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--- bass playing question for Tim Chandler. (http://www.danielamos.com/wbb2/thread.php?threadid=2505)

Posted by One Weigh Street on 03-12-2003 at11:49:

  bass playing question for Tim Chandler.

Hi Tim,

I have a question about your bass playing. Firstly, I love it. My question is with regards to an interview I read with you where you said that you actually play the bass with a pic. My question is: if you were to do a DA concert without a pic, would you be able to sound just as good, in your opinion?

Thank you,

Posted by tchandler on 03-12-2003 at12:00:

  hey, one weigh

interesting question. i've never been asked that. no, i don't think it would sound as good--not on the stage anyway. the attack of a pick is just so different. but the other thing is, depending on the room, a lot of the attack that i can hear standing in front of the cabinet, gets lost in the room.

Posted by One Weigh Street on 03-12-2003 at12:25:


I see, depending on the acoustics, it might not make a difference either way, I take it is what you're saying. Thanks for answering the qeustion.

I'm curious, are there any other famous bass players that are known to use the pic, that you (or anyone else on the board) knows of?

Posted by tchandler on 03-12-2003 at12:30:


paul mcCartney uses one once in awhile. the guy in cheap trick, of course, with the twelve string bass

Posted by One Weigh Street on 03-12-2003 at12:35:


I guess that would be Rick Nielsen, eh, with his ten guitars in one?

One last question:
What bass line have you created that you are most proud of?

Posted by tchandler on 03-12-2003 at12:43:


i honestly don't really feel "proud" of a bass line but i think i know what you mean. i was fairly happy with some of the stuff on mbd, but seriously a lot of the time i'm just fumbling around and experimenting and hoping for the best.

i'll tell you what i DON'T like. i can't listen to my playing on vox, i just sound like i have no idea what i'm doing. and when i listen to bibleland, (a record i like a lot although i realize there are many who don't) on some of the songs i just sound way over the top--a little (or maybe a LOT) too much.

Posted by One Weigh Street on 03-12-2003 at12:54:


"I'll Get Over It" is fantastic though. Hey Tim, thanks for answering the qeustions. I apprecaite it. I have to get back to work now. I hope to catch you more on the board in the future.
Take care, and thanks for being involved in the great DA music which we all thoroughly enjoy here.

Posted by tchandler on 03-12-2003 at12:59:


i'm going to take my son to lunch, but if anyone wants to talk some more, i'll be back in an hour and a half

Posted by DaLe on 03-12-2003 at13:17:


Originally posted by tchandler
i'm going to take my son to lunch, but if anyone wants to talk some more, i'll be back in an hour and a half

hey, tc

it is great to see you posting...

this questions comes from out of the blue, but I am not sure who else to ask. & I know you have worked with him in the past so, do you have any info on the whereabout's & whatabout's of Mr. Tonio K. ?


Posted by tchandler on 03-12-2003 at14:11:


he used to come through nashville fairly often, but hasn't for quite awhile. we had a band "reunion" back in 1999 (ten years before that, we'd last done the opening-band gig on the kinks tour.) i've seen him several times since then but not recently at all. i was just thinking about him the other day.

Posted by Mark on 03-12-2003 at14:26:


I thought Tonio K. was living in Austin for awhile. I'm not positive though.

Posted by tchandler on 03-12-2003 at14:35:


that was years ago--he split his time between LA and austin. maybe he's back there again.

Posted by Stuart Pedasso on 03-12-2003 at15:01:


Originally posted by One Weigh Street
I guess that would be Rick Nielsen, eh, with his ten guitars in one?


Rick is the guitar player - he's not a bass player. You're thinking Tom Petersson - a great player who plays a monster 12 string which is a hell of a pig to play.

Posted by tchandler on 03-12-2003 at15:02:


that's the guy alright

Posted by Stuart Pedasso on 03-12-2003 at15:09:


Apparently you assumed guitar / bass duties for VOX. You've stated it's not one you like to listen to. How was it working with Kenny Loggins? Vox Humana was his most underrated album. Looking through the credits I don't see your name? Was that an intentional oversight, or did artistic differences cause you to use a pseudonym?

Posted by tchandler on 03-12-2003 at15:20:


what?! he didn't put my name on it!? and after all the fine guitar work i did on "no lookin' back!" and "i'm gonna do it right!"

Posted by Stuart Pedasso on 03-12-2003 at15:24:


There is no justice in this world. Sigh, but time is the best revenge - Songs from Pooh Corner was a fitting title. Although Pooh Songs would've been been better.

Posted by Dr Rich on 03-12-2003 at16:16:


Originally posted by tchandler
i honestly don't really feel "proud" of a bass line but i think i know what you mean. i was fairly happy with some of the stuff on mbd, but seriously a lot of the time i'm just fumbling around and experimenting and hoping for the best.

i'll tell you what i DON'T like. i can't listen to my playing on vox, i just sound like i have no idea what i'm doing. and when i listen to bibleland, (a record i like a lot although i realize there are many who don't) on some of the songs i just sound way over the top--a little (or maybe a LOT) too much.

Bibleland is just a blare it loud and have fun great album! I love the song "She's working here" a lot! That whole album is wonderful, although yes, many don't like that one... but, whatever! It's there lose! Tongue

Posted by Gabriel Syme on 03-12-2003 at16:36:


Originally posted by tchandler
i honestly don't really feel "proud" of a bass line but i think i know what you mean.

I really like your line in "Catch That Angel." Is that fretless? I could name many others, but that's in the stereo in my car right now.

& while I have your eyes, please let me say "thank you" for the inspiration you have been for my own efforts as a bass player manque.

To the person who asked about players who use picks, Doug Pinnick uses them.

EDIT: misspelled "Pinnick." It might still be wrong, but I know it doesn't end with an "h."

Posted by tchandler on 03-12-2003 at16:45:


thanks, i appreciate that. no, i didn't play fretless on that song--there are only a few da/se songs that i ever did play fretless on.

doug is another GREAT one that i forgot about

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