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Posted by BigDork on 09-22-2002 at15:18:


I do like them all quite a lot, but I would guess the Dogs would have to be my pick today. Maybe because I just saw them and I have never seen DA or the SE live. But I think that as a whole, Mike and Derri singing Terry tunes (and some of their own of course) can't be beat. These guys are an awesome group!


Posted by MartyB on 09-22-2002 at23:49:

  D A, D A, DA

Originally posted by flanfan
Okay, new question. Of DA, Eddies, and Lost Dogs,... who's the best? Or is it too hard because they all have the same lead singer?


My choice would be DA.

Lost Dogs are great - I love the intereaction b/t the guys and I don't mind the country touch at all. And on some songs on _Green Room Serenade_ they sound awfully DA-ish.

SE are great too - a lot of wacky but intelligent lyrics, great music but Terry's "Camarillo" voice grates on me occasionally.

DA has produced the best all around albums IMO - great lyrics, great singing, great playing.

Sorry, but no LD or SE album comes close to _DFBB_!!! Tim is an absoluelty fantastic bass player (he plays on all SE and some LD albums too) and Greg Flesch just floors me on guitar (he's also on the SE albums). Drums I don't have a striong opinion on, but Ed McTaggert does a great job on the DA albums too.

So my humble answer is D A! D A! D A!


Posted by brdhsnyrsoul on 09-23-2002 at10:48:


I agree with MartyB (hey- that rhymes) - DA will always be my favorite of the three - it might just be familiarity. The craftmanship on the DA albums is superb. Every album is great. Mr. Buechner's Dream is amazing. The LD stuff is great, and IMO is getting better. Real Men Cry is a truly wonderful CD. Can't wait to hear the Green Room Serenade Part Tour. And all the DVDs that BD is going to send me someday Big Grin

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