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Posted by Mark on 01-13-2004 at13:04:

  Surfonic Water Revival

OK guys, here's an idea. I was just thinking about Surfonic Water Revival. I really love the lyrics and songs, but with so many artists contributing and not all of them playing "true surf music", I thought of something.

I would love to see Daniel Amos go back and re-record this album. In other words, DA would record every song. This way there would be more consistency and we would finally get to hear Terry's songs played with DA instead of by some other bands. DA knows how to play these songs well. I think of the Surf Suite on the live album. (The only two, besides DA, I wouldn't mind hearing on background vocals are Randy Stonehill and Phil Keaggy. I think they both blend in well on this album.)

I know this would require too big of a budget for it to be the next thing DA releases, but I for one would really enjoy it.

Now when I get home tonight, I have to go get the original out and listen to it.

Posted by DaLe on 01-13-2004 at13:52:

Thumb Up!

GooD Idea... Cool

Posted by Commander Cote on 01-13-2004 at15:17:


That would be a good idea..........

Also, how about after they rerecord, they go out on a back yard beach part tour with Randy Stonehill?

The Amos & Randy Show Part (Back Yard Beach or BBQ) Tour?????????

I've got my check book out Terry, Let's get er' done!!!!!

Posted by dennis on 01-13-2004 at15:44:


Originally posted by Commander Cote
I've got my check book out Terry, Let's get er' done!!!!!


Posted by Mark on 01-13-2004 at16:39:


Originally posted by Commander Cote
That would be a good idea..........

Also, how about after they rerecord, they go out on a back yard beach part tour with Randy Stonehill?

The Amos & Randy Show Part (Back Yard Beach or BBQ) Tour?????????

I've got my check book out Terry, Let's get er' done!!!!!

It sounds good to me! They could kick off the tour right here on Padre Island in Corpus Christi, Texas.

Someone else had mentioned on another thread that Terry has many songs that he has written for others but has not recorded himself.

I just like the idea of this album, because it is cohesive and fun.

Posted by voxrob on 01-13-2004 at18:30:

  RE: Surfonic Water Revival

I have a lower-budget version of this idea -- but it depends on what is already available.

Terry might have taped demos of these songs which were then sent to the performers. Collect those demos and release that. I'm not saying have Terry re-record these acoustically -- I mean, whatever was there, never intending it to be released -- those I would be interested in hearing.

I'll bet Terry and the Audioris are just so pleased by the vast number of really GREAT ideas we have for future releases!! I'm sure they are still dumb-founded by the helpfulness of us all!

Posted by You Gotta Be There on 01-16-2004 at09:48:


Yeah, yeah, all of the above ideas. More Surfonic. More surf tunes. I loved that album. Personally, I kind of liked the other bands doing it. I'd love to hear DA do them, but to get it to sell they'd probably have to throw the young whipper snappers on it. I purposely don't look at the names of the bands who performed the songs on the first one, so that I can just keep digging the songs, and not get caught up in the artists. As long as Taylor writes 'em and produces 'em, I'll be happy.
- ygbt

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