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--- Questions for Audiori about Derwood show (http://www.danielamos.com/wbb2/thread.php?threadid=6143)

Posted by Ben on 07-01-2004 at13:34:

  Questions for Audiori about Derwood show


I just spoke with my sound guy for the concert in Derwood about video taping the concert. The plan is to have two video recorders going. One stationary and one mobile (still looking for someone to man this recorder). Both will be picking up sound from the internal mikes. We are also going to record an audio only on cd using the sound system (ie no audience sound will be recorded).

There is a small chance (10%) that a friend of a friend who is a professional video guy may come with his equipment to make a recording.


1) Am I allowed to do this?

2) Any restrictions on use?

3)Is this something that DA /the Lost Dogs would be interested in having (for some future project maybe)?

DA ROCKS!!!!!!!!!

Posted by PuP on 07-01-2004 at14:41:


The only restriction I know of is that everyone on the DAmb gets a free copy.

Isn't that right everyone?

Posted by audiori on 07-01-2004 at14:55:


Send one to Mike Roe.

Generally they allow it, sometimes there are restrictions
based on the venue or if they plan on releasing a live show
from the recordings they make of the tour. And sometimes
if they happen to be on a certain label the label might not
like it.

My suggestion would be, given the opportunity talk to
Mike, Terry or Derri and ask. Mike would probably be the best
one to ask on this, but? Mike probably checks his email on tour
as well... mike@77s.com

A lot of people have taped shows and sent them to the guys,
if it turns out really well... who knows they might use it for
something. The 77s have been trying to find some live footage
to release I know for a fact. Plus they look for stuff to put up
for download as well.

They generally are more concerned with approving what gets
distributed because it's possible even a show we like has something
in it they don't. That would be the restriction of use I think.

Posted by Ben on 07-01-2004 at14:59:


I will talk with Mike and the Guys at the show. Not looking to make any money here - just give something back to the guys and the fans.

Posted by audiori on 07-01-2004 at15:00:


I think they will have no problem with it. And if it
turns out well, they will appreciate it.

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