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Posted by baxter on 09-27-2003 at19:42:

  Jevon, tell us

about the concert.

Posted by BigDork on 09-27-2003 at19:45:


Hi Jevon,

gotta go....



Posted by Jevon the Tall on 09-27-2003 at20:39:


Where to begin,

Theo and Wes arrived on Friday afternoon looking something like a cross between a dog's breakfast, and a McDonald's Big Xtra, with cheese. They both had a little beauty rest, which in all honesty didn’t help one bit.

I looked more like a Whopper Jr, without cheese.

It was a nice intimate evening; Toque Boy arrived making it a Damb fine evening. My mom was there, which was kind of embarrassing for me, but she knows I'm an idiot, so I didn't do anything to disprove her opinion or break any new ground.

The crowd was a little smaller than I expected, as always people who gave firm thumbs up got sidetracked by real life, but a number of friends and strangers showed up, one young kid from our neighbourhood stayed until he had to go (parent’s curfew) but he had a good time, he even sang along with Theo’s version of Pie Hole.

The first part of the show was the Banos, and I think it went pretty well, I have a harder time with smaller rooms because people are more reserved, and my stuff is kind of, well, immature.

I screwed up It's For You, but I think I nailed Joel. In all it was fun to dust off some of my performance rust. I took a chance and tried to trick Theo and Wes into singing Arthur Fhardy, with custom verses. Theo threw the lyrics down in disgust, and I thought he was going to make another disparaging comment about my cooking. Wes, was a good sport despite not feeling well.

Theo’s set was well done, and I have to say he’s improved dramatically since the Dog’s show in Vancouver last fall. This isn’t a dig to the man, he was good before, he was better now. He interspersed stories about Andy, life and he was laying it out there. About 2/3 of the people weren’t Christian, but the story transcends the religious and shows the strength of faith and conviction in a family, and if it includes God, so much the better. We need real witnesses in our lives, not just empty intellectual spoutings of faith.

There were come tears, and choked throats, but it was done with such love and humour that you felt the pain, but it was a story with a happy end.

We ended the show with Breathe Deep, which was fun to noodle together.

Afterward we had coffee and a table full of baked goodies.

In all a pretty good time.

I have it on tape, and I’ll be sending it to BD to transfer to digital cause me and Theo don’t have the tools. As to the sound, we set up my VCR so we could tape it, but it didn’t work, so we’ll have to live with the crappy camcorder sound. Crap and a half. I suppose we should have taken a couple of minutes to make sure it was set up.

Both Theo and Wes were dead tired, so after cleaning up we more of less came back home and put the boys to bed. We had a manly man’s breakfast this morning, and after some real nice fellowship, the guys packed up and waved good bye, sailing off once again to the distant land that is the United States of America.

Both of these guys are real gentlemen. My kids thought Wes was the coolests, and they thought Theo was old. Really old. He looked so very very old.

Old, and forgetful.


Posted by Theo on 09-27-2003 at21:23:

  Jevon, my lad,

I don't know what yer talkin' aboot, eh! Big Grin
All you delightful Kanucks were simply...delightful. I delight in delighting, you know.

Speaking of older men--Jevon has a thing for them. He kept dressing up in his little apron and flitting about the kitchen, whipping up all sorts of delicious treats--like Candian Bacon, eh!

In fact, in a moment of elation, I was welcomed back into the Canadian fold of my ancestry. A truly beautiful moment! Crying Wink

Truthfully, I don't know when I've experienced such hospitality. Jevon and his lovely wife, Holly, gave Wes and I the royal treatment and I can't say enough nice things about them both (and their beautiful family).

The Canadian people warmed up to the event and the "cause" and gave generously toward the effort. Give me some more gigs like last night and it won't take long to reach the project goal.

Thank you, Anonby family! A thousand times over!

Until next time

Posted by Jevon the Tall on 09-27-2003 at21:31:



That was beautiful man.

Now, about the apron, it was a manly man's apron. Blue stripes - not flowers or patterns.

And to think I suffered the pain of splattered bacon grease for ya'll.

Holly and I enjoyed having you guys over, and the way you were treated is normal treatment. You only got to see my cookin. You and Sharon ditch the kids one evening, we'll do the same, and then, then you can experience Holly's cookin' for company - that is some royal treatment.


I was truly honored to play a small part in helping out.

Posted by wes berlin on 09-28-2003 at01:05:


a great time with some wonderful people!

mr. the tall is a fine cook and a gracious host. the show was great! it was very cool to see all the kids (that were at the show) singing along with the "underpants" song! jevon put on a very fun show. i was wondering how it would all go.....being so different...but it was beautiful. i remember thinking, when jevon and the kids were singing and laughing, "come as a child or not at all" is being embodied right here...right now with this song.

after a short break theo got up and did his thing........tuning.....again and again. Tongue seriously though, it doesn't matter how many times i see theo or here him do a show....the "andrew effect" always happens. i've been fortunate enough to have heard many of the "andrew stories" many times...and they always touch me very deeply. theo did great. he played some of terry's stuff and a great selection of his own. there were many special moments during the night...here's to many more.

p.s. it's not too late to order more copies of "caaconaa"....be generous. Smile

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