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Posted by Theo on 12-11-2002 at11:50:


Big Grin

Posted by jiminy on 12-11-2002 at11:56:

  HOLD ON NOW!!!!!

theo- you gotta hate yourself a lil bit
that way the song has more impact!
(uhm, right?)

jimiNy-I just beat myself up and left a bad mark on my cheek..which one?

Posted by Theo on 12-11-2002 at17:11:

  Jiminy Christmas!

Okay! I just beat myself so bad (psychologically) that I'm having to apply a thick, juicy, t-bone steak, medium rare, to my tummy!

Aaaand...there's a turkey in the oven for dinner too!

Punishing myself with gluttony--and to be on topic--later bad indigestion.

Posted by brdhsnyrsoul on 12-11-2002 at17:42:


Hey, Theo - did you ever get any of the Christmas Cds that'll play all the songs? You sent me two, and neither one will play the second half of track 2 through the last song. The first song plays fine- the last song plays ok, but nothing in-between. I don't want you to keep sending them to me and paying postage. I'm just wondering if you got a new batch of 'em.

Posted by Theo on 12-11-2002 at18:23:


DON'T broadcast that stuff!!!! Wink

Actually, yes. There was this one bad batch and so anytime I replaced one, the poor customer got ANOTHER bad one. I feel just terrible.

Email me off the board with your address and I'll make good on it. I'm down to a handful and I'm hesitant to do a new run cause it's late in the season and I wonder who'll buy Christmas CDs again until late next year.

But email me your info and I'll send it off! Thankx for being so pleasant about the entire thing!

Posted by mannequin wright on 12-11-2002 at19:10:


Egads! I forgot that I have Theo's Christmas album!

Must rush home to listen to it!

Might have Terry's in the mail also! What a night!

Posted by Mark on 12-20-2002 at09:02:



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