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Posted by Jim Muglia on 04-30-2002 at22:29:

  Good Taylor lines


I was thinking of all of Taylor's good lines. Maybe we can list some as they pop into our minds. I'll start with a couple:

"Pray where you are."
- from the Lost Dogs song "Pray Where You Are".

"I was built for glory; I was made to last."
- from the Lost Dogs "Built for Glory, Made to Last".

"Hold onto hope that's in you. Don't always trust your eyes. Sometimes it takes a long time to see it as a blessing in disguise."
- from the Lost Dogs "Blessing in Disguise"

So that's a start, if anyone wants to add more.

Take care,

Posted by Lost Canine on 04-30-2002 at22:53:


Well, being a pastor, I'm sort of partial to "Hide the beer, the pastor's hereWink !"

Posted by Gamgee on 04-30-2002 at23:13:


"Breathe deep the breath of God"
simple, but good

"I paint a thousand pictures here, on the inside of my skull"
from Writer's Block

"She's warning all her children of the horrors of rock and roll"
from Autographs for the Sick

"Angels tuck you in tonight"
from (duh!) Angels Tuck You In

"You can pretty much tell that he's lost weight from the depth of his footprints"
from Outdoor Elvis

"She's a bad dream, like an Adam's apple on a beauty queen"
from She's a Hard Drink

Just a few favs for now

Posted by Kaf-N-8ed on 05-01-2002 at00:09:


Originally posted by Jim Muglia

I was thinking of all of Taylor's good lines. Maybe we can list some as they pop into our minds.

Cool, I was thinking this very thought (to propose a list of our favorite lines) but then I thought it might proove impossible to number them all.

Anyway, one of my favorites is:
"A psychosomatic cleaning his attic..."

And another that really touches me is:
"the Angels now live in Anaheim''

I know you guys are all laughing yourselves out of your chairs... but those two are the most meaningful lines to me.

About the Angels, I know he means the baseball team... but in context, to me it *seems* like he is talking about God's Angels... and the image it conjurs up in my head is that they've all departed for Anaheim, because that IS after all where "The Angels" live.

Oh, nevermind...

But it's meaningful to *me* dang it!!!

Okay, laugh all you want to.


Posted by jamespop on 05-01-2002 at09:19:


"I'm just a cynic talkin' 'bout a white bleached sepluchre;
I'm bringing ants to your picnic, they're feeding on a dead man's bones."
from _Hell Oh_ (A great picture of Jesus dealing with legalistic religion)

"The cows come home when I see you in your moo-moo;
You're the apple in my strudel, the kit in my kaboodle"
from _Our Night to Howl, Time to Go Dancing_ (I hope I'm still that randy for my wife when I get to the Akendorf's age)

"but actually, that's more like calculated existential angst."
from _CoCo the Talking Guitar_ (a favorite to drop in conversation with friends)

and finally (for now)...

regal dream and primmadonna
angel queen of tijuana
mother earth and virgin saint
succor, nurse, and suffrir gate
to gaudy beauty's hocus-pocus
guadeloupe's theotokos
for heathens, scribes, enraptured daughters
a neon bride on dashboard alters

sweet mother of God
(what's got into you, boy?)
oh for the love of God
(what's got into you boy?)
sweet mother of God
you ponder, you wander,
you cling and you lean
while she's bruising you, using you
seldom refusing you

monumental apparition
ornamental grave beautition
satirized and patronized,
undersized and glamorized
matriarchal wisdom seat
sentimental paraclete
statuesque forlorn pieta,
esqued, suppressed, and scorned contessa


casa nostra placebo
glorisa domino
mediatrix bella donna
dominicus della strada
limbo low e' la cañada
tuck'n'roll lobla limbada
coredemptrix mediation
genuflexix obligation
latria at fatima
oblida basilica
gratia plena benedicta
adolescentia byzantina


isn't it wild? mother and child
meek and the mild, never defiled
fruit of the womb, out of the tomb
bride and the groom, sun and the moon
altar queen wonder, suffering lover
covering buffer , hovering mother
blessing and testing, confessing and pressing
inerrant, transparent, domestic, majestic
idyllic, angelic, filling, dispelling
foretelling, compelling, instilling, indwelling
favoring, laboring, savoring, flavoring
healing us, sealing us, stealing us, leading us
ponder her, honor her, magistrate, venerate,
bond to her, long for her, sing to her, cling to her

and i'm not so sure there's anything wrong with her

from _Sweet Mother of God_ - Words by Terry Taylor, Music by Terry Taylor, David Raven and Tim Chandler - ©1988 Broken Songs (YES, I am Southern Baptist! YES, I lost a lot of sleep over this one! YES, I still have questions! But DARN IT, at least the song makes me THINK!!! - just like a good TST lyric should.)

Posted by Gamgee on 05-01-2002 at11:51:

  Gotta add more...

... although I could go on forever on this topic.Wink

"Staggering blow to your power poles, canceled flight to your wuthering heights" and "Plant your seeds in a watery spell, become a farmer in the dell"
from (Disco) Love Grapes (with honorable mention to the entire rest of the song

"All the guys with speedos made it first to their cars"
from Near-sighted Girl With Approaching Tidal Wave

"The tounge of flame is sputtering, and virtue goes to bed"
from Tacking the Amourous Man

The entire final verse of Broken Ladders to Glory

The Twist (all of it)

"And shadow in my suitcase is restless now,
And of each of them would prefer to remain,
And they all have a different little slant on life,
And they all answer to my name."
from Organ Bar

"And whimsy rides the wizard's tide, in Mr. Buechner's dream"
hmm... just can't remember what this one's from... hmmm Big Grin

Posted by Kaf-N-8ed on 05-01-2002 at13:49:


another line I love is one about "pulling angels out of a hat" (but I can't remember what song it's in.)


Posted by carl on 05-01-2002 at14:03:

  The TST laundry list.....

“His deep pontification's / The source of my frustrations / I'm smiling and just acting dumb…. But he's so unrelenting / Blind and unrepenting / And pretty soon he's down to one.” -- “The Lucky Ones”

"Leave us alone now / 'cause Hell feels like home now" -- "Banquet at the World's End"

"I've been all wrong, baby / Ad nauseam, baby" -- "Guilty"

"You're gonna call me a liar / When I try to tell you what's coming down" -- "Safety Net"

"I hold these views but I get no respect" -- Theo's Logic

"She's warning all her children of the horrors of rock'n roll / You're a bonfire lover counting dollars in the afterglow" -- "Autographs for the Sick:

"I used to say, 'Why doesn't somebody do something about this?' / I cried, 'Oh, what about this need?' / Then a voice said, 'Yooooooou do something about it' / I said, 'Oh woooow you mean ME??????' " -- "I Didn't Build It for Me"

"You want an autograph, what is your need? / Mine is for you to know that I really bleed" -- "Here I Am"

" 'feed me, heal me' whines everybody / Blinds everybody /
And nobody will" -- "Nobody Will"

"I stand, stand by the water, knee deep / Deep in the fountain, now down / I go under, then rise up / Rise up forever" -- "The Pool"

"we want an infinite meddler, a fix-it-quick man / but he gets off his high horse, gets dirt on his hands / and he woos us like a lover through each bloody cessation / and hangs on the cross with the rest of creation" -- "God Went Bowling"

"she's a double beef burger called 'the double Patty Hearst' " -- "Golden Girl of the Golden West"

"and when the walls cave in / and the curtain's torn asunder / you'll know we're near the end / you'll hear me in the thunder / and when the sun grows dim / this will be your sign and wonder / that soon we'll meet again / just like we did last summer" -- "The Twist"

"and then an angel tapped me on the shoulder, he said /
'boy, you sure do smell like sin and / this place is pretty crowded / but i think we can squeeze you in' " -- "Art Carney's Dream"

"bounce him off the rubber sky, and he'll come back to taunt you" -- "Rubber Sky"

"some people get so bored / they start turnin' into cannibals / eat each others hearts out / like a sacrifice of animals / deep freeze their own souls / shut down their brains / i think the only way to go / is against the grain" -- "Driving in England"

"the face of saint paul in this butt roast / assures me that i’m going up to heaven" -- "Urban Legends"

"Here is order from chaos / Here is light from the dark /
You go down under water / And you breathe again" -- "Imagine That"

"And I don't believe in cheap grace or easy streets / This world needs to break our hearts and our innocence / But maybe that hard rain will drive you all the way home / Save you from drowning in your last defense" -- "Loved and Forgiven"

"Oh, Rebecca, go home / Like when you were a child / Your daddy would call out your name / And you'd run through the dark fields / To the light of his smile / My guess is that heaven is much the same" -- "Rebecca Go Home"

"Show them you are individual, show them you are BOLD! /
Besides, I get residuals for every game that's sold." -- "The Li'l Bonus Room"

Posted by Andrew on 05-01-2002 at16:02:

  Whose line is it anyway?

They're getting plastered in Paris - Traps Ensnares

You can run , you can't hide from the hound of heaven
Your'e free to choose can you refuse the seaker of souls.

Walking on the water, when I open my eyes what a pleasent surprise.

Posted by jc on 05-01-2002 at16:05:



Posted by Andrew on 05-01-2002 at16:07:

  Oh oh I remember one

Show those young punks - just what class is
Honey you still fog my glasses - Our turn to howl

I love this one

Posted by jc on 05-01-2002 at16:08:


Now the tent sags in the Texas heat
AS she works the crowd into a frenzy
And an old man's rolling on the sawdust floor
In the throes of the demon of envy
And the organ music swells and the choir sings
An off-key Amazing Grace
Despite the body odor and the Texas flies
There's not a dry eye in the place


Posted by Andrew on 05-01-2002 at16:15:

  Isn't it Ironic

I love the irony of "Turn this off" he's bemoaning about the state of the current music and it's played in the style of that music.

heh heh

Posted by Dr Rich on 05-01-2002 at16:42:


"Not the kid in the corner with the big pair of pants."

"She's trying to warn them about the horrors of rock-n-roll"

"Go to Nashville, go to hell."

"I wake at night repeating, 'how strange how strange'"

"She's baking choclate bibles, a witness to my unsaved father"

"60 seconds to catch my breath again"

"Why is the devil red?"

"Language is weak, but I keep on speaking"

"Give your piehole a rest"


Posted by 21stcenturyschizoidman on 05-01-2002 at16:54:

  Banquet Snares

"The beautiful people, all send their excuses
But the poor are coming, the lame are running"

"It's a persecution loop
Curmudgeon in your soup
Beware of traps and snares..."

"You said a man might gain the world
And lose his own soul
So go ahead and do it Lord
Change my Diamonds to Coal"

"And I don't believe in cheap grace or easy streets
This world needs to break our hearts and our innocence
But maybe that hard rain will drive you all the way home
Save you from drowning in your last defense"


some o' th' best lyrics ever written anytime anywheres-

Posted by Dr Rich on 05-01-2002 at17:07:


Originally posted by 21stcenturyschizoidman
"The beautiful people, all send their excuses
But the poor are coming, the lame are running"

I've grown to really like that CD.
It just sounds GOOD.

(Now I have that song in my head)

Posted by Uncle Ralph on 05-01-2002 at17:38:


"Life unwinds like a cheap sweater, but sine I gave up hope I feel a lot better."

wait... wrong taylor

Posted by Gamgee on 05-01-2002 at19:34:


Originally posted by Uncle Ralph
"Life unwinds like a cheap sweater, but sine I gave up hope I feel a lot better."

wait... wrong taylor

True, but also a very good Taylor (and a great song as well).

Posted by Jim Muglia on 05-01-2002 at20:41:

  more Taylor lyrics

"Into the deep; that's when your heart gets broken, and life begins again."
- from "Into the Deep" off of Surfonic Water Revival

"Come on down to California Blue. Bring your old man, your old lady too."
- from "California Blue" off of Surfonic Water Revival
(I was blown away when I found out this song was about a place people were/are going to get baptized. Even a cooler baptism song than "The Pool", in my humble opinion).


Posted by BigDork on 05-01-2002 at23:51:


I've always liked this.....

TST Lyrics

ok, so I picked them all........you guys already had most of my other picks.Evil Big Grin


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