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Posted by John Foxe on 07-20-2002 at08:38:

  Bite the dust

You know, C*rm*n is showing up in more places these days. I was practicing with the music worship team, and a song from our old friend came up for this Sunday's worship (a different one.)

I had to get my digs in a little, so I mentioned to the pastor and the others some of the issues with this guy and why he's personna non grata in our little group. Pastor got a good laugh out of it, especially hearing that someone would lisp their way through the song.

I sent him the lyrics, so perhaps a light will go on and he'll start to see why this guy is not universally loved and adored!

I hope we're not seeing a disturbing trend here. Anyone else have C*rm*n songs show up in their church?

Posted by dorfsmith on 07-21-2002 at02:07:


My church has what are called "human Videos" where the kids act out a song. They do several Carmen songs including The Chameleon (or is it The Champion?) , I'm Too Cool For A Band (Oh sorry, I think it's Revival In The Land), and, of course, This Crud is For You (er I mean this bloods for you).

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