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Posted by Lost Canine on 06-05-2002 at20:09:

  Controversy & TST

I love the Eddies song Billy Graham . I think that Billy has been a pillar in many ways. However, I disagree with him theologically and I disagree with his support of Tricky Dicky and the statement concerning Jews. Do you think his recorded statement from the early 70's takes anything away from the character displayed in such songs as the one Terry wrote? I think we all have worn disguises at times, and I wonder now if the statement ain't wearin' no disguise was always true. As he himself would say, "We're all sinners."

Posted by BigDork on 06-05-2002 at20:40:


I think we're all different than we were in the 70's....I seam to remember a few TST songs from that era that are quite different than the Terry we know today.


Posted by Lost Canine on 06-05-2002 at20:42:


Yes, I agree BD, just trying to get a little healthy controversy going. I loved the Bee Gees in the 70's, God forbid.

Posted by Lost Canine on 06-05-2002 at20:43:


Now I'm as bad as Dennis, replying to my own postings! I think that the theme for many of our "bad" threads should be Stayin' Alive .
LK-9 Big Grin

Posted by BigDork on 06-05-2002 at20:46:


why do all the funny threads turn out to be serious and the serious ones get pulled down into the mire of endless posts....?

Posted by Lost Canine on 06-05-2002 at22:08:


I'll bring this back a little to the serious side. How come Billy is lifted up for advising crooks like Nixon, but Campolo is bashed for dealing with Clinton? Both Presidents were/are sinners in need of grace. I have heard Christians bash Campolo so much, when he was doing what others should have been doing.

Posted by Andrew on 06-05-2002 at22:41:


Originally posted by Lost Canine
I'll bring this back a little to the serious side. How come Billy is lifted up for advising crooks like Nixon, but Campolo is bashed for dealing with Clinton? Both Presidents were/are sinners in need of grace. I have heard Christians bash Campolo so much, when he was doing what others should have been doing.

I just wish we (New Zealand)had a Christian of any sort who advised our countries leaders. Or a leader who would even listen to a Christian full stop.

Just recently the Queen of England visited our fair shores. Now she is the head of the Anglican Church and so at the dinner our Prime Minister said they would not have grace at a banquet as we are a secular nation. :X

The leader of the opposition is a Catholic (and distant cousin of mine) So I know what party I'll be voting for.

Posted by Lost Canine on 06-05-2002 at22:44:


I do think that many Presidents have listened to Christian leaders here in the USA. I think that several have turned a deaf ear to the advice, but they have listened.

Posted by Gamgee on 06-05-2002 at23:24:


Originally posted by Lost Canine
I love the Eddies song Billy Graham . I think that Billy has been a pillar in many ways. However, I disagree with him theologically and I disagree with his support of Tricky Dicky and the statement concerning Jews. Do you think his recorded statement from the early 70's takes anything away from the character displayed in such songs as the one Terry wrote? I think we all have worn disguises at times, and I wonder now if the statement ain't wearin' no disguise was always true. As he himself would say, "We're all sinners."

Well, no one's perfect. Everyone sins and makes mistakes along the way. As the other Mr. Taylor once said, "Jesus is the only hero worth following."

Posted by Lost Canine on 06-06-2002 at01:05:


I know Gamgee, I was just "stirring the pot." I like Billy G. and I love the song too.

Posted by jc on 06-06-2002 at07:34:

  to me

I always thought the song was in light of the Tammy Fayes and
Swaggarts- kind of a-
Hes not like THOSE other guys
and he always had an accepting heart for what the "kids" were up to
YFC and Dave Wilkerson (though he makes me shtuer a bit)and DC Talk and etc.

that kind of thing..and hey-we ALL make mistakes
I voted for Reagen!

Posted by Shemp on 06-06-2002 at08:10:


We are not judges...

Test a man by the fruit he produces.

What has Billy done for christianity? How many souls have been spared. Has he been caught in adultary? Has he paid his taxes?

Cast the first stone at Billy and we will all know YOU have sinned not.

Posted by Lost Canine on 06-06-2002 at10:33:


This is my "tongue-in-cheek" response, so don't get too ticked off. I am curious if a stadium 10-minute altar call really does do anything for the Kingdom other than stir some emotions. Now I'll probably be accused of "judging," when I'm only having fun. I do know that his association pushes for follow-up and discipleship. I often think though that he's been more political than anything.

Posted by Kaf-N-8ed on 06-06-2002 at11:02:


Originally posted by Lost Canine
I'll bring this back a little to the serious side. How come Billy is lifted up for advising crooks like Nixon, but Campolo is bashed for dealing with Clinton? Both Presidents were/are sinners in need of grace. I have heard Christians bash Campolo so much, when he was doing what others should have been doing.

"How come Billy is lifted up for advising crooks like Nixon, but Campolo is bashed for dealing with Clinton? "
- I think it is really a major shift in public sentiment since the 70's, that's all. I also think it is an unfortunate shift in the wrong direction.

People are generally very happy in this day and age to catch sinners "red handed" - I think it makes them feel superior. The concept "for all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God" is completely foreign to our society and culture. Even to Christians!

~ Kaf

Posted by Shemp on 06-06-2002 at11:33:


Originally posted by Lost Canine
This is my "tongue-in-cheek" response, so don't get too ticked off. I am curious if a stadium 10-minute altar call really does do anything for the Kingdom other than stir some emotions. Now I'll probably be accused of "judging," when I'm only having fun. I do know that his association pushes for follow-up and discipleship. I often think though that he's been more political than anything.
Planting seeds...

10 minute alter calls are better than none.

Posted by Lost Canine on 06-06-2002 at11:35:


10 minute alter calls are better than none.
I disagree, I think that the 10 minute altar call has done more harm than good. Just my lost thoughts.

Posted by ™ on 06-06-2002 at11:35:

  Luteous LK9

The Eddies song "Billy", I think, was to balance out "Attack of the Pulpit Masters" and "Dr. Edward Daniel Taylor".

The thing I was most dissappointed by was NO preacher's ability to have an answer for why 9/11 happened. Everybody was asking why God would let this happen and Billy's response was as miserable as everyone elses.

It's a little thing called THE FALL , HELLO?!

Posted by Shemp on 06-06-2002 at11:48:


Okay Fido...

Give us an example of someone who has introduced the globe to the idea of Christ as much as Billy has.

Posted by Lost Canine on 06-06-2002 at11:54:


Originally posted by Shemp
Okay Fido...

Give us an example of someone who has introduced the globe to the idea of Christ as much as Billy has.

Mother Theresa

Posted by Kaf-N-8ed on 06-06-2002 at12:14:


Originally posted by Lost Canine
Originally posted by Shemp
Okay Fido...

Give us an example of someone who has introduced the globe to the idea of Christ as much as Billy has.

Mother Theresa

And don't forget Elvis.

I just love his Amazing Grace.


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