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--- anyone noticed this before? (http://www.danielamos.com/wbb2/thread.php?threadid=8944)

Posted by tchandler on 07-15-2005 at12:33:

  anyone noticed this before?

hi friends --

forgive me if this has been discussed here before but has anyone ever noticed that berger stole the band name "forgone conclusion" from the british BBC tv series "the office"? in an episode from the first season, someone asks david brent (played by ricky gervais) what the name of his band was. david brent replies "forgone conclusion." berger ripped it off!

Posted by Berger Roy Al on 07-15-2005 at12:36:


I did not! WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS TRYING TO START SOMETHING, CHANDLER?!! It was David Brent what stole the name from me!! gkkk! Besides, I've changed the name of my heavy metal band. Now we are now called "The Mighty Clouds of Roy, Featuring Berger Roy Al and The Comb-Overs." (My backup band, The Comb-Overs, consists of Crispin Glover, Danny Glover, Dennis Hopper, Hedda Hopper, Gary Busey, Paul Williams, Charles Nelson Reilly, Charles .Manson, Marilyn .Manson, Curtis Hanson, Hanson, The Hansons, The Hamptons, Hampton Inn, Courtney Love and Gregg Alexander.)

Posted by tchandler on 07-15-2005 at13:02:


uh, berger, some of those people in your backup band aren't even alive anymore.

Posted by Berger Roy Al on 07-15-2005 at13:03:


Yeah, so? What of it?

Posted by larryl on 07-15-2005 at13:37:


dang tim....is that all you do is come here to stir up trouble for poor .berger?

this explains why you had to get a "real job". this type of talk is not appreciated by good christian bands. Cool

Posted by Berger Roy Al on 07-15-2005 at13:41:



Posted by larryl on 07-15-2005 at13:49:


it's sad, really, .berger.....

tim was once a respected musician in the CCM community. now the choir won't even take him to cornerstone. they take dan, and his little electric recorder or whatever, but tim? they replace him with matt slocum......the great bass player replaced by a cellist.Shocked

i am surprised chandler can show his face in public.....

Posted by Berger Roy Al on 07-15-2005 at13:53:


HaHaHaHaHaHaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAGGCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK!! I hadn't thought of it that way before!! Chandler got replaced by a guy what plays the acoustic violin or something! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHACCgggccxxkkkkk!! Chandler got replaced by Mack Slackum what used to play in Six Foot Fence Over The Ryman or whatever!! That's rich! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAggkkk! gk!

Posted by Audiori J on 07-15-2005 at14:03:


Posted by jiminy on 07-15-2005 at14:05:


Six Foot Fence Over The Ryman or whatever!!
I thought it was the Six Cents for a Pitcher.......

them was the days

So Berger..was up with this Twirling Eddies thing any-cow?
CAnt you grab the bull by the horns and turn on a tape recorder?

Posted by Berger Roy Al on 07-15-2005 at14:09:


Hi Jggkk! Hi jimggckkk! Hello JJiggggkkmkk! Hi Cricket.

It's all CCCamarillo's fault! He's busy writing music what accompanies comic books or something is what I heard. Him and Arthur F.

Posted by larryl on 07-15-2005 at14:10:


Originally posted by Berger Roy Al
Hi Jggkk! Hi jimggckkk! Hello JJiggggkkmkk! Hi Cricket.

It's all CCCamarillo's fault! He's busy writing music what accompanies comic books or something is what I heard. Him and Arthur F.

i thought you were in the cartoon .berger...........

Posted by Berger Roy Al on 07-15-2005 at14:16:


I was kicked out on accccount of my advanced sweet potato arm syndrome.

Posted by peawinkel on 07-15-2005 at14:29:


I realize you're not insane, but do you have someone you can converse with on a regular basis? Are there any meds or possibly, change of meds that could be in play here? Not meaning to pry, but I am a concerned Edhead.



Posted by Audiori J on 07-15-2005 at14:30:


Windex is not a medication, by the way....

Posted by Berger Roy Al on 07-15-2005 at14:35:


do you have someone you can converse with on a regular basis?

I speak with Winston Churchill and Keith Moon on a regular basis, why do you ask?

And I'll have everyone know that Windex is TOO a medication. And it's very nutritious!!

Posted by Lost Canine on 07-15-2005 at14:38:


Hey Berger, I have some fresh ground & brewed original Kona coffee going on pot. Maybe that would calm you down!

Hi Tim!

Posted by Berger Roy Al on 07-15-2005 at14:42:


What??!! CALM ME DOWN?!! CALM ME DOWN??!!!! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I NEED TO BE CCCKCCALMED DOWN??!!!! ISAID WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I NEED TO BE CCALMED DOWN???!!!!!!!....Um, could I get a bowl of some of the used grounds to lick?

Posted by tchandler on 07-15-2005 at14:46:


(good lord. what's been going on here since i stepped out a few minutes ago? how in the world did berger start talking about licking coffee grounds?!)

Posted by Lost Canine on 07-15-2005 at14:49:


Um, could I get a bowl of some of the used grounds to lick?

You get the SE's over to the Big Island and I'll get you several pounds to lick!

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