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Posted by Dr Rich on 01-29-2003 at19:32:

  LN's notes for HD

I guess the thing that gets me about Uncle Larry's liner notes in HD is how he goes on and on about making great gospel records that break the mold, that sound better than other CCM records and would take CCM in a new direction.

How come then, do Norman's records sound like crap? and if anything they have been sounding crapier as the years go by?


how come? Confused

Posted by Joey T. on 01-29-2003 at19:34:


Originally posted by Dr Rich
How come then, do Norman's records sound like crap? and if anything they have been sounding crapier as the years go by?


how come? Confused

he's old and lost his mind? Confused

Posted by Dr Rich on 01-29-2003 at19:35:


oh yeah... I forgot! Tongue

Posted by Joey T. on 01-29-2003 at19:36:



Posted by Dr Rich on 01-29-2003 at19:43:



Posted by Tyler Durden on 01-30-2003 at14:48:


I still dig Larry Norman.

His Trilogy cds are still great to listen to and he did do a great job with the HD cd and the cd booklet to go along with it. His rereleases have great information contained in them and he is always throwing on additional bonus material from that time period. (HD being the exception.)

I do hope and have encouraged him to put out HD in the way that would make the fans happy. If he were to include all of the tracks and other recordings of Daniel Amos that he has, then everybody would be happy. Big Grin

We must send e-mails that are positive and explain what we would like to see on the next release of HD to Larry Norman. I think he already understands that we don't want more of his cover tunes. (I liked them, but would rather that they find themselves on the tribute album, which one did) We don't need to fire up the Larry Norman vs Daniel Amos controversy again. He doesn't need to be treated like an official at a Raider game. (Raider fans think that there is a conspiracy)

Posted by Captain Pedantic on 01-30-2003 at15:00:


I enjoy the LN covers of Hound of Heaven. It was a bad call to put them on HD but *shrug* whacha gonna do abo' tit

I'm looking forward to HD 2

Posted by Joey T. on 01-30-2003 at15:19:


I do kinda like the "lounge" version if I'm in the right mood... kinda like Nick Deletchi! Pleased

Posted by EdHead on 01-30-2003 at16:51:


Me too...Cool

Posted by brdhsnyrsoul on 01-30-2003 at16:56:


I'm very interested to see what's on HD volume 2

Posted by Theophilus on 01-30-2003 at20:28:


I do not know what to think about LN.

I like some of his music, but he seems like he has had some problems in the past with relationships with fellow musicians.

I guess we all need grace from above.


Posted by Mark on 01-30-2003 at20:46:


He should make music and not talk about others except in a positive way.

Posted by brdhsnyrsoul on 01-31-2003 at11:04:


you betcha

Posted by Dr Rich on 02-01-2003 at12:47:


do you think in the song "Big Time - Big Deal" when Terry sings "the momment of conversion, is on the cover of my album" is kind of a poke 'o fun at the cover of HD?

Posted by Uncle Ralph on 02-03-2003 at16:49:


Originally posted by Dr Rich
do you think in the song "Big Time - Big Deal" when Terry sings "the momment of conversion, is on the cover of my album" is kind of a poke 'o fun at the cover of HD?

I'll give you a poke!

In your eye! Tongue

Posted by C*rm*n's nipples on 02-03-2003 at16:51:


Originally posted by Uncle Ralph
Originally posted by Dr Rich
do you think in the song "Big Time - Big Deal" when Terry sings "the momment of conversion, is on the cover of my album" is kind of a poke 'o fun at the cover of HD?

I'll give you a poke!

In your eye! Tongue



Posted by Uncle Ralph on 02-03-2003 at17:02:


rar! Tongue

Posted by Joey T. on 09-09-2004 at17:31:


Originally posted by Uncle Ralph
Originally posted by Dr Rich
do you think in the song "Big Time - Big Deal" when Terry sings "the momment of conversion, is on the cover of my album" is kind of a poke 'o fun at the cover of HD?

I'll give you a poke!

In your eye! Tongue


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