least!

And I thought Doppleganger was re-released in the Alarma Chronicles book set. But the question makes me ponder...how many of DA's albums are planned for a two disc set?

Posted by Ritchie_az on 05-15-2009 at20:42:


The Alarma Chronicles Book Set was released in very limited quantities about 9 years ago. I actually have a copy of it (minus the third CD). But I'd like a stand-alone copy of Doppelganger if I could get one. It doesn't need to be with bonus songs and so forth. Just a regular re-issue would be nice. I hope it's something coming down the pipeline.

Behind Darn Floor - Big Bite, it's my favorite DA album.

Posted by DrDanAmos on 05-15-2009 at21:04:


Wow, it seriously doesn't seem like that the book set came out 9 years ago. Time flies...

Posted by audiori on 05-15-2009 at21:52:


The original intent was to rerelease everything as a two disc set.

We are looking at another option for the Alarma Chronicles.. but it may not be a single option, it may end up being a couple of different things. I know thats very vague, but I can't get more detailed just yet! One idea to bring it back as soon as possible is already in the works. No dates, no schedule or anything like that yet.. just in the works.

Posted by Ritchie_az on 05-16-2009 at08:07:


I'm looking forward to whatever it may be. Any rough estimation on a timeline? Sometime in 2010? 2011?

Posted by Ritchie_az on 05-16-2009 at14:33:


Posted by Ritchie_az on 05-16-2009 at14:35:


No dates, no schedule

I guess I didn't read that very carefully.

Posted by Audiori J on 05-16-2009 at14:51:


Originally posted by DrDanAmos
It was a site selling the album for download. A Russian site that, at least according to their legal page, claims "Authors, Artists and other Copyright holders including major labels are paid their fair dues."

I guess not so much with DA, at least!

And I thought Doppleganger was re-released in the Alarma Chronicles book set. But the question makes me ponder...how many of DA's albums are planned for a two disc set?

Terry doesn't recieve checks from Russia. Besides, if they sell the album for 50 cents, and they take their cut... how much a fair due would you think they would be paying anyone? A penny?

If Terry's stuff is put up for download, it will be through this website, or Dan Michaels or someone like that.

Posted by DrDanAmos on 05-18-2009 at17:28:


Again, I meant no offense to anybody, especially Terry. And that price was just lowered...they usually charge more...so I figured it was like a sale.

I was actually quite surprised to see them on there at all. I mean, I love Doppleganger and all...great album...but for all the ones to put up for download on some Russian site they choose that one? It just seems so...oddly random.

I do hope you can get it taken down at the very least, since it's not authorized.

Posted by wakachiwaka on 05-18-2009 at17:37:


Sites like that typically depend on their users to rip and upload mp3 files from their own CDs (yes, I have used a couple of them in the past). The submissions are highly unauthorized. The site owners simply pay a blanket licensing fee to their own equivalents to ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, SoundExchange, and whatnot as a sort of CYA maneuver.

Posted by Audiori J on 05-18-2009 at19:19:


Yeah they may think that covers it, but sending the fee without first getting permission to distribute will still get ya in trouble.

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