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Posted by Theo on 03-12-2003 at21:20:

  Truly DA related

So, I'm sitting at the dinner table tonight with my four-year-old Ethan and suddenly he:

Points to the ground and says, "Darn floor."

It sounded like he said, "nada floor!"

I said, "What!?!"

Again he points at the carpet. "Darn floor"

Then he lifts his fork high and continues, "Big bite!"

Crying sniff I'm so DAmb proud... Crying

Posted by baxter on 03-12-2003 at21:24:



Posted by One Weigh Street on 03-12-2003 at21:24:


Originally posted by Theo
So, I'm sitting at the dinner table tonight with my four-year-old Ethan and suddenly he:

Points to the ground and says, "Darn floor."

It sounded like he said, "nada floor!"

I said, "What!?!"

Again he points at the carpet. "Darn floor"

Then he lifts his fork high and continues, "Big bite!"

Crying sniff I'm so DAmb proud... Crying

And of course as a loving father you said: "And if you don't take some big bites outta your dinner, then I'll knock YOU to the darn floor." Wink

Posted by Theo on 03-12-2003 at21:26:

  Oh yah!

You strike close to the truth--says one papa to the other!

Posted by tchandler on 03-12-2003 at21:36:


you're not makin' that up? that's a great one

Posted by Theo on 03-12-2003 at21:39:

  No faking here, Tim

Ethan has been singing DA songs since he was two. DFBB has always been his fave. Of course when Terry, Derri and Mike are standing there, and we coax, "Tell Terry what your favorite song is..." Ethan answers, "Wall of Doubt." Can't lose, I suppose.

Ethan won't go to sleep at night unless his fave music is playing. Presently it is "Best of the Lost Dogs". Can't lose there either!

Since he was two, he stands with his back against a wall, does the Who thing with an air-guitar and sings along with Uncle Terry!

Posted by baxter on 03-12-2003 at21:53:


i think i would have to beat my daughter to get her to listen to DA. It is one of the few wonderful things that i can not share with her. Brenneth "tolerates" the boys. He was blaring Third Day last night, a CD he won from CCM radio.

Posted by dorfsmith on 03-12-2003 at21:56:


I love that story theo! Big Grin

Posted by Theo on 03-12-2003 at21:56:

  Brother Baxter

let us share a moment in quiet consolling together. Red Face

Posted by arcticsunburn on 03-13-2003 at01:25:


Great story! It put a smile on my face. Smile

Posted by joey on 03-13-2003 at01:34:


Originally posted by Theo
So, I'm sitting at the dinner table tonight with my four-year-old Ethan and suddenly he:

Points to the ground and says, "Darn floor."

It sounded like he said, "nada floor!"

I said, "What!?!"

Again he points at the carpet. "Darn floor"

Then he lifts his fork high and continues, "Big bite!"

Crying sniff I'm so DAmb proud... Crying

My four year old did a similar thing yesterday....
well, he just said daddy, i want to hear that music of the Darn floor and the big bite....
I'm so damb proud! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Posted by DaLe on 03-13-2003 at08:49:


GooD story, thanks... Big Grin

Posted by baxter on 03-13-2003 at19:55:


i had to read it again today!

Posted by Theo on 03-13-2003 at21:29:

  Follow up...

And so, on the way to toddler school today, Ethan says to his Mamma in the van:

"I want to tell Papa's friend Terry and Tiny Tim (meaning Chandler) about Darn Floor Big Bite."

sorry Tim. I tried to explain you to him last night as the guy makes the (vocal insert of bass line). He thought that was great, but he obviously has never beheld your stature! Big Grin

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