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Posted by jwaltb on 12-10-2002 at15:44:

  DAMB IT, it's late!!!

Help!! I have a last minute correction to my submission for the Damb It disc and am looking for an available way to transfer a BIG file (like a song) to BD over the internet. Email just won't cut it..... I tried. Anyone have any suggestions or know of a place where I can upload for him to download? Thanks in advance for your help.

But as for me and my house, we can't wait either! This is gonna be SOME good!

Gotta get back to work now but I'll be checking later. Thanks for the help.


Posted by jwaltb on 12-10-2002 at22:11:


Well, thanks anyway folks for the thought. I do believe I have something worked out. I'll just have to see how it unfolds.


Posted by BigDork on 12-10-2002 at23:21:


The yahoo thing worked, I got the file Big Grin

Posted by carl on 12-11-2002 at07:56:

  Hey jwalt....

What'd you need to change? The original was cool.... made me actually HEAR the song.... as did a few others here.... and sometimes the song illuminated the person instead.... cool.... BUY THIS, PEOPLE!!

Posted by jwaltb on 12-11-2002 at21:53:


Whoa, thanks man! Well, there were a couple of little glitches that were kind of distracting once you noticed 'em but I believe we got it fixed up pretty good. Time will tell. I'm just glad BD was so patient with my last minute hustle and bustle.

And from what I heard on the clips (and the one other submission I got to hear in full...), this is gonna be one heckuva project. As someone already said...... I can't wait!!!


Originally posted by carl
What'd you need to change? The original was cool.... made me actually HEAR the song.... as did a few others here.... and sometimes the song illuminated the person instead.... cool.... BUY THIS, PEOPLE!!

Posted by ™ on 12-12-2002 at00:31:

  fix it in th' mix

Hey! No fair, I sent mine warts 'n all. No perfectionism man. All my bits were 1st takes (raises eyes to the heavenlies...) -okay, I'm still here!
Big Grin
I know whatcha mean though jwaltb, on mine there were a coupla flat notes and drowned out guitar parts and herky-jerky rythmns but doood! Considerin' most people just sang into a boombox I was already over doin' it, no way was I gonna go control-freak over it (-DAmb it!)


Posted by arcticsunburn on 12-12-2002 at00:50:


Yeah, maybe next time a "perfect" track's in order, but not this time... Big Grin

Posted by brdhsnyrsoul on 12-12-2002 at00:53:


Wes helped me sound decent on this one. Thanks, Wes.

Posted by BigDork on 12-12-2002 at08:37:


Originally posted by ™
Hey! No fair, I sent mine warts 'n all. No perfectionism man. All my bits were 1st takes (raises eyes to the heavenlies...) -okay, I'm still here!
Big Grin
I know whatcha mean though jwaltb, on mine there were a coupla flat notes and drowned out guitar parts and herky-jerky rythmns but doood! Considerin' most people just sang into a boombox I was already over doin' it, no way was I gonna go control-freak over it (-DAmb it!)


Your song is perfect ™ , no need for a fix! Big Grin

There was a problem with the wave file JimB sent the first time, so I asked him if he could fix it. I tried to keep the crackles and pops to a minimum, but since most of us are working with Digital files on our computers, sometime wierd things happen.

All songs are in now, and I'll be droping the masters off on Friday for duplication!

wooooo hoooo!!!!


Posted by carl on 12-12-2002 at08:38:


Originally posted by ™
Hey! No fair, I sent mine warts 'n all. No perfectionism man.

Please. You put us ALL to shame. Even my wife was grinning at the "suite," and she's not even a DA fan (although she likes the Dogs a lot)....

Posted by jwaltb on 12-12-2002 at12:28:


Ahh, now this is making the anticipation grow even more. Can't wait to hear it. Smile

And I didn't mean to be controll-ey or freaky about it, but I did enjoy finding out just what I could do with a couple of wires and some software on my computer. It was fun! Heck, I wouldn't mind doing it again sometime.....



Please. You put us ALL to shame. Even my wife was grinning at the "suite," and she's not even a DA fan (although she likes the Dogs a lot)....

Posted by Mark on 12-12-2002 at12:41:


I can't wait!

Posted by ™ on 12-13-2002 at03:18:


Even my wife was grinning at the "suite," and she's not even a DA fan (although she likes the Dogs a lot)....

Well...it helps if your recording-brother-in-arms is the amazing Duane Takahashi!

Ya know, this has GOT to be a first. Only bands with Terry Taylor in them would have a fan base over-th'-top enough to put together something like the DAmb fan album!


Posted by Mark on 12-20-2002 at09:01:



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