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Posted by Commander Cote on 04-08-2003 at21:04:

  Promoting Product

Hey Guys
First off let me tell you guys (Jason, Eric, Brian, J.T., and of course DA, and anyone I may have missed that's involved with this site)) I love you to death and buy everything you put out. Now that I've said that, I would like to address the way things get promoted. Some of this may have been addressed another time, and, if it was I probably missed it. I'm getting old and along with that comes impatience. I sent in money for both The Hodge Podge, and Prickly Heat items way back when. I received Hodge Podge, but not Prickly Heat. I just looked back at the "NEWS", and it said back on 12/11 that Prickly Heat was all done and you were waiting on
art work, and that they would be shipping in February. It seems like you've got a lot of projects going on (too many at once?). Now please understand I don't mind waiting for things, especially from this site, because I know I'm going to enjoy it and hope that my (and everyone else) buying stuff helps keep this whole thing rolling. Is there something we as the DAMB can do to help speed orders up? Or, is there a problem with whoever is doing the printing? It seems like the recordings are always ready, the hold seems to be in the printing. I've known Terry and DA for many years, and helped promote (Progressive Pacer, with Randy Carey) them in the Twin Cities in the early eighties, and know that these guys are NOT making a bundle on this stuff, and if I could afford it I bring them back here again. I know I'm rambling on, but, please if there's something we can do to speed up stuff, let us know. I'm sure most people that post here would be willing to do more to help out. Please, Jason, Eric, Brian, J.T. let us know!
God Bless
Commander Cote

Posted by wes berlin on 04-09-2003 at01:59:


God bless you commander cote!!

i am there with you.

"help us, help you(s)"


Posted by John Foxe on 04-09-2003 at08:35:


Well, ladies and gentlemen, if you've followed many of the recent posts, the Audioris have been very forthright on what the issues are.

The Townsends are doing their best under less than ideal circumstances. And I'm also one of those who preordered both items and get everything I can from the webstore.

For me (and perhaps others), knowing the circumstances, what's needed is more patience and a lot more slack for these guys. Not to mention more support of the webstore, renewal of the Club, etc.

Posted by DaLe on 04-09-2003 at08:43:


Originally posted by Commander Cote
...Progressive Pacer, with Randy Carey...the Twin Cities...the early eighties...

Cool those were the days Cool

Posted by Stuart Pedasso on 04-09-2003 at11:23:


"For me (and perhaps others), knowing the circumstances, what's needed is more patience and a lot more slack for these guys. Not to mention more support of the webstore, renewal of the Club, etc."

I too have ordered just about everything under the sun from the page, and have paid hard for it too, with the exchange and customs and duties which often more than doubles the cost. The club is an iffy for me, as it's part donation part club benefit. Pick a direction and stick to it. ie. Support the band with a 20 dollar donation, and as recognition for being such a valuable supporter we'll send you some special fan only items. I'd buy into that, but no the silliness that was not delivered other than the two discs.

However, despite this being the ma and pa cottage business, as Terry refers to it, you can't have it both ways and expect the general population who avail themselves of the webstore to stand in line like lost penitents. I am not personally dissing the web boys, they have created a great and special place for the fans, but Terry, JT and the boys have to recognize that business is business and business dealing should remain a separate from the personal side of things.

Much of the "mess" and pleas for our "understanding" are the result of some basic errors in basic business process. Sure we love Terry and the boys but if their representatives can't deliver on the purchase promise why should they buy here?

As one of the waiting hardcore fans, whose mail is ignored, and who has been patiently waiting for status and updates on a lost order since September, and another order since early December I find my wealth of patience at an end, and it's sad.

Don't shoot the messenger but our love for DA and willingness to support the band should not excuse or mean that we have to be dealt with in a less than professional manner.

Posted by Commander Cote on 04-09-2003 at11:25:


I understand the conditions they (Eric, Jason, etc) are working under, that's why I was wondering why they
seem to get to many projects going at once. Why not work on one project at a time, and if it means paying in advance for something, I'm all for it, and have done it. The other issue (Hodge Podge), they had stated that the recording end of things was done and that they were only waiting for art work. I think either they A) Find someone else to do the printing, or B)Do it themselves, or C)Have someone on the DAMB volunteer to do it for maybe the cost of the paper. I don't think that on some of the projects the art work needs to be a big deal, just have a track listing. In closing I just want to say "Yeah, I want to cut these guys some slack", but at the same time I want to say "Is there something I can do?" I think I can speak for most if not all the DA fans that post here and say, "We love you guys and were here for you, all you have to do is ask"!
God Bless

Posted by EdHead on 04-09-2003 at12:25:


Originally posted by Commander Cote
...In closing I just want to say "Yeah, I want to cut these guys some slack", but at the same time I want to say "Is there something I can do?" I think I can speak for most if not all the DA fans that post here and say, "We love you guys and were here for you, all you have to do is ask"!
God Bless

I agree with this! Big Grin

Also, I agree that the Artwork really is not that big of a deal to me! Most of us have home PCs (or Macs)...and can print out our own artwork...sheesh! Tongue

What I value way more than the artwork is liner notes, or some info on the tracks themselves. This could even be posted on the website for us to "Copy & Paste". Smile

Posted by audiori on 04-09-2003 at15:06:


First, the idea that we should run these webstores like a regular business is one that we've heard before and its a wonderful thought - but it is impossible. Regular businesses do not have to deal with the financial burdens that we deal with. I won't go in to details, but trust me on this. The store is not just supporting the store. The stores are often supporting tours, manufacturing, rent, and a hundred other things. If we said - "OK, no more" and started running this like a regular business & only supporting store-created debts - it would create an extremely difficult situation for Terry, Mike and all of the guys. I personally don't want to put them in that situation.

Second, we are in the process of setting up a system so that we can in the coming year rely less and less on outside funding, preorders, etc. We're hoping that we will soon (couldn't happen soon enough in my opinion) be able to completely pay for and manufacture releases before you even hear about them. This has been a goal from the start, but we've always been releasing things to pay for past debts... which is a nearly impossible way to work and causes many of the problems that many of you get frustrated with.

This, along with the soon-to-be-announced "good news", should make the future very bright for DA, the 77s and the Lost Dogs. Stay with us, folks.

Posted by anne on 04-09-2003 at15:25:


hey audioris

you've always got my support

........especially when you say things like "soon-to-be-announced "good news"" Wink

Posted by DaLe on 04-09-2003 at15:27:


Originally posted by audiori

This, along with the soon-to-be-announced "good news", should make the future very bright for DA, the 77s and the Lost Dogs. Stay with us, folks.

I am HeRe to stay ! Pleased

Posted by Commander Cote on 04-09-2003 at16:29:


Hey Guys
I'm Elated to hear the news about the way things will be run. I hope I didn't step on anyones toe's, I actually stubbed my toe and since my wife isn't home needed to
vent to somebody...................ok, how about this I swallowed a bunch of pills and......never mind.
Thanks for keeping us updated.
God Bless

Posted by Dr Rich on 04-09-2003 at16:58:


Originally posted by anne

hey audioris

you've always got my support

........especially when you say things like "soon-to-be-announced "good news"" Wink

oh yeah! Smile )

Posted by Stuart Pedasso on 04-09-2003 at18:33:


This is all well and good, and those of us who are "on side" understand this to a degree and make some pretty wide allowances. What is more distressing is what kind of experience is this for the casual fan who goes to the store, and doesn't know all of this stuff?

I'd love to be able to banter privately about my order woes, but you don't respond. Thus I air my laundry and disappointment publicly, which make things somewhat worse for wear as I am a full on supporter and have the bills to prove it.

Posted by Dr Rich on 04-09-2003 at19:15:


Originally posted by Stuart Pedasso
I'd love to be able to banter privately about my order woes, but you don't respond. Thus I air my laundry and disappointment publicly, which make things somewhat worse for wear as I am a full on supporter and have the bills to prove it.

Roll Eyes

Posted by Mark on 04-09-2003 at20:59:


I've been here from the start and I'll be here til the end.

(That's actually a song quote.)

Posted by Mark on 04-09-2003 at21:02:


I can't wait for the good news. Just tell me they are not going on tour with C*rm*n.

Posted by Woggy on 04-09-2003 at22:27:

  don't read this too fast.............

Originally posted by Stuart Pedasso
worse for wear as I am a full on supporter and have the bills to prove it.

call me silly, but if you weren't in your right mind and you read this fast, it might say:

I wear a full supporter and have the b*lls to prove it.

my bad..............

Posted by Aloha's Bus Driver on 04-09-2003 at23:24:


I'm one of those "casual fans" mentioned above, although my love for DA music is growing. I figured supporting the band by ordering from the webstore was a cool idea - it just glows with warmth that they don't have nearly the amount of help they need to pull off simple transactions in a timely fashion.

Granted, I haven't had to wait that long yet (a week and a half thus far) for what I ordered, but I am used to most places shipping orders within a day or two.

Do I care about the whole "busy-ness" aspect that is factored into running the show here? Yeah, I do, but caring about it doesn't get my CD to me any faster. Frown


Posted by audiori on 04-10-2003 at01:28:


Stuart Pedasso,

Normally, we respond to every single email that comes in within 24 hours. But, as you should know by now , events at the end of the year and early this year caused us to get way behind on things. Email more than anything else. We're still answering it (I know I've answered email of yours as well), just a little slower than usual. We get hundreds a day.. on each of our computers (The store comp, the general website comp, and each of our personal comps). Even when we're up to date, its a Hurculean task to answer it all.

This has not been a normal situation, and it couldn't be avoided. If there was anything I could have done to avoid our father going into the hospital I would have done it - but it was out of our hands. I was spending every single day driving our mother to the hospital to see him. I frankly don't see how I could have done anything else in that situation. I definitely wasn't concerned with staying home and answering email at the time.

I've been including notes with all orders explaining this situation, as well as posting notes on the store pages - specifically for the "casual customer". So far, there has only been maybe 3 or 4 that have been less than sympathetic. Most have understood the situation and been extremely forgiving... many even offering prayers for our family.

We are nearly out of the woods here - we're basically caught up on regular orders (with only a few titles being a problem.. ("Real Men Cry", "Mr Buechners") and nearly caught up on email.

This isn't Sears. There isn't a staff of hundreds ready to take our spot when we're called away to a family emergency.

Posted by Stuart Pedasso on 04-10-2003 at10:57:


Guys, no one here has not been understanding, we've all held your father in our prayers, and have circled the wagons to keep the home fires burning.

I can appreciate that you're a little sensitive, but you are more than a little defensive judging by the tone of the response as you go back to a situation we all know and understand. But does not address issues regarding lost orders, status updates etc.

Yes, you have answered a couple of my notes, but never "answered" my questions.

So I'll back off, and send you another note in a less public forum where my tone and intent are not taken out of context, or as an attack on the home team.

It's encouraging to see the volume of correspondence you deal with through the various channels. It means people are hitting the sites. But interest without action leads to frustration, and frankly if your going to play at business be prepared to remove some of the "self" from "business."


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